Ballistic Does America

by ballistic 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    Yea, where are you ballistic?

    a) In a prison cell in Guantanamo Bay for trying to smuggle a copy of the Koran into the US

    b) at a Fidel Castro's not dead party in Cuba

    c) drinking cider down a pub in a Devon

    answers on a postcard please...

  • ballistic

    Woo Hoo! I'm back home after the most amazing adventure of my life... the pictures only scratch the surface of where I was, but I have the most awesome stories to tell. And I have an American accent... Anyway, I'm actually heading up North now in England for a week including to a friends wedding, and I have a problem with jet lag at the moment. I just wanted to say Hi to all the people I met in Dallas and San Diego and I'll be in touch with some of you when I get a chance.

  • looking_glass

    Glad you survived America B-man. And as for an American accent, excuse me, you mean to say, that your British accent is not as strong and you now are speaking closer to the way people should speak. You will have to post your adventures upon your return from the wedding and getting over your jet lag.


  • ballistic
    And as for an American accent, excuse me, you mean to say, that your British accent is not as strong and you now are speaking closer to the way people should speak

    I've also now got to re-learn how to drive after 6 weeks on the wrong side.

  • serendipity

    Can't wait to hear the stories! Your pics of Cali brought back memories...

  • looking_glass

    B-man, b-man, b-man

    wrong side

    Now who invented the first vehicle, so don't you think he gets to decide what side to drive that vehicle on. If you were riding a horse & buggy and you want to ride your chariot on the other side, then fine (reference to those who claim that the Romans created the idea of roads and thus rode their chariots on the left side and thus we should ride vehicles on that side as well), but Ford had us all driving on the right (PUN INTENDED) side of the road. Obviously, your jet lag has gotten to you. Drinks lots of water, avoid liquor and caffeine. Once the jet lag passes, you will come around again to the correct thinking. [That Americans DO NOT HAVE AN ACCENT. That Americans drive on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD]. Don't worry huney, we will not hold it against you. We are just glad you are back to keep us laughing.

  • ballistic

    Hey! not to split hairs here but Ford invented the production line assembly of cars, the car was invented in Germany by Benz and Daimler. Similarly it is often believed in America that Eddison invented the light bulb.

  • looking_glass

    Hey, I am a chick and thus, I am always right! Just admit it.

    Fine, split hairs w/o Ford, the production of the Model T which was "mass" produced and thus became accessible to the modern man! Anyways, Benz is too expensive, no one could have afforded a Benz, so in the end, I am right. There ya go.

  • looking_glass

    hee, hee, hee ... but we are both wrong (spliting hairs wise) ... it was the FRENCH!!!! Yes, the American, said that the French did something first before their beloved Ford. After picking myself up off the floor. I read several web sites that address this very issue. But I still hold to the theory that Ford helped promote the vehicle and thus the ability for the every day man to have access to it.

    Come on B-man, you certain can not have gotten enough of the historically ill informed American, can you. Did you ever watch "World News" while you were here? If so, did you notice that it was ALL ABOUT American and not the "world". I have to watch BBC World News to world news. Sad but true.

    In 1769, Nicholas Joseph Cugnot of France' adapted a steam engine to propel a vehicle. There are some historians out there who believe that Cugnot built a model steam carriage in 1763. There is evidence that Cugnot also produced a first full-sized working steam carriage in 1769. Today's motor vehicle experts believe that this was the first self-propelled road vehicle in the world.

  • luna2

    Glad you are home safe and sound after your big adventure, ballistic. Have fun at the wedding. We'll be waiting to hear the stories of your travels.

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