Lying Elder???

by Confucious 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence
    he never had a fantasy about another woman

    So freakin unnatural!!! I fantasize all the time about other womens before during after my elderhood. I guess you can convice yourself of another lie, after all, that is what jwism is all about. I mean, if someone asked me when I was an elder if I spanked the monkey, I would say...HELL NO. If I did admit to it, I would be talked to by the BOE. I would rather lie than to face adverse consequences.

    WAC - Of the wac the monkey class.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    maybe he fantasizes about men? lol

    Or Cub Scouts

  • KW13

    ha, maybe he's just...i dunno, numb?

  • mrsjones5
    And he again, looked me dead in the eye and said, "No - that he never had a fantasy about another woman."

    Ok, has he ever had a fantasy about any woman? What about the woman he has now...if he has one? Wow, must be a really cold fish in bed. Brrrr!



    Please... what a freakin lying bastage..

  • Elsewhere

    Research has show that 9 ouf of 10 men will admit to masturbating... the last one is lying.

  • Woofer

    Perhaps he took advice from the society's publications and "went for a walk" or "read the Bible" when he became aroused.

    Heh heh heh.

  • Confucious

    These comments are hillarious.

    Didn't think about that "No and you never lied either?"

    But I can see how these people can "Justify" themselves saying that they need to be "upbuilding or encouraging."

    But in reality how DISCOURAGING is this?

    I mean, he followed up his answer by saying "NO. (I never masterbated EVER (and he said ever) or fantasied about a women) because I'm afraid of displeasing Jehovah."

    I mean he REALLY said that.

    But see, when I was in the troof and a MS and a Pioneer, it was DEVESTATING to me because I always felt so unclean.

    It would be better off for someone to be honest to say, "sure I wack it" than for me to go on thinking that somehow I was some perverted and weak man because I couldn't get a "grip" on it. (sorry for the pun, couldn't resist.)

    My point to the elder was pretty much, "Dude... do you know that we are ALL unclean?"

    Guess I was wrong about him, LOL.


    To quote a popular sitcom: "men have to do it (masturbate) its a part of our lifestyle.."

  • Mary
    Your telling me you never masturbated?" And the elder looked me dead in the eye and said, "No."

    You should have laughed in his face and then looked him dead in the eye and said "...Liars will not inherit the Kingdom.."

    Any guy who trys saying that he's never masturbated or fantasized about a woman is full of shit.

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