My dad's email response to my UN and Blood Issue questions.

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Of course, the majority of JWs don't see anything wrong with the Watchtower Society becoming an associate of the UN/ DPI. If they did, they would be out of there. Yet, SOME have!

  • undercover

    Nutcase? He's the one saying that its no big deal. And that's how most jw's who are in still see it. So the wts used the library in the UN. So what??? Its us who can't seem to stop talking about it, its us who are making a big deal.

    I agree...he's not a nutcase...he's a JW who's spouting the company line, that's all. They may seem nuts because they all repeat the same mantra whenever anyone presents a case against their beliefs or policies. See my post above for my thoughts on that.

    He is right nobody is forced to do anything, that was a decision each and everyone of us made when we were part of it. Live with it. Then most of you will start saying 'Oh well, if I didn't comply I would've been labeled as a spiritual weak person.' Once again, So What??? Where's the downside of doing your own thing and not following what others say. They won't talk to you anymore? LOL, if that's it sign me up I don't mind not being talked to if I didn't agree with something and didn't want to do it.

    A lot of us didn't sign up to be a JW. We were born into it...or raised in it from a very early age. We didn't get a choice in the matter. By the time we were old enough to make those kind of decisions we had already been 'brainwashed'...for lack of a better word at the accept it as the "truth".

    To many of us, everyone we ever knew was a JW. Our family, extended family...all JWs. Our playmates as children were JWs, as teenagers we hung out with other JW youths. We dated only JWs. We married a JW.

    Then, one day (figuratively speaking) we figured it out. It was a sham. We were duped. We were lied to. Yet our family, the people we grew up with, people we still love and care about are still wrapped up in it. It's not so easy to walk away from everyone that you ever loved or cared about. So we go undercover, so to speak, to remain part of the family, while at the same time, find our freedom from the oppressiveness of the religion.

    We hope to help them see the truth about the "truth" but yet I realize that if people want to believe, you can't just make them not believe. They have to be like us and see it for themselves. But until then, if ever that day arrives, we drop little hints, we have discussions from time to time, to hopefully help them see something is wrong.

    It's not as clear cut as you're making it. It's much more complicated. I'm all for "doing your own thing" but when you come from an upbringing of conservative and controlled thinking and then you dare to speak your mind or do your own thing, it sends shockwaves through the JW community and you risk being ostracized and shunned. We have to tread lightly to live our own life, but yet keep our families.

    Now, if we had no feeling for them or didn't care to see them again, fine, cut off all ties and walk away. And you'll find many here have done that very thing. Each person has to decide for themself which is the better way for them to go. To criticize someone for doing it different than what you would do is not constructive or supportive. The board, while we may debate certain issues, is a support group for people who are leaving or trying to leave.

  • greendawn

    "Shouldn't you be busy preaching the good news in all the earth if you prefer to use the bible and not the WTBTS?" Not necessarily despite what the jWs believe it is only a part of the Christian church members (are the JWs Christians anyway?) that are gifted by God to carry out this function and everyone preaching has to do with the commercial interests of the WTS which views its members as its unpaid workforce. As for the blood issue even the religious Jews don't interpret the Mosaic law in a way that can lead to unnecessary loss of life through a ban on blood transfusions.

  • done4good

    He is right nobody is forced to do anything, that was a decision each and everyone of us made when we were part of it. Live with it. Then most of you will start saying 'Oh well, if I didn't comply I would've been labeled as a spiritual weak person.' Once again, So What??? Where's the downside of doing your own thing and not following what others say. They won't talk to you anymore? LOL, if that's it sign me up I don't mind not being talked to if I didn't agree with something and didn't want to do it.

    Frankly R6, that's very narrow minded and cold. Your attitude is the greatest witness against what you believe, and it's people like you that CONFIRM the WTS is full of shit. IF you're no longer one of jws, then what are you trying to prove? IF you still are, then be honest enough to state that clearly. I tend to see you can do neither. Your dishonest and/or cold position is very telling.


  • becca1

    I am soo sorry! This is basically the response I am getting from my Dad, a well respected elder and a man with a genius IQ. Ask your dad if an individual form his cong. bacame associated with the UN would he then say: SO WHAT? If the Society can get away with "playing footsie" with the UN than what can an individuall get away with? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander".

    Take care

  • Tuesday

    Eh, he's pissed and he doesn't want to admit anything he believes is wrong. I always heard a saying "When the student is ready, the teacher appears". The UN issue and the Blood issue aren't really issues for JW's who haven't really expirienced something that will force them to look at it. No one would understand the UN issue without a very long explination, and it's something very easily overlooked. The blood issue isn't an issue unless you or a family member is undergoing an operation.

    Sorry he's not receptive, but you're going to have to hit something he's personally doubting for any chink in his armor to show.

  • Amazing

    Hi Pioneer Spit,

    I understand your reaction to your Dad ... you know him best. But, through your frustration, it seems to me that you could also look at this a little differently. He is talking to you ... that is 90% of the battle! So many JW family members can be quick to employ the "shunning" tool. He is talking, and listening, though he is trying to use standard JW jargon to defend his position. This, it seems to me, is a golden opportunity to open him up. The right wording, with the right set of questions, and he could finally begin to see things your way. If you are interested, I can suggest a great way to respond to the above e-mail. You can PM me or E-mail me at: [email protected].

    Jim Whitney

  • gymbob

    Good point Becca1!

    Pioneer spit~

    Sorry to hear about you dad, but you're not alone....mine, and MANY others are just the same way and it's sooo frustrating to try and talk to them, isn't it?? Especially when you've known a man your whole life and then he comes up with the STUPIDIST reason for believing anything from the society when it's so clear what the right course is!

    Hang in there girl...WE GOT OUT! GYMBB

  • daystar

    Typical whitewash. "Big deal?!" "So what?!" It is a big deal and they're in denial of it. What they fail, again and again, to realize is the blow to the WBTS integrity when they agreed to support the ideals of the UN(The Great Beast) in order to obtain that totally unnecessary library card. So they sold their souls to the Great Best to get access to a library. How cute! So what?

  • sanjanicole

    I have to say that i was really touched by the things that you wrote, i am not a JW but i know what it feels like to be rejected by your family because of your faith. My dad did the same thing to me, he told me years ago that i was no longer his daughter. It is very hard to hear your own father tell you that, and know that he really menas it. All i can tell you is that the only person that can really help you is God. The Bible says that Jesus was rejected, He knows exactly how it feels, and He is the only one that can heal our broken spirits.

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