Let's just get something straight about 1975.

by WTFBBQPWNT 170 Replies latest jw friends

  • geevee

    Great Point Blondie. Now as all the lod dubs die, the younger ones just will not know their history. It will be forgotten. It will be the same, no one said 1975, no one said 1925, because no dub alive will know what was said............ever. They need all the old cronies to pass away, to finish their earthly course. Proof dies. Get rid of all the old publications, rewrite the history. Wait on, I have read this in a book recently. George Orwell 1984. Maybe thats when armageddon came?

  • Dismembered

    Greetings R6Laser,

    After reading most of this thread I still can't see where in a printed publication by the wts the date 1975 was mentioned as the end. I see alot of 'we are near the end', which has always been the case since I can remember. So if someone can just quote the publication where it is printed that the end was in 1975, I'll appreciate it. Thanks

    There isn't one. That being so, would you still question the validity of all the facts that have been posted? Are you questioning that Watchtower was not catagorically making an inference that the end would be in or around 1975? If so then it's hopeless attempting to make the point.

    Maybe those who'd lived through the lie, should just say to those who are close minded, and/or didn't live through, or were not part of the bullshit, uhmmm......you'd a had ta been there. Doh.


  • AuldSoul


    Excellent quote.

    Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.


    Lets assume you were old enough to READ this in 1969 and actually comprehend what it meant to fulfill a career. I'll be generous and say that would mean someone 10 years old or older, although I don't know many 10-year-olds that have a clear grasp of the concept of a career.

    Such 10-year-olds were born in or prior to 1959. How old are they today?

    47 years old.

    Is 47 years old, old enough to fulfill a career or not, R6Laser? Was this a false assurance or was it truth?

    Suppose a 10-year-old understood and believed what the Watchtower Society said (after all, they are supposed to believe, right?). Suppose this young person decided NOT to go to college, because he'd NEVER get a chance to pay back the tuition loans, anyway. Suppose he got a part-time job to cover the costs of pioneering. Suppose he finally entered the fulltime work force at the age of 27, back in 1986, but he had no degrees so others who were less capable were promoted to positions of greater responsibility (and better pension plans) while he was left consuming his paychecks as they came. If he HAD money for some sort of retirement plan he wouldn't have used it, because Armageddon is already overdue. Now he is 47, facing retirement, without savings, insolvent, and all because the Watchtower Society made promises for God that God never made.

    To find himself in this situation, his only error was believing what they told him.

    Suppose "a young person" meant under 30. A 20-year-old who read that in 57 now. A 30-year-old who believed it is 67 now.

    But we both know this was not the first time such false hopes were used to prevent young ones from planning for their futures, don't we R6Laser?

    The entire organization has been built on the propogation of false hopes. That is how it grows, by spreading false hope. Ever since the 1918 talk series "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living Will Never Die" (it hadn't ended, they did die/are dying, there aren't millions of them left) ... ever since the first issue of Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence, wherein we find the argument for the Last Days begun in 1799, Christ's presence begun in 1874, and Christ's invisible heavenly reign begun in 1878.

    While they do not directly state in print that the end will come in 1975, they encouraged others to that conclusion in print (as shown herein), and stated it directly in talks and conversations.

    Why should anyone believe an organization's predictions when that organization has NEVER successfully predicted anything (of its own origination) in its entire history and has a LONG track record of dozens of false predictions? For that matter, why would anyone examining such an organization believe God was using it for anything?


  • done4good

    WTF, like yourself, I was not "there" in 1975. My family came into the org around 1978 or so, (I was 5). During the next 13 years, I never heard anything regarding 1975. A good older friend of mine, (at the time, kinda like a second father), told me about the whole 1975 debacle around 1990 or 91. I found it very hard to believe, even though, I knew he was a very reliable source. I did some research, and found some of the articles mentioned here, (although I wish I found the May '74 KM then). Unfortunately, I decided to write it off as a misundrstanding on the r&f's part, as a good jw.

    That said, what never sat right with me about the whole thing, was the fact that I never even heard about this for my first 13 years in the org. With 1978 so close to 1975, I would have thought my family would have heard something about this...NOTHING. This was conspicuous by its absence. It was as if, this was such a dark period in the organization's history, that no one dare mention it. Most jws who have come into the org since then, know little or nothing about 1975. The whole thing seemed rather dishonest in nature. This drew a red flag with me years ago, and was the first real "doubt" about the organization that I had, although it would take almost 15 years for me to finally leave.

    This particular subject is of special interest to me, as I see it as a very good warning example for anyone contemplating joining the jws. IF they know the facts about '75, most who would otherwise join, won't.


  • JH

    I wasn't a JW back in 1975, so I can't say what they did say or didn't say.

    But, I was a JW in the late 1980's and they DID say that end would come before the 21st century, and it didn't.

    The awake also stated the following:

    Why AWAKE! Is Published ...Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.

    So, lets call a spade a spade and a liar a liar.

  • James Free
    James Free

    I was there.

    It's true the WTS did not make such a bold statement that 1975 was going to be the end. But it is also true that it was expected, and articles and talks encouraged such thinking. I myself heard one speaker at a district convention saying it was ok to get into debt because you would not have to make the payments! School kids were told not to bother with their exams because they would be no use in a few months. "Months", not 'Years" was the word used in the Kingdom Ministry to rouse up the pioneer spirit. How many 'Months' ago was that!!!

    Independant thinking is not allowed inside the Org. If it got said from the convention platforms it was sanctioned from the very top. Blaming the wayward expectations of the brothers is a rewriting of history - more plainly - A LIE.

    And I am a Witness to that.

  • parakeet

    WTF: ***Let's face it, when one is searching for answers on this forum, the only way to get some real results is to start controversy.***

    Yes, that's the way to get results -- attempt to manipulate exJWs. We've had enough of that from the WTS; we don't need more from you. If you want an honest answer, ask an honest question.

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    My husband was an elder in 1972, and went to the 2 week long elder school in Chicago. I remember his calling home that the instructor had shown on the blackboard that Armageddon could possibly even be before October of 1975. When I found out I was pregnant and due in August of 1975, I was scared to death. I wept, thinking I would have a newborn during the great tribulation, and Jesus had said "woe to the pregnant woman". My aunt and uncle sold all their stock in my great great grandfathers company, paying off their house and anything else they could, leaving enough money to "survive" till Armageddon in 1975. They were destitute after that!!! They even held off needed surgery for cancer, and she died thereafter. My husband and I remember pre-1975 very well. It used to raise the hair on our neck when someone would give the comment at a meeting, that it was just individuals, not the Society, hyping up 1975. It's simply a LIE!!! They did, and it had a terrible effect on many we knew.

    Little Bo Peep

  • R6Laser

    All I wanted was printed proof that the end was 1975 nothing else. I'm not denying that it wasn't said by some jws. But like many here, I was told that I wouldn't graduate from high school, then that I wouldn't graduate from college. Well, guess what I graduated from both. But this was said to me by very strick jws and I never found anything in writing from the wts that mentioned this. I also heard many things from active witnesses when I was attending the meetings, which i wouldn't even dream of beleiving what they where saying.

    While I see the point that this was eluded too, I wanted proof, not just what someone told me, or what a zealous jw told me once, or what I heard in a talk. Hell, when I was giving public talks I would say all kinds of made up stuff, all just to make it interesting. Still to this day the wts still preaches that the end is very near and that we only have a couple of years left, but that's how it always has been. This is just to make it seem urgent to their followers and instill fear in them.

  • sf

    Excellent bait there WTF! Bravo!

    My mom entered in the abyss about the end of the 60's.


    It is the main reason she, her mother and her brother, who was drafted into Vietnam , had a horrible fight in broad daylight, in front of all us kids, about how Jehovah was going to kill them if they did not convert.

    Death and destruction was imminent, for each one of us kids, if we did not get baptized before Oct. '75. I know three of us were. I can't recall my younger sisters baptism date.

    Disabilities would not be "healed and made whole" if I was not baptized by Oct. '75.


    To the lurkers and seekers:

    Search, re-search, discover, uncover. Read. Study. Educate and arm yourselves with facts regarding the criminal corruption, Watchtower Doctrines that are based on altered and twisted scripture AND misrepresentation of secular facts {just plain facts actually} that ultimately become LETHAL POLICIES...to its most innocent "members"...


    Lurkers, also, start discussing these things with other people and get feedback. The more we get the public AWARE! of just how lethal and destructive this organization and it's well-oiled machine truly are...to its most innocent "members"...


    Great thread!


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