Ballistic Does America

by ballistic 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover
    2) food portions in restaurants are like DOUBLE those in England

    4) I feel so slim here cos so many people (where I am) are overweight.

    3) The roads are so WIDE and parking spaces are so huge

    So what I get from this is: 2 + 4 = 3.

    (Actually, something doesn't feel right about that equation. Perhaps I shouldn't ADD 4 to the 2, but factor it exponentially somehow, since it's a result of 2 [as 3 could be a result of both 2 and 4]. Help me, math teacher, please.)

  • LittleToe

    Go Ballistic!!!

  • Matty

    Ballistic is next to me updating his photos as I type!


    It looks like you've covered a lot of the country! I hope you've enjoyed every minute of it! You'll have to get back and write some of the highlights about the things you liked the best and some of your experiences....can't wait to hear them!


  • ballistic


    I've updated the photos up to today thanks to Matty's hospitality - having a great time still, and been into Mexico today. Absolutely shattered, but moving on further into California tomorrow. I'll keep you posted![email protected]/album?.dir=/cf24re2&urlhint=actn,ren%3as,1%3af,0

  • luna2

    I was getting worried about you! I saved a link to your photos so I don't always check here (at JWD for news and stuff) first. You are really covering a lot of territory!

  • caligirl

    Ballistic, it was great to get together with you, Matty & Spice the other night!

    Awesome company, great food. Can't ask for more than that out of life!

    Enjoy the rest of your trip and keep in touch!

    Caligirl & Freedom96

  • Matty

    Yes, it was a fantastic evening caligirl, the restaurant staff were close to chucking us out as we were still there nattering an hour after paying the check! I'm looking forward to Ballistic's next update now...

  • juni

    Hi Ballistic Brian.

    Somehow my post to you ended up on the Topic "What Turns You On?"

    You have got to be real tired, but it looks like you're happy. That's great!!



  • Matty

    A BTTT for this thread I think! Where are you now Brian? When are you going back to blighty? (click on the yahoo link and you will see he has added some more photos)

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