Why God refuses to interfere

by greendawn 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    My perspective; The only thing God could have done to avoid all this was to not create man in the first place. The earth would be beautiful and pristine with no nuclear weapons or wars. No murders, no self awareness of death. All other creatures do not spend their lifetimes pondering these things.

    Human freedom. It is a gift that is constantly abused, and God gets the blame for it.

    Ex JW Christians are damned if they do and damned if they don't. We get blamed if we share our stories, and then blamed if we don't defend ourselves.

    I had a relationship with God way before the JWs. As a small child I had a sense of God without ever having been in a church but for once or twice. Some of us left the org and became secular humanists, wiccans, muslims, evolutionists AND mainstream Christians who are involved with healthy mainstream churches that agree on the Nicene Creed.

    I for one am not here to proselitize or argue why I am who I am. I love you all and share our common history. Please keep in mind that those of us who have turned to mainstream Christianity are not stupid or ignorant. I am not here to defend God, He doesn't need me to do that.

    I'm here because nobody in the world but you all know what my life was like, I need you. I hope we can all share without personal condemnation.

    Sometimes God intervenes, sometimes people die. The why is not always evident to us now. If I gave my children everything they ever asked for they would be spoiled brats. Again, Christians do not see death as the end or a terrible thing. It is painful, but we have peace knowing we will join our lost loved ones again the second we pass over.

    I hope we can all share our personal perspectives freely without fear of condemnation. We have all had enough of that in the org. Wishing you all a great start to a great weekend! Love~Kate

  • Gill

    So why exactly do you expect God to look after some 'nice, christian lady/man' and not look after poor starving African children?

    God doesn't interfere because he is either NOT WILLING or NOT ABLE.

  • JH

    To some degree, God painted himself in a corner and can't do anything for us now, because he decided that a long time ago when he was mad.

  • lovelylil

    Kate, nice comments. Lilly

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    What God refuses to do is take our freedom away. The children starving in Africa are a result of governments and warlords fighting for more power and control. All the food we ship to them, all the money and help does not get to the intended. Again, God refuses to take away the freedoms of the men doing that so God is in error again?

    He gives us total freedom as the most capable creature in the universe to solve these problems WE created. Maybe God thinks more of our capabilities than we think of ourself?

    We are free creatures. What we choose to do with that freedom directs our life and effects the lives of those around us. Like throwing a stone in a pond, the ripples slowly make it all the way to the edge. Action, reaction. God will not take our ability to throw any stone we want in any pond we want.

    Some people throw grenades.

  • RachelHall

    Does a child give his trust to a parent or even a stranger that slaps him/her in the face for no reason? There has got to be something more that the scriptures do not reveal.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    Does a child give his trust to a parent or even a stranger that slaps him/her in the face for no reason? There has got to be something more that the scriptures do not reveal.

    Yes like; who is doing the slapping? Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. God is love, love is kind. The story goes; while we were yet throwing grenades into ponds, Jesus died to cover the cost of our screwing up. Jesus reaped all the evil we have ever sown. We have ALL thrown our own grenades at some time, we have all screwed up at some time, we have all hurt someone at some time.

  • RachelHall

    Kate, I know what you are trying to say. but why did God let Satan loose on the human race in general? Would the world be so BAD or EVIL with Satan dead or gone. Most of us want peace and try to live a good life and help our fellows who are less forunate AND that is WITH Satan as the God of this world. Would Nimrod have turned against God if it had not been for Satan? As I said: I feel we are pawns being used....

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    Would the world be so BAD or EVIL with Satan dead or gone

    Yes. We all screw up. We all hurt people. We all make mistakes. I don't believe the JW theology that Satan is in control either. According to authentic mainstream Biblical understanding; Satan was also a being that had the ability to choose evil and know right from wrong. Obviously the angels too since some followed after Satan. He made a choice. We make choices.

    JWs give him way too much power. Watch the show "The Human Behavior Experiment" I believe it is on Court TV. They go in depth on studies that have been done, research experiments, and is very revealing. We can think that we are great people and all, but when push comes to shove we are all capable of evil. Sin lives inside us all.

    The WT would have us believe that we can be good little JWs and somehow counter act old Adam and Eve's mistake. When the truth is every one of us would have done it.

  • lilybird

    trevor.. your post expresses exactly my beliefs in what God really is.. that God(which means love for life and others) is within each of us.. I find more peace in my life feeling that as humans we no longer have to fear pleasing a remote God up there somewhere...These are the beliefs that work for me in my life...

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