What strange things do your pets like to eat?

by Lady Lee 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    I was eating marshmellow creme out of the jar tonight at the computer......got up for a bit and came back to Sophie licking up creme like it was milk........

    ruined the rest for me

    tried to give her beer and she does not like it.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    My cat likes fruit. When he went to the cattery my husband told them he liked strawberries, so they bought him a punnet and he ate some every day. He is quite the celebrity there. When I picked him up, his face was bright red - quite gruesome.

    He also likes peaches, nectarines, bananas, grapes, fresh pineapple, and goes mad for pears. He enjoys roast peppers too.

    Of course, he also likes all meat and fish.

    He can't stand any alcohol, not even Bailey's.

  • Stealth453

    If I may, I will list...

    My Eagle....raw meat and baby chickens.

    My Python....chickens, rats, cats, and pidgeons.

    My Pit viper....chicks and mice.

    My Parrot....LOVES grapes.

    My Monkey....anything and everything except hotdogs.

    My Chinese box turtles....rice and fruit.

    My 2 Bearcats....papaya


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Our dog just loves fruit, especially oranges. He even eats the orange peel if he gets the chance, but not the pips. I eat an orange most days, and I know as soon as I peel it, I am going to have his full attention.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    wow both my cats wouldn't come near me if I smelled like an orange


    I don't likle them so I never tried them with the cats. But one loved barbecue chips but not plain

    Mine also loved yogurt. I have pictures of both of them with their heads stuck down the container as far as they could get it. And after when they get their faces out they have yogurt all over their heads.

    Looks to me like none of us had finicky cats

  • Dismembered

    I was feeding my sons chocolate lab strawberries, and then green grapes the other day. I think he'd eat the kitchen sink if I tried feeding it to him. He seems to like everything


  • anewme

    My little girl chihuahua just loves tea! Black tea, or with cream and sugar, whatever! If you are drinking tea she is all over you until you give her some. Not sure if this is good for her or not. But it is fun to share tea with someone so I bought her her very own cute teacup and saucer to enjoy tea with me.
    I gotta say that girl completes me!!!!


  • Beachbender

    Oh it`s a huge relief to see that my cats aren`t the only strange ones out here!! I have a cat that will eat mini marshmallows, ice cream, yogurt. I have another one that likes cheetos too, and cheese crackers,& anything chicken. She could be in total cat nap heaven and let one of us start cooking chicken, or bring takeout chicken into the house and all of a sudden she`s there at your feet meowing! spicy, grilled, fried doesn`t matter how it`s prepared she knows it`s chicken! The first kitty I mentioned is also an ice fan she will come from a different part of the house if she hears you getting ice she`s right there waiting for any that have dropped to the floor so she can bat it around the floor. I swear this cat is playing hockey with me, she will hit it so it comes to my feet, then I hit it back to her and when she hits it back to me she meows real proud like she`s accomplished something this can go on for awhile, very entertaining!!

  • Stealth453

    My min pin likes the small crabs

    I have a female. Great little dog, but hyper. Ours would dig up a missle if she could.

  • Jourles

    Our last Tonkinese loved Vaseline. Every night before bedtime he would jump up on the bathroom counter and beg for it. We would just put a dab on our finger and he would lick it clean off. It must have been his way of self-medicating himself from getting hairballs.

    We haven't figured out yet what our new Siamese likes. Oh, she caught and ate a fly about a week ago.

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