How much influence did the internet have on you leaving the organization?

by The wanderer 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Discoveries about the organization on the internet

    Admittedly, had it not been for the internet, and all of the dis-
    coveries that were found on it; I would still be one of Jehovah's
    Witnesses. My reason for leaving the organization was due
    to the discovery of the United Nations affair with the Watch-
    tower Society.

    How instrumental was it for you in your case?

    Some individuals received there information from Crisis of
    ; others through personal experiences, and still
    others from a variety of sources other than the internet.

    *The question is—how important was the internet in your
    discovering what the Watchtower Society was all about?

    Kindly, post your perspective regarding this matter.


    The Wanderer

  • fullofdoubtnow

    A lot of influence.

    When I first started having doubts, I did a lot of research, most of it on the internet, into jw beliefs, and it was mainly that, along with reading Crisis of Conscience, that caused me to stop attending meetings. I joined this site last year, realised that there was plenty of support available for exiting jws, and disassociated soon afterwards.

  • slimboyfat

    Well I haven't left, but I would say it was pretty important.

    I read tons of stuff on the web about Witnesses from September 2000 (this site was one of my first stops) until recently I have cooled down a bit.

    Having said that, reading books on Witnesses from the library such as those by Penton, Rogerson, Stevenston and Holden was equally important in shaping my current view of the Witnesses.


  • skyking

    Every important.

    I would of just thought I was not seeing things correct.

    The Bulgaria deal was the first major thing that made me wake up.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    This is how the information on the internet hit me


    The Wanderer


    I was out before the internet..Saw too much bullsh*t and corruption..Bought one of the first "crisis of concience" printed.....Wanderer,what is that picture of?...OUTLAW

  • stillajwexelder

    I have not left yet - but - Randys site was very instrumental is getting myself to ask all sorts of questions

  • PrimateDave

    Well, I always wondered about things like evolution and the flood. So one day I just did a search and found the Talk Origins web site and did a bit of reading. After that I figured "what the hell" and searched Jehovah's Witnesses and spent some time reading Timothy Campbell's Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses web site. So, I would have to say that the internet made all the information available like no other medium can.

  • 5go

    In my eventual leaving a whole lot.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I had my doubts and was unhappy ,but probably would have stayed in had I not found sites like this on the internet . I truely believed there was something wrong with me all these years until I found this site and read about others that felt just like me .

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