How can I be free ?

by youcanhaveago 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesertRat

    Dear Friend:

    I have felt very much as you do so many times--the aimlessness in particular. Feeling that nothing makes sense any more...not knowing where (or if) I belong....the loneliness & other factors occasionally leading to thoughts of the Organization again (so far excessive drinking has been the only thing to stop that inner conflict--one of many things I am struggling to address at the moment..)

    Each person's journey is unique, but here are some pointers which have helped me (when I can remember them..), & perhaps they will be of some use to you too..

    Live in the present moment...give thanks for the gift of each new day, each new breath...try to find humor & meaning in the little things...look upon problems as opportunities...laugh as often as possible, but don't be ashamed to cry...remember these words: This Too Shall Pass.

    If you have made the conscious decision to leave the Organization, give yourself a pat on the back for choosing to move forward in life with your own free will. The way out is not easy, but it certainly beats living out the remainder of our days as soulless robots..

    If things get really bad, do yourself & all of those who love you a favor--seek help.

    And of course, please keep coming back to this site. The help & support available here never ceases to amaze me.

    I wish you the very best.


    Desert Rat

  • OnTheWayOut

    Not knowing much about you, I just want to say:

    If you are just in need of people to talk to, this forum is great.

    If you are considering major changes in your life, do the therapy thing.
    If you are thinkinf of being an exiting JW, telling them you are depressed
    and seeing a counselor/doctor will make it easier.

    I will probably include the therapist route in my course, soon.

  • megsmomma

    One more thing I found really helpfull..... if you google mm will lead you to a sight that has lots of information and experiences you can listen to that really makes you feel not so alone with what you are going through. My last reply...Promise!

  • jaguarbass

    Can anyone tell me how I find peace of mind ? How I feel my life is not pointless ?

    When I left the organization. I was trying to find peace of mind and trying to determine the point of life. Heres the cold hard truth as I see it, after 23 years away from the wt and 53 years on this planet. Their is no point to life. Google it find out for yourself. Life is what you make it. Thats your point. If you dont know what you stand for youll fall for anything. Theres a sucker born every minute. When you look for the point to life you will encounter many con men with their hands out for you to come join their cause. If joining an army and supporting a cause makes you happy, that could be your point. No matter what cause you support down the road if you become introspective enough you will always find it is like the wizard of oz with some feeble, falible man behind it dashing your illusion.Solomon said in Ecclesiates its all vanity. Except for one thing and that one thing . So even though their is no point, dont think of checking out. Enjoy yourself or learn how to. This might be the only life you get. And your children need you and look up to you.

    If this reality is to harsh, or its like going from 0-500mph. I would recommend calling your doctor and getting some antidepressants.They do work. I wish you well. Maybe in your reality you will tell me Im all wrong. Thats cool too.

    Many people need religion to have a purpose in their life. Then some people have philosophy, some psychiatry, some alcohol, drugs, and sex. Everybody it seems has to have a reason to get up in the morning. Im just saying everything has a price. You might even need religion so you can be around people to keep your spirits up. But then again it was religion that got you to your knees here. Many former Jws take religion seriously wereas many people in the worlds religions dont take it that serious. You probably need to re wire your whole thought process which ever way you decide to go. Like the baptist say, be born again. You got to be tough to survive in this world.

    If none of that works for you. When I first left the organization. I started running 7 miles a day 5 days a week. When you run or exercise hard it releases endorphins in your brain, and it acts like a natural anti-depressant. Then I would find positive affirmations and reprogram myself with them. After 28 years around the "friends" my thinking was garbage. I used to self hypnotize myself with a tape recorder then read the positive affirmations on the tape and then bring myself out of the hypnosis. It worked wonders for me back in the day.

    Some books that I read in my heeling process were "your erroneous zones" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. "The road less traveled by M.Scot Peak. "Questions and answers with God" Neal Donald Walsh.

  • garybuss

    Feeling lost with thoughts of suicide? Get to a doctor. Call a suicide crisis hot line. Fight yourself for yourself. Don't do drugs, don't drink booze, get help.

  • Carmel

    Wanting to feel worthwhile and having purpose is one of the characteristics that distinguish us from the animals. All they care about are the mundane things of life, food, rest shelter, copulating, promulgating allels, etc. We need to feel we are contributing, a kind of trancendance, so to speak. All cultures manifest the same urgings to some degree. So, if religion or loss thereof has robbed you of that, consider you are still capable of finding purpose in life, re-building a new world view that includes you as an important part of the advancement of humanity. Time and effort, motivation, and action will all lead to a better state of mind. The further away from the branding iron of the cult you get, the less you feel the heat and the effects thereof.

    I think you will find ways of coping and turning you life around. You've already mentioned your family. A good starting point.


  • jgnat

    First, take care of the depression, advice above. For the general malaise and lost feeling, try this:

    Peace of mind comes when you are not looking for it. Set some goals for yourself. Make a difference, even in small ways. Keep being a dad. Take it from an old grandmama, your children KEEP needing you right through their adult years.Here's a few suggestions:

    Do what makes you happy.

    Absorb yourself completely in a talent.

    Unearth Jean Vanier's secret.

    Do a random act of kindness daily.

    To be truly free, make your own way.

  • bubble

    Hi and welcome to the board.

    My suggestion is that you meet up with like minded people. I don't know where you live but I'm sure there are some ex jws nearby. It's not as scary as you think it might be and often turns out to be a real help.

    If you are from the UK why don't you PM me in case you live in my neck of the woods?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Suicidal thoughts go away with time..... as long as you give time long enough to heal you.

    My tendency to consider that option is long gone and and am very happy that it didn't get on with it at the time.

    Life is great for me now.



  • lisavegas420

    Weird ain't it ? I'm sitting here reading and appreciating your replys with i tunes going in the background on random and Louis Armstrong has just started singing "Wonderful World"

    And NOW Annie Lennox has just stated singing " Walking on Broken Glass " - is someone trying to tell me something ?

    How cool is that? I love it when that happens. Welcome. It gets easier. Please stick around. lisa

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