What I heard the JW's say in light of this tragedy

by Bridgette 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • cuna


    nice to meet you. these statements are disgusting. remember that JW's are brainwashed and there are fanatics out there that believe 'noahs ark' is the organisation today.

  • Bridgette

    Cuna! Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! Thanks for writing
    All I can do is implore you to read my previous posts and hopefully you will understand the spirit in which I wrote. In any case, I am interested in people as individuals, sans religious dogma (if you've ever read any of my other posts on other threads, you'd soon ascertain that I'm a fan of no organized religion, just the individuals in all of them) I only denoted faiths in my original post, because I wanted to address current JW's and get them to connect with their humanity, and I know that religious identification is the first and foremost way that Jehovah's Witnesses (in general) identify themselves and others. I think my original post accomplished its intended mission beautifully. I've heard more than one INDIVIDUAL say---"uh, hold the phones---wrong! I CARE!!!" So......peace ?
    And to all, I'm just thrilled to be part of this board! Unlike when we were witnesses where all subject matter had to stay on surface level at all times, we can argue, we can express emotion, we can disagree, you can call me on my bs, i can call you on yours, or hers, or his---it's a great feeling, I gotta tell you. And I truly love you all!!

  • thewiz

    This is a message I received from a friend of mine who is of the Muslim faith. I wanted to make sure he was OK. And expressed regret and apologized for our collective ignorance.

    He says....

    Thanks for ur concern. Yeah, there were few attacks in
    brooklyn and Jackson height....I'm fine and safe but i
    can feel the heat....Hope and pray situation will
    improve soon....i'm so shocked with that horrifying
    incident that i don't know even how to
    react....Terrorists are nobody's friend. Terrorism has
    never helped anyone. I know that i have not done
    anything. I have not committed a
    terrorist act, killed or harmed anyone, and i'm going
    through the same pain and agony as anybody but i guess
    i've to live with this also....There
    is no place in Islam for such acts....Please pray for
    the victims, their friends and loved one. May God
    protect us all from harassment and danger.

    Thanks once again.


    Bridgette, don't try to back peddle. It's clear from your post that your attempt is to discredit JWs and the WTBS. for one, you put Catholics, who as an org. has muredered 100's of millions, in a more favorable light than JWs.

    Then we get posts from TR and Angst about how they wish the WTBS was right next to the explosion, or someone else said ya want to kick 'em, so I guess you guys want more blood? You minimize the value of those people's lives who died, when you say hateful things like that. But since I'm not part of the popular clique, or group of "respected" elite with cloat around here, I suppose I'll be criticised by many more so than those who wish for more blood.

    My brother-in-law is in one of those Bethel bldgs. I've known him since he was a boy. He's not very intelligent, which I imagine is the way the WTBS wants them, but he is kind. There are about, what, 2000 people in those WTBS bldgs, and TR and Angst want/wish to add to that number.

    TR and Angst, maybe someone who listens to these forums will take you up on your suggestion of blowing up or wishing the demolition of the WTBS. You could then become the originator of a hate crime. Treatment of the HQ is tantamount to an attack on it's people and their way of life.

    I'm not taking this lightly. Maybe you want to attack all the JW kids the same way as some in NY and Australia are already doing to muslim children?

    Figures little condemnation would go to you TR and Angst. You're on the in crowd

    Kent says JWs disgust him every day and are perverts. I wonder will he call TR and Angst perverts? Probably not, because you guys are the heavy hitters and are part of the kiss-ass club.

    You talk about the heartless remarks from the JWs. And you got TR and Angst who are apparently just as heartless. Hypocrites!

    You judge JWs for their remarks, but I guess it's not very derilict for the "winning posters" here, to suggest that Bethel should go the way of the WTC.

  • Bridgette

    Dear Whiz,
    Well, I do wish you'd really read my original post w/ the intention with which it was written. I do not believe I am back peddling, but I can see you are convinced and will not be dissuaded no matter what. I will go and read my post again, but while it was written in sadness, it was not written with evil intent. Did you read in my last post WHY I denoted peoples' faiths? Simply rhetorical, no need to respond textually whatsoever. Now, again, rhetorically, have you read anything from me that has suggested that I wish to harm Jehovah's Witness or Muslim children? No. Nor will you. Please do not make these sweeping assumptions.
    "But since I'm not part of the popular clique, or group of "respected" elite
    with cloat around here, I suppose I'll be criticised by many more so than those who wish
    for more blood."
    Let's hope not. In any case---glad you're still posting. Glad you're disagreeing with me. Glad you're upset with me and able to say so. This serves and pleases me far better than any evil intention you attempt to assign to me. Now, while I love a good "discussion", I will not argue fruitlessly. I have always enjoyed your posts and will continue to do so (I, like I saw in one of your posts, aspired to be a Physician myself when I "grew up", even started college and was told by my physiology professor that I had what it took; he would write me any recommendation I needed--- and alas my dreams went much the same path that yours probalby did; maybe even worse--I'm just a gurl.
    So, peace, Whiz...it's all good....

  • julien

    thewiz aren't you sidestepping the real issue here? namely the topic of this thread?

    BTW, haven't the catholics now pretty much apologized for every atrocity they committed in centuries past? What has the WTBTS ever apologized for?? they don't apologize, they rewrite history to shift blame or erase events.

  • Tatiana

    Yes, wiz, I have to agree with julien. Think about all the jws who have died (actually been murdered) because they needed an organ transplant, or blood. Think about all the jws who were slaughtered in Malawi because of an "old light" law, while the Mexican bros. were allowed to have a political card. I watched my best friend's father die in the 70's because he "couldn't" have a liver transplant.
    Think about all the children who have been murdered by their jw parents because they weren't allowed blood OR blood factions (which are now allowed).

    Did they ever apologize to the wives, brothers, daughters and sons for these people who DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE?????????
    Did they ever offer any recompense to the families who were torn apart?
    No, like julien said, they rewrite history or screw in a new light bulb.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • thewiz

    Bridgette I wasn't pointing at you when I talked about the violence against Muslims children.

    I was specifically challenging TR and Angst's comments, and exposing their comments for what they are. They aren't jokes or figures of speech. They were mean, they were heartless, and they were cruel.

    To even remotely hope that the WTBS -the JW org at it's core foundation, should suffer the same fate as the WTC, is and can be legally argued of fomenting a hate crime. Not only that it is extremely callous and in bad taste.

    Say what you want about me. But I'm still waiting for anyone other than myself, to condemn the inferences made by TR and Angst. To sit back silently, is to acquiesce and make light their remarks.

    what's next, burning their houses down, removing their kids from school because they won't worship the flag (Read/hear the VA USA
    ?Govenors remarks when he closely linked the flag and faith. He implied, as many nations do when going off to war, that patriotism has everything to do withs ones faith, and indicated that the flag [rather than ones God], is the center of that devotion).

    Maybe we should throw rocks at them or make them drink only from the JW water fountains.

    thewiz aren't you sidestepping the real issue here? namely the topic of this thread

    I thought the point of this thread was to expose examples of callous/unloving/heartless remarks. Oh right, but that doesn't apply to cold tactless callous remarks about the JWs. I feel I exposed one that originated right here.

    That's right I forgot, again to those several hundreds of millions who died at the hands of the church, I'm sure they've accepted it. "All is forgiven, my little boy lies rotting in the ground because of the cowardly way the church refused to challenge Hitler, but since you say, 'We're sorry', it's all OK now." -Sniff

    Rhwanda was just a repeat performance. And what about Rhwanda, have they said they were sorry about that? I don't recall hearing it, but then I don't listen to the BBC 24 hours a day.

    It is very clear the intent of some people on these forums. There is the potential for a dangerous element here, I suggest all should censure it, especially at this time.

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