What strange things do your pets like to eat?

by Lady Lee 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    I can't get mad at her, she's too cute! Although I am considering sending her to Overeaters Anonymous.

    My two cats are the same... one in particular. I have literally resorted to measuring out food portions in the morning.

    The hard part is ignoring their begging for food at night. They meow and carry on and trying to get me to go over to their food dish as a "hint" to what they want.

    When they start that I just say: "No kiddy! You're a fat cat!"

  • damselfly

    I wish I could do that. The young one is still kind of scrawny so I'm scared she won't grow (I know it's not likely) if I ration the food.

    <<When they start that I just say: "No kiddy! You're a fat cat!" >>

    LOL I cover my kitty's ears when people say she's chunky. Don't want her feelings to get hurt. :P

  • lola28

    Cheetos and Ramen noodles


  • damselfly

    I forgot! She loooves Doritos. You'd better not leave the bag open or she sticks her head right in and helps herself.


  • nowisee

    the kitties are gone now, but they used to love broccoli rabe with garlic.

  • anewme

    Well last Christmas our little chihuahua was given a Santa toy he just fell in love with.
    He is still a puppy and it is fun to see him drag around his toys and tear them up and shake them from side to side ferociously.

    But we were astounded and surprised to see Santa pooped out on the lawn by New Years!!!!

  • damselfly

    LOL! Ewwwww gross.

  • TMS

    My min pin likes the small crabs that poke up in our yard. I strongly discourage him, but he races around the yard looking for "opportunities."


  • orbison11

    ah, i love these posts on our pets

    my shih tzu/bichon, 'harley', loves paper,,,,but she is such a lady

    wont eat from my plate at my puter if my piece of cutlery is on the plate,,,

    she will have the food 1 inch from her nose and i have taught her to feel it with her paws before she gets it

    she was also on the ellen degeneres show about 2 months ago,,she is so cute


  • blaid

    my 4 month old lab will eat eerything from reciepts to cooked choriso that my girlfriend makes...i dont blame him though, its good stuff...but im always careful about keeping the house as puppy proof as possible...

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