What is the naughtiest thing you ever did during a dist./circuit assembly?

by lovernotafighter 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    One of my last experiences with the Jehovah's Witness group was at a district assembly. I bought my three year old son a roll of Rainbow Lifesavers from a candy vending machine marked "OUT OF ORDER" and had a huge confrontation with two Jehovah's Witness security guards. My son and I were belly pushed, detained, interrogated, and threatened by the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • unclebruce

    LMAO in awe of looking glass and blondie's cheek.

    Once I felt guilt for sneaking home during the lunch break only to find the entire afternoon session was canned due to a bomb scare (where are all those wonderful apostates who broke the monotomy with 'bomb scare's?).

    Blondie I admire your passive resistance, for a while it was the only weapon I had.

    I avoided a sore bum by 'served on the nightwatchâ„¢' and working in cafeteria. unc.

    Name: Brutha Pispot

    Congregation: Paradise

  • Stephanus
    I bought my three year old son a roll of Rainbow Lifesavers from a candy vending machine marked "OUT OF ORDER" and had a huge confrontation with two Jehovah's Witness security guards. My son and I were belly pushed, detained, interrogated, and threatened by the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Perhaps "rainbow" was just a little too "new age" for the brothers? "Theocratic Beige Lifesavers" would probably have drawn no attention...

  • luna2

    What flavor would those have been, Stephanus?

  • greendawn

    During the last assemly (and JW meeting of any sort) that I ever attended I was in the toilet peeing as the final prayer was being said, it was my way to show disrespect for the cult on my final presence there.

  • Stephanus
    What flavor would those have been, Stephanus?

    I'm guessing "tofu"

  • luna2

    greendawn: I'm shocked, I tell you...Shocked! LOL

    Stephanus: Mmmmm, tofu. No sugar either I'll bet. Like sucking on a button.

  • unclebruce
    Garybuss said: One of my last experiences with the Jehovah's Witness group was at a district assembly. I bought my three year old son a roll of Rainbow Lifesavers from a candy vending machine marked "OUT OF ORDER" and had a huge confrontation with two Jehovah's Witness security guards. My son and I were belly pushed, detained, interrogated, and threatened by the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This brings back many memories of things we did on night watch. Divine Victory Assembly. Norwood Oval Adelaide SA. October 1973: One dark night we climbed to the top of a lighting tower and drove a drunk to distraction by spotlighting him .. he'd struggle a few paces then I'd turn the light off leaving him cursing and swearing in the dark ... on again .. he'd steady himself and start on his wonky way .. off again and he'd look up cursing and swearing blue murder ... later that night the police arrived and asked if we'd seen the culprits lol .. it turned out he was the President of the Norwood Football Club ..whose oval we were guarding

  • Stephanus
    Stephanus: Mmmmm, tofu. No sugar either I'll bet. Like sucking on a button.

    That's probably the best description of tofu I'll ever read. Why my cat attacked my wife to get some of her tofu stir-fry, I'll never know!

  • luna2

    Cats...who can understand them?

    I've never gotten into the tofu thing. I try cuz its supposed to the healthy, but its hard to get excited about a slab of tasteless bean curd.

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