OK believers, time to put up or shut up...

by Gregor 238 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BizzyBee
    I'm going to edit your question, removing all emotion and ad-hominem attacks, and then respond.

    Excuse me, but that was incredibly presumptuous and condescending, surpassed only by actually doing it - and with strikethroughs, no less!

  • SickofLies

    I do not believe in God but I resepct those who do, many of who are my friends now.

    The only time people annoy me is when they claim obviously stupid things like evolution could never have happened, but other than that I say live and let die.

  • candidlynuts

    i'm free of the watchtower mind control and FREE to believe any way i choose to.

    i also am free from thinking that whatever i believe , has to be the way others believe.

  • kid-A

    Kid-A, declaring premature victory on a thread like this is an insult to me and my kind. If the goal is "shut up", flip responses like yours and Gregor's will do the job.

    OK Jgnat, I'll take the bait. I think you need to lose the defensiveness and "school marm" attitude. I agree, it was rude and condescending to "edit" out Gregors post like that. Nobody has personally attacked you here but you have chosen to perceive everything as a personal attack. I dont recall declaring 'victory' anywhere in my post, nor do I recall ever addressing you in the post either.

  • LDH
    The reason why God is permitting suffering and evil in the world at this time is basically to teach mankind a great lesson. That is that we cannot live without him and his rulership over us. Becuase we were never made to live independently of God. And that he alone has the right to tell us what is right and wrong because he created us. Think about all the governmnets man has tried to bring peace and it has failed. Think about all the thousands of religions we have and they cannot bring peace. Every time a new President is voted in, He promises peace. It cannot work and will not work. Gods judgements are so much better than ours and unlike man, he will not dominate us to our injury. Mankind looks to benefit themselves, make themselves rich and prosperious and most of us, mankind that is, really does not give a hoot for our fellow man.

    Sometimes children have to learn a lesson by experience. We will have one great experience when all this is over.

    This is bullshit.

    1. Human beings, if given the enviroment and opportunity, are intelligent beings. Your argument would hold water if there was only one generation. Instead, man has lived for more than thousands of years. How many more people does he have to 'teach a lesson to.'

    Will the ones born in the future "pretend paradise" hear about these "lessons?" If not, what good are they now?


    I mostly agree with you and the Kid.

  • Gregor

    Double edge- I appreciate a good sarcastic response to a good sarcastic response, but did you have anything to say that could save my soul?

    Ballistic, I am not the kind of person that would take pleasure in jerking the pacifier of religion out of anybodys mouth. I've seen some pretty edgy discussions on this site, don't tell me I have touched a nerve? Are we all adults here?

    XJW4ever - The basic request for this topic was that there be no BS, and you bring up what amounts to a belief in a parallel universe. Naughty, naughty!!

    Lovely-lil - Pray for me, sweetheart. You sound like a very nice person. I have no malice toward you but you really must consider getting out of the JW's or face terrible disappointment.

  • ballistic

    So all the poeple crying "bull shit" I presume believe religion does nothing for individuals. And they know that holding a contest on here is a bit unfair considering the numbers of believers and unbelievers present at the moment.

    ballistic a non-believer class

  • JamesThomas

    altI am no longer a deity worshipper, but when I was my chosen god became a cornerstone of my personal identity. Thoughts of losing my beloved Jesus, were like thoughts of death.

    It didn't matter whether or not my beliefs made sense or that they squared with reality. What mattered was I had a hole in my soul, a cavity which beliefs in a deity filled...for a time; until I realized the hole in my soul was creation of my mind and so the little god that filled it.


  • Hellrider

    Gregor: The thing is, without "something bigger than us" (as in "God" or at least "eternal, objective ethical values"), there is no reason to be upset about 18 months old babies drowning or passanger planes falling out of the sky (as sick as it sounds). Without something eternally existing, spiritual, whether you call it "God" or "objective moral standards" (which is...almost the same as God?), all those bodies are just corruptable, meaningless flesh. Of course, that could very well be the case. But if so, you`re better of not thinking to much about these horrible things...

  • LDH
    So all the poeple crying "bull shit" I presume believe religion does nothing for individuals. And they know that holding a contest on here is a bit unfair considering the numbers of believers and unbelievers present at the moment.

    So are you saying I am having a battle of wits with unarmed people?

    I would like to hear rational argument that does not invoke emotion or the belief that by being born, I am a "sinner."

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