Lying Elder???

by Confucious 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    What is always amusing to me is that some poor sap has to give a talk about masturbation every couple of years or so on the School. Fun times. I was assigned one of those once and I turned it down, mostly because it would have required blatant hypocrisy.

  • BizzyBee

    Please... what a freakin lying bastage..
    Is this French? I am not familiar with this particular varmint................

  • Confucious

    I didn't think about it at the time...

    But I should have turned to the other elder that was with him and said... "And now do you believe me that he's full of sh*t?"

  • blondie

    Bastard. Originally used in the 1984 movie Johnny Dangerously. This PG flick introduced bastage, fargin', and icehole as PG terms for similar sounding words.

    You fargin' bastages!
  • poodlehead

    I wouldn't assume he is lying. But I would be very surprised. My Ex-husband never wanted sex. Nor did he Masturbate or fantasize or even have an Affair. (He worked out of the house and it would have been very unlikely.) Notice I sayed EX. He really felt sex was affensive and that I was a pervert for wanting sex. Mind you in the last 9 years of our marriage I could count on two hands how many times we had sex.

    So he may be one of those few. But personally I think he is lying.

    And WHY is your sex life so interesting to him? Maybe that is what gets him off.

    "Have you been imoral? Could you elaborate? Tell me, tell me!!"

    None of anyones bussiness but yours.

  • geevee

    A recent survey stated: "95% of men masturbate, the other 5% are liars".....!!!!!
    Perhaps this guy likes to help all the young men in the congo with their "masturbation problem"... technique!!

  • uninformed

    First: Blondie, how do you do it every time??????????????????//

    The elder is not unusual. They are all liars, (congenital). You see, they have to act like they are holy, and they justify it and their lies and double lives sor the sake of appearance of being better than you a lowly publisher.

    Take his lead, though. Lie back to him. Tell him that any sins you have committed that you have talked to Jehovah in prayer, and believe it or not, you could just feel holy spirit working in you and forgiving you.

    Ask him politely to get the hell out of your life, and go find someone else to sexually abuse.


  • Confucious

    To me, the attitude of the elder is what is fundamentally wrong with this religion.

    Basically, as Jesus said, they are a white washed grave.

    They chose, the appearance of being clean - over being clean thorugh the blood of the Christ.

    That is - basically saying that you are NOT clean on your own innitiative.

    I think it's so distructive to create a facade of righteousness.

    There you then have an option... play into the "I'm so holy" routine or try your best and become depressed over it (that is... falling short).

  • snarf

    What a liar!!! Even if he has never masturbated, which is hard to believe because I think everyone gives it a try at least once, everyone looks at the opposite sex (or same) with some sort of lustful thought at different times. Could just be seeing a person jogging down the road on which you are driving, if they are attractive, you look, and even if for one split second, a thought usually comes to mind.

  • Dismembered

    "No" What an untouched dangling appendage


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