What do you do when a old Boyfriend wants to meet up for dinner........

by whyamihere 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    We are just friends and we talk maybe 3 or 4 times a year, just to catch up. Well today, actually 5 minutes ago he said he was going to be in my area with in the next month and wants to have dinner.

    I don't see a problem with it. I haven't seen him in years and it would be nice just to meet up for dinner and some laughs. Plus, he knows I am married and with children now. However, something seems odd about it and his reasons to meet after all this time.

    Shoe other foot......how would you feel if the same senerio was going on with your husband and an old female friend?

    Invite him to dinner with you and your family at your house if hubby is okay with that.

  • whyamihere

    Well, after reading some comments I have to say my intentions are purely the fact him and I were great friends before we even dated and that all it will ever be.

    I just called him and asked if I could bring the kids maybe even my husband he said " Sure, what the hell!"

    Show on other foot? My husband going out with an old flame alone? I don't care, really I don't. I have meet some of his crushes and a few girls from his past. They and I actually got along and I thought it was funny to meet them. I am one to think men and women can "Just be friends." However, I understand why some men would get jealous and it is nice to think of some sort of jealousy on their part just means they care.


  • stillajwexelder

    Brooke you are gorgeous and great fun and any man would want to have dinner with you. However, what about the feelings of your husband - I met him and he is a great guy. I say do not go. Unless of course your husband is also invited.

  • Sunspot

    I agree with Bikerchick on this.....it kinda happened to me after I had been married only two years, when an old BF came into town to see his ailing Mom. My best friend lived upstairs from them and called him to the phone so we could chat.....I asked hubby if he minded me inviting BF for dinner....he said no problem....but the Mom took a turn for the worse and he couldn't make it. But....it would have been all open and above-board and nobody could ever get mixed signals that way.

  • skyking

    This has happened many times in our marriage. I've told her to go and have fun but remember that she is married. I have done the same thing. I trust myself and so I trust my wife. When she has gotten home she has told me what the night was like and visa virsa. Besides the town is to small the two time she has gone I was told be half the town they saw my wife out in the town and I got all the play by plays anyway.

    Just two month ago I went to the local watering hole with an old school friend and I had a man from town set down with us and he finally could not stand it he asked me if anything was going on I said Hell yes and that he should go down the street and tell my wife were I was at and let her know I would be leaving soon. He said OK and did what I asked. My wife and I have had lots of laughs over that one.

  • IP_SEC
    What do you do when a old Boyfriend wants to meet up for dinner........

    I asked you not to post about our date on this forum!!!

  • ButtLight

    Is that the hot rich guy from St Louis?????

  • whyamihere
    Is that the hot rich guy from St Louis?????

    LOL, why yes Buttlight....LOL. The only problem with him is that he is a Cardinals fan - to a point one of his friends is one of the owners(something like that) of the Cards!

    So many men so little time, right? Besides, I am married and I would never do anything. Once its "I Do" its "I Don't"!

    Brooke **starts beating off the men left and right**

  • ButtLight

    Well, I will permit you to go, but.............

    You have to take mumzy along, so she can fend him off with her corndog!

  • BlackPearl

    Why would you put your husband through an uncomfortabel situation like that? Maybe you should turn the tables a littel bit...what if your husband got a call from some past littel hottie....would you like him to go out to dinner with her? Dressed to the nines?

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