Dear Kotex....

by Scully 49 Replies latest social humour

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Reason No. 34 why I'm glad I'm a Penis Person . . . .

  • LovesDubs

    Yeah I had the hysty too...but now wouldnt you know it I have a 15 year old daughter Im buying want to talk about strange looks? How about a 52 year old 200 pound woman buying kotex pads for THONGS?

  • Robdar

    Hilarious! Or should I say hysterical?

  • Scully
    It's not a fun time, but DO NOT try to cheer us up by adding smiley faces or bunnies or flowery cutesy crap to your products or the packaging.

    I just got the strangest feeling that perhaps feminine product packaging has gone this way to make men feel better when they are asked to go buy these items for their partners.

    Personally, I'm not fussy about the packaging. But if I were the kind of person who would ask Mr Scully to buy those products for me, I'm sure the smiley faces and bunnies and flowery cutesy crap is very helpful for when he would be on a mission to find exactly the product that I want. "No, dear, it's the one with the effing bird on it!!!"

    I do kind of feel bad for guys who get sent to buy that stuff for their woman. There's so many different packages to choose from. It would be kind of like sending me to the hardware store to buy a box of nails. You mean there's more than one kind?? At least the nails are packaged in a brown cardboard box. Like I said, I feel bad for those guys that get sent shopping. But not that bad.

  • Stephanus
    I just got the strangest feeling that perhaps feminine product packaging has gone this way to make men feel better when they are asked to go buy these items for their partners.

    I can't imagine that's a huge market; I'm the only male I know of who has EVER done this particular type of shopping for my wife. I've been told by both males and females that that makes me "one of a kind".

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Well, I've often bought these products for my ex, and more recently for my daughter. Just a normal partof life, innit?

    But I would worry if I was a woman and saw the google ad on the bottom of this page for 'green menstruation'.

    And I can't help feeling that the women here have not been studying the TV ads for tampons properly. They show that you should be wearing tight white trousers/shorts/bikini, swimming/playing volleyball/tennis/cycling. It seems that using the right tampon will improve your sports capability, but I'm not sure if that applies if you use a tampon when you're not menstruating.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Well, I've often bought these products for my ex, and more recently for my daughter. Just a normal partof life, innit?

    That was my husband's attitude, fortunately. I'm another "Thank goodness for hysterectomies" gal.

    Does anybody remember the "with wings" commercial with the woman in the convertible, with the pads flying around??? (using the wings, get it??)

    It was bizarre and hysterical. It was probably 20 years ago because I was watching tv with grandma when I saw it. And they must have pulled it it was so bad, cause we only saw it that once!

  • lisavegas420


    Thanks I needed that.


  • unclebruce
    Put the shit in a plain brown wrapper so we can throw it in our carts discreetly and have it blend in among the wine and beer. There is nothing more annoying than having a blinding pink package announcing your uterine state to everyone in the store. Why don't ya just add an in store microphone to the damn package & announce that...helloooo, another female is on her damn period!!!!!


    I have no problem at all buying 'feminie products', if anything it shows I care lol .. It's far less embarrasing than buying condoms or 10 litres of wine and having the guy say "see you tommorrow"

  • unclebruce
    (I get the distinct impression that our dear friend Mary is responsible for this rant....)

    Is this a cunning plot to bring Mary back? .. if so well done!

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