Hypnotic method of WTS

by OnTheWayOut 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dido

    under_believer- that is in your opinion, that doesn`t make you right. I actually believe that there is subliminal imaging in advertising, and in the watchtower, and that OTWO has got a point about hypnotism, and they are the things that the org could be doing that are from an evil source.

  • under_believer

    Um, what? No it's not my opinion. I linked you to a reputable source of research on the subject. Did you read it, or did you just see what I said and say "nuh-uh"? Unless you have evidence to the contrary, we can accept my assertions (backed with proof) over your opinions (backed with your persuasive "Well I think there's subliminals. SO THERE!")

    You believe there's subliminals in the Watchtower? Where? Show me one. (Hint: you won't find one. The "faces" are so much pareidolia.)

    OTWO has got a point about hypnotism? OTWO doesn't have any opinions that OTWO didn't get from someone else's documents. Go take a look at the page OTWO got all of the information from. Does that look like a reputable source to you? No, it does not. It's the usual 50 mile-long, eight different fonts and colors, heavy-use-of-underline crazy person site that we've all come to know and love.

    See what I'm doing, here? I'm checking sources. I'm looking for facts. I'm not crossing my arms and saying "well that's your opinion."

  • dido

    under_believer- did you check out my link on subliminal images, i posted a thread on them? and if you have a proper look at it, it`s not a case of `so there`, i keep an open mind, and don`t dismiss things that easily. You are sounding like a closed mind jw to me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I read your link. The methods are controversial and not universally accepted. That link says the coca-cola experiment did not work. It did take place and the results were exaggerated. It may very well work over a long time (like the lifetime of a JW). Notice this link: http://www.classroomtools.com/sublimad.htm#Symbolic%20messages

    There are advertiser doing subliminal advertisements. There are many who doubt Freud and the value of his theories. (YES, they are just theories.) But there are certainly many cases where people who want to make money keep trying them. I am in the camp that they DO HAVE SOME EFFECT.

  • under_believer

    Ah, the ultimate ex-JW insult: "You sound like a JW to me." Nicely done, I was wondering when that would come out.

    I did read your thread (materially identical to the approximately 15,000 other "WTS USES SUBLIMINAL SATANIC IMAGES threads that JWD has had the "pleasure" of hosting since it went online), and I considered the evidence, such as it was. Unless you can produce something other than "hey that looks kinda like a face to me" you won't convince me that there the Watchtower is cleverly inserting subliminals. Those guys can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground, let alone orchestrate some kind of conspiracy.

    What would constitute proof? Well, an artist that owned up to doing it would be one thing. Or maybe something that doesn't look like my three-year-old tried to draw a picture of SpongeBob SquarePants.

    You seem to be won over on this, anyways, so I doubt asking you for actual proof will do any good, but it's interesting that you claim to have an open mind about this and yet you're arguing that it does in fact exist.

  • Quandry

    I don't know if I agree that the Society's President really sought to hypnotize, as if that was his aim, but the WTS does seek to lull its membership into submissively and passively accepting as true all pronouncement from the GB.

    I remember the inside cover of the Awake magazine that for soooooo many years sought to engender confidence in the promise that the generation that saw the beginning of the "last days" in 1914 would not pass off the scene until the earth was a paradise. I was totally lulled into confidence. No wonder it was such a shock when they changed the generation thing in 1995. I remember looking around at all the people in the Hall. It was as if nothing of importance was happening. It was as if the brains of those in attendance when the information was discussed were robotically (or hypnotically) programmed to show no change. It was as if reasoning could not penetrate the collective brains of those attending. Resistance was futile.

  • under_believer

    > I am in the camp that they DO HAVE SOME EFFECT.

    Then you are also in the camp that BELIEVES THINGS WITHOUT ANY PROOF. Next it's going to be UFOs, autism-vaccination links, and Illuminati.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Just last night at the TMS&SM, I was looking around and reflecting that everyone there was either deeply stupid, or pretended to be. There are many, many stupid Witnesses. And the ones that aren't stupid find it convenient for many reasons to act like everyone else.

    under_believer, it is controversial, and I don't need to win you over. At the risk of insulting myself and others here, look at the post above. This person posted that many JW are stupid or act like everyone else. What could contribute to that? Perhaps they enjoy the mind-numbing meeting. Their left and right brains are happy. This is your post. Isn't it possible that you have noticed some of the hypnotic effect.

  • dido

    under_believer- just because i am new to this forum, there is no need to try and bully me, and so what if the thread has been on before, it is new to me and other newbies,and just a side point, even the wtbs acknowledges subliminal imaging, so i do believe it, yes, but still am open to discussion, not just to pooh pooh it as you have.

  • jwfacts


    I have read the book and the facts presented are very poorly researched. For instance he makes the assertion that the Song book only mentions Jesus 5 times, whereas in fact there are 70 songs that mention Jesus. There are such inaccuracies constantly throughout the book, so I think it will do more damage than good quoting it to Witnesses.

    However, I am intrigued by the concept of hypnotism and there may be some validity to this. It would be good to find a more scientific study of it.

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