Napa Valley, CA Child Abuse Court Case Victories

by AndersonsInfo 87 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • purplesofa
    As to the Organization being a Pennsylvania based, and not California based organization, were we not at one time a part of Jehovah's WORLDWIDE Organization?

    Thats not very reassuring is it?

    Wonder how many in the organzation would take to hearing that?


  • AndersonsInfo
  • stevenyc

    Ain't no hidin' no more.

  • avengers
    As to the Organization being a Pennsylvania based, and not California based organization

    I realize that this is a little off topic, but someone asked me what the address is of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

    I can't find their address anywhere. Does anyone know? The reason I ask is because this person says that Pennsylvanis is home of the Masons.

    Who knows maybe they share the same addres.

    Thanks in advance.


  • AndersonsInfo

    I haven't heard anything different as of late, so I assume that the address the Watch Tower Pennsylvania corporation still uses is 1630 Spring Run Road Extension, Coraopolis, PA 15108. This is the Coraopolis Assembly Hall and the address listed on the Watch Tower of PA corporation charter dated 2003. FYI, as a rule there is no one at the assembly hall on week days unless someone is cleaning or preparing the auditorium for an assembly, consequently it is very difficult to serve legal papers on the PA corporation. The directors live in New York at one or the other of the Bethel complexes and lobby receptionists in the past have refused to sign for the papers saying that the PA corporation is not located there. In addition, none of the PA directors will allow themselves to be served legal papers.

  • apocalypse

    This is good news. Slowly the casket lid lifts to reveal the "dead men's bones"....

  • wednesday


    then how would the PA office be served? Are they above the law? Surely not.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    In most states, when an entity registers with the state as a corporation, the incorporation documents must inclued the name of the registered agent and the address of the registered office for the purposes of being served with legal process. In some states, a plaintiff may sue a corporation and serve process with the attorney general or the secretary of state, and this satisfies the constitutional requirements for due process. Attorneys general don't take kindly to corporations that don't have registered agents at the registered offices to accept service.

    I know I have seen the WTBTS's articles of incorporation somewhere. I wonder if I saw them here.


  • AndersonsInfo

    Wednesday: In one case, the process server found a person at the Assembly Hall who was getting it ready for an assembly and he accepted the papers. In our case, we couldn't get the papers served to the PA corp. because the server couldn't find anyone at the address of the registered office, but they are still listed as defendants in our complaint. However, our attorney said not to worry about it because it will be settled later.
    La Capra: Thanks for the add'l information. I think the original 1884 corporation charter for Watch Tower in PA is somewhere on the web. I have a copy and know of many people who have it, but I also have a copy of the amended charter each time the PA corporation amended one or more of the articles (10 times amended). These were purchased from the Corporation Bureau, Harrisburg, PA. If anybody wants copies, PM me and I'll provide additional information.

  • AndersonsInfo

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