Why God refuses to interfere

by greendawn 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Why God refuses to interfere...?

    1) There are no gods.


    2) There is a god/goddess and he/she created us with no more importance than the animals. Which all kill each other to their advantage just like we do.


    3) There is a benevolent God, but she is a member of the Federation of Galaxy Gods and she's not allowed to interfere with the internal affairs of "less advanced races."


    4) She has PMS (pretty mean stuff) and "a day is as 49,000 years"

    Rabbit (of the prove me wrong class)

  • LittleToe
    God doesn't interfere because he is either NOT WILLING or NOT ABLE.

    Seems a little black and white.

    Assuming you're correct and we explore the latter option, is it inability due to being powerless (hence hardly God) or due to some other kind of self-imposed circumstance?

    If you gave your adult child a house, to give them a start in life, at what point would you interfere if they appeared to be making a bit of a mess of things?

  • Satanus

    Yhwh doesn't interfere for the same reason that AFRICAN GODS: Abassi, Abiku, Abuk, Achimi, Adriambahomanana, Adro, Adroa, Adroanzi, Age, Aha-njoku, Aho-njoku, Aigamuxa, Ajok, Akongo, Ala, Ale, Alla, Alouroua, Amma, Ananse, Anansi, Andriamahilala, Andriambahomanani, Andumbulu, Ane, Anotchi, Asa, Atai, Ataokoloinona, Aunt-nancy, Azra'il, Azrail, Ba-dimo, Babalu-aye, Babaluaye, Babayanmi, Badimo, Banga, Bayani, Bayanni, Bomazi, Buk, Buku, Bumba, Cagn, Candit, Cghene, Chango, Chedi-bumba, Chiuta, Chonganda, Chuku, Da, Deng, Ditaolane, Domfe, Dongo, Dubiaku, Dxui, Dyinyinga, Dziva, Ebore, Edinkira, Egungun-oya, Ekurana, Elegua, En-kai, Enekpe, Engai, Enkai, Eseasar, Eshu, Esu, Evus, Fa, Faro, Ga-gorib, Gamab, Gaunab, Ghekre, Gu, Gunab, Haitse-aibeb, Haitsi-aibeb, Haiuri, Hare, Heitsi, Heitsi-eibib, Huntin, Huveane, Hyel, Hyel-taku, Iamanjie, Imana, Itherther, Iyakare, Jakuta, Jok, Jok-odudu, Juok,Kaang, Kabundungulu, Kaka-guie, Kalumba, Kammapa, Kamonou, Kamunu, Kanu, Katonda, Khakhabaisaywa, Khodumodurno, Khonvoum, Khuzwane, Kintu, Kumunu, Kwoth, Le-eyo, Legba, Lela, Leza, Libanza, Lisa, Maori, Massassi, Massim-biambe, Mawu, Mawu-lisa, Mbaba-mwanna-waresa, Mbere, Mbokomu, Mbombo, Mbongo, Mboya, Mebege, Mebeghe, Mebere, Minga-bengale, Minona, Mo-dimo, Mobokomu, Modimo, Morimi, Morongo, Moshanyana, Mugai, Mukunga-m'bura, Mukunga-mbura, Mukuru, Muluku, Mulungu, Musso-koroni, Mwambu, Mwari, Mwuetsi, Naiteru-kop, Nana-buluku, Nasilele, Natero-kop, Naz, Ndjambi, Ndrian, Ndriananahary, Ndriananhary, Neiterkob, Neiternkob, Neiterogob, Ngai, Ngewo-wa, Nialith, Nimba, Ninepone, Ninepone-mebeghe, Njambe, Njambi, Njambi-karunga, Nkwa, Nommo, None, None-mebeghe, Nummo, Nyaliep, Nyalitch, Nyambe, Nyambe(2), Nyame, Nyaminyami, Nyankopon, Nyikang, Nyiko, Nyingone-mebeghe, Nyokonan, Nyonye-ngana, Nzambi, Nzame, Nzame-mebeghe, Obambo, Obambou, Obassi-osaw, Obatala, Ochosi, Odomankomo, Odua, Odudu, Odudua, Oduduwa, Ofo, Ogo, Ogun, Olodumare, Olokun, Olorun, Olufon, Olurun, Omukuru, Omumborombanga, Omumborombonga, Onyame, Onyankopon, Orisa, Orisala, Orishala, Orishas, Orixa, Oromila, Orula, Orunmila, Osanyin, Oshe, Oshun, Oshunmare, Osun, Oya, Pale-fox, Pemba, Qamta, Quamta, Rada, Raluvumbha, Rugaba, Rugira, Ruhanga, Rurema, Ruwa, Sagbata, Sakarabru, Sakpata, Shadipinyi, Shakpana, Shango, She, Soko, Somtup, Sopona, Sudika-mbambi, Thixo, Tilo, Tore, Tsetse-bumba, Tsui, Tsui-//goab, Tsui-goab, Uhlanga, Umvelinqangi, Unkul, Unkulunkulu, Uthlanga, Waaqa, Waaqa-tokkichaa, Wak, Waq, Wele, Were, Woyengi, Wulbari, Wuni, Wuona, Wuonji, Wuonkwere, Wuonoru, Xango, Yansan, Yasigi, Yeban, Yemanja, Yemaya, Yemayah, Yemonja, Yurugu, Zanahary,

    Roman gods: Apollo Bacchus Bellona Ceres Cupid Diana Faunus Flora Janus Juno Jupiter Lares Libintia Maia Mars Mercury Minerva Mithras Neptune Ops Pales Pluto Pomona Proserpine Saturn Venus Vertumnus Vesta Vulcan

    EGYPTIAN GODS: Aa, Aah, Aapep, Abtu, Ah, Ahemait, Ahti(2), Ailuros, Aken, Aker, Amathaunta, Amaunet, Amemait, Amen, Amen-ra, Amen-re, Amenhotep, Ament, Amentet, Amentit, Ammam, Ammit, Ammon, Ammon-ra, Ammon-re, Ammut, Amn, Amon, Amon-ra, Amon-re, Amsit, Amun, Amun-ra, Amun-re, Anat, Andjety, Anedjti, Anet, Anezti, Anhur, Anit, Ankh, Ankhet, Ankt, Anouke, Anpu, Anti, Anubis, Anuket, Apademak, Apedemak, Apep, Apepi, Apet, Apis, Apophis, Aptet, Arensnuphis, Ari-hes-nefer, Arsnuphis, Aset, Aten, Aten-ra, Aten-re, Aton, Aton-ra, Aton-re, Atum, Atum-ra, Atum-re, Ba, Ba-neb-tetet, Ba-pef, Bab, Babay, Babi, Baneb-djedet, Banebdedet, Banebdjedet, Banebdjetet, Banebtetet, Banephthysdjedet, Bast, Bastet, Bat, Bata, Benu, Bes, Beset, Book-of-the-dead, Buto, Chenti-cheti, Chenti-irti, Chepri, Cherti, Chnemu, Chnoumis, Chnum, Chnuphis, Chons, Chontamenti, Cneph, Dedun, Dedwen, Dua, Duamutef, Ehi, Ernutet, Geb, Ha, Haap, Hah, Hap, Hapi, Hapy, Har-nedj-hef, Har-pa-khered, Har-pa-khruti, Harensnuphis, Harmakhis, Harmatchis, Haroeris, Harpakhered, Harpakhruti, Hat-mehit, Hathor, Hatmehit, Hatmehyt, Hauhet, Hedetet, Heget, Heh, Hehet, Hek, Heket, Hektet, Hemen, Hemsut, Hemuset, Henet, Hep, Hepi, Heptet, Heqet, Heret, Herishep, Heru-behudti, Hesa, Hesat, Het-mehit, Hetmehit, Hez-ur, Hike, Horus, Hu, Huh, Iat, Ibis, Ienpw, Ihu, Ihy, Imentet, Imeut, Imhetep, Imhotep, Imiut, Imset, Imsety, Inher, Inmutef, Inpu, Ipet, Iptet, Ipy, Isis, Iunmutef, Joh, Ka, Kauket, Keb, Kebechet, Kebechsenef, Kehperi, Kek, Keket, Keku, Kemu, Kemur, Kemwer, Ken, Khem, Khensu, Kheper, Khepera, Khepri, Kherty, Khnemu, Khnum, Khons, Khonsu, Kneph, Knouphis, Kuk, Lenpw, Ma'at, Maat, Mafdet, Maftet, Mahes, Mehen, Mehet-uret, Mehet-weret, Mehturt, Mehurt, Menchit, Mendes, Menhit, Menthu, Mentu, Meret, Meretseger, Mert, Mertseger, Meskhenet, Meskhent, Min, Mnevis, Mnewer, Month, Monto, Mut, Naunet, Neb-hut, Nebthet, Ned-er-tcher, Nef, Nefer-tem, Nefer-temu, Nefertem, Nefertum, Nehab, Nehebkau, Nehebkhau, Nehebu-kau, Neit, Neith, Nekhabed, Nekhbet, Neper, Nephthys, Nepit, Neteraantmwmw, Nu, Nuit, Nun, Nunet, Nut, Ogdoad, Onuris, Opet, Osiris, Petbe, Ptah, Ptha, Qadesh, Qadeshet, Qeb, Qetesh, Qudshu, Ra, Re, Renenet, Renenutet, Renpet, Reret, Reret-weret, Reshep, Reshpu, Sachmet, Sag, Sahu, Sakhmet, Sal, Satet, Seb, Sebek, Seker, Sekhet, Sekhmet, Selket, Selkit, Sep, Sepa, Septu, Serket, Serquet, Seshat, Sesmu, Set, Setekh, Setesh, Seth, Seti, Shai, Shait, Shay, Shed, Shenty, Shesmetet, Shu, Sobek, Sochet, Sokar, Sokaris, Soker, Sons-of-horus, Sopd, Sopdet, Sopdu, Sopedu, Sothis, Sphinx, Su, Suchos, Sutekh, Tahuti, Tatenen, Taueret, Taurt, Taweret, Tefen, Tefenet, Tefnet, Tefnut, Tehuti, Tem, Temu, Thoeris, Thot, Thoth, Tphenis, Tum, Tutu, Uadjet, Ubastet, Un, Un-nefer, Uneg, Unut, Usire, Wadj-wer, Wadjet, Waset, Wenut, Wepawet, Wosret, Wosyet, Yinepu,

    Canaanite gods: Anat Asherah Ba'al Baalat or Baalit El Lotan Mot Yam-nahar or Yam

    don't interfere .


    Ps, i don't categorically deny the existence of all these gods. For all i know, some of them could actually be living and doing something or other.

  • IP_SEC
    Why God refuses to interfere

    Cuz he is a dead-beat dad.

  • Undecided

    If bad happens to mankind because of his relationship to a God why does the same things happen to animals? They have all the same problems we do, even growing old and dieing, the diseases are mostly the same, at least my dogs are. Evolution seems to be a better answer, at least it makes some sense.

    Ken P.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    After examining the evidence I can never equte the human condition with that of animals except that we are to love and respect them and not abuse nature in any way.

    We can build satetlites that circle the earth, we build greal cathedral that reach to the sky, we are capable of the deepest self sacrifice and charity, we can make a bomb to destroy everything that ever was....

    In the animal kingdom we think it is pretty neat that a chimpanzee can use a stick to eat bugs in a hole....quite a contrast.

    We have something they don't have obviously, more than brain matter.

  • IW

    "Why God refuses to interfere," is an assumption. For all we know he "interferes" frequently. It's just that we do not understand or see the why's and where's of it. Do children always understand why their parents many times don't give them what they want? Don't parents allow their child to suffer sometimes whether it's making them finish their homework all on their own, forcing them to get braces for their teeth, allowing the consequences of their bad behavior in school to come down on them, to even deciding whether or not a dying son or daughter should be put through another chemo therapy....why do we do it? Are most parents just mean and don't understand the hardships of childhood and the teen years? Why do we, from their point of view, make it hard for them? Why can't we just make them happy they ask? Do the homework for them, no braces, stick up for them when their caught cheating or bullying in school, allow association with anyone etc.

    Parents know "why" but our kids don't always understand or even want to understand. Sometimes all they see at the moment is that Dad and Mom are making their life miserable. They just don't understand at that moment that Mom and Dad do it because we love them and we are looking out for their long term interests not just for that one day or year in their life. They also don't always understand how hard it is to love your kids and say, "no" to something they want so dearly.

    On the other hand, as parents we often do things for our children they are not aware of or are too young to understand. Maybe a parent is sacrificing themselves to save for their child's college education or gives up something they need in order to get that computer for school or meets with the child's teacher to discuss how best to help their child etc., there's a myriad of things a parent does during their lifetime to help their children behind the scenes, things their children never really fully appreciate until they themselves raise a child to adulthood.

    God is a parent. Just because we don't always understand why bad things happen does not in itself mean he does not care. God is raising mankind to adulthood he allows us to take our own steps and to fall down when we go the wrong way and yes, like the rest of creation he also allows us to die. Maybe in the end, mankind's history will be that college education God was saving for us. Maybe some day we will all understand.

  • RachelHall
    JWs give him way too much power. Watch the show "The Human Behavior Experiment" I believe it is on Court TV. They go in depth on studies that have been done, research experiments, and is very revealing. We can think that we are great people and all, but when push comes to shove we are all capable of evil. Sin lives inside us all.

    When push comes to shove, yes we do have sin within our self, inherited from our first parents....BUT wouldn't it have been interesting to find that we don't need Satan to complicate our sins with evil. Like Hitler and evil people from ancient times, OR in our day people who love to torture and kill for the fun of it. I don't think the human race is inherently evil, just sinful. Evil comes from Satan. IMHO

  • trevor
    I don't think the human race is inherently evil, just sinful. Evil comes from Satan.

    Once we believe in a creature called Satan, we have to accept that the god of the Bible created him and is therefore capable of creating creatures with the potential to practice evil.

    If Satan is the ultimate sinner, why is he still alive, while those he led astray have been punished with death?

    Is it not a sin for an all knowing god to create creatures with the potential to carry out evil? Doesn’t the responsibility go to the person at the top of the chain?

    Of course we have to ask what evil is. According to the Bible, the wicked acts were all carried out by the god of the Bible. Satan has never even been accused of killing any one. It is only this god and his created creatures that kill. The Devil never lied to Adam and Eve but told them the truth, it was the god of the Bible that lied to them and tried to keep them in darkness.

    Satan said that they would become like god knowing good and evil. So this god knew all about evil and went on to act in an evil and inhumane way toward humans. Having his own son tortured to death to pay for the mistake he himself had made, was hardly a loving or fair thing to do. Most moral people would consider it an evil act.

    I could go on but you get the gist of it and it has all been said before. The point is people will never find satisfactory answers to the question posed by this thread until they realize that they are looking for God in all the wrong places.

  • RachelHall
    I could go on but you get the gist of it and it has all been said before. The point is people will never find satisfactory answers to the question posed by this thread until they realize that they are looking for God in all the wrong places.

    I suppose I am not looking for an answer, but take the occasion to express my thoughts.

    However, the reply's are well thought out and I thank each one for their post.

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