by badboy 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Actress Victoria Wyndham (Rachel Cory, Another World) came to a meeting one time with someone - it was the early 90's and I walked into the KH and saw her there - supposedly no one was supposed to know her because she was on a soap. I sat there for a few minutes and went up and welcomed her...she smiled and said she was doing research for a role she was playing...the soap was cancelled in 1999 and I have no idea what's she's doing now. She played the role of Rachel for over 25 years.

  • Kaput

    We had the former female singer for the group Chubby & the Turnpikes in our congo. She left the group to become a JW. They later re-named themselves Tavares (Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel, More Than a Woman, It Only Takes a Minute). I heard she's now living hardscrabble in Florida somewhere...still a JW, too.

  • MadTiger

    Interesting. My aunt sang a duet with James Ingram in a high school talent show in the early 70s. (Akron, OH)

  • Honesty

    These guys showed up for the Theocratic Ministry School one Thursday evening:

  • EAGLE-1


  • Broken Hearted
    Broken Hearted
    These guys showed up for the Theocratic Ministry School one Thursday evening:

    surprised they are not looked at as having some stantic symbolism everything else fun for children seems to be from what i am reading.

  • Swan

    I never understood the hullabaloo about famous people in the JWs. Prince, Michael Jackson, Mickey Spillane, etc. Maybe I'm just not with it, but I could never quite figure it out. Glen Campbell was rumored to get baptized at the same assembly I was being baptized at. So what? My aunt couldn't attend her BIble Study due to a doctor appointment, so she had me and another sister go in her place. She was the sister of Pamela Reed. So? I like her acting, but whether her sister was a JW in my aunt's cong. just didn't seem to be important to me.

    When Luke Skywalker said he wanted to be a great warrior, Yoda said, "Wars not make one great." To paraphrase, "Being a JW doesn't make one great." Here is what I think makes someone great or famous. Here is who I think was famous in my congregation.

    Bruce Baker,

    One of the few JWs in my congregation to wise up and get out. The only one to have the courage to talk to newspaper reporters about the Tacoma Dome parking lie the Watchtower Society was telling.

    ...and his wife and daughter, who also had the courage, smarts, and loyalty to stand by their family member instead of blindly following the commandments of about a dozen old geezers in Brooklyn, New York.

    And there was me, who figured out something was really, really wrong even though I didn't have any hard facts. I only had a bunch of thought provoking questions that made me doubt, and it took great courage to make that great leap of faith that the JWs were full of crap and DA myself.

    There are a few others in the congregations I attended, but I can't talk about them here because I would want to get their consent first.

    In your congregation, well, all of you overlooked the obvious!

    YOU! You are famous. You have done a very brave and courageous thing. You are far superior in intellect, wisdom, perception, and observation than the average Witness. All of those factors were very instrumental in your seeing the truth about "The Truth" and looking at things anew. You said to yourself, "Something is not right here." Your questions led to doubts. Your doubts led to searching for answers. And when the Watchtower offered nice neat answers all wrapped up in a bow, you didn't blindly accept them. You saw them as just more malarkey and dug further. And when you did realize it was all a sham, you had your own "Crisis of Conscience" and you took steps to get out of that situation, even if it is only to come and post or lurk on this board.

    That makes you all famous in my book. Each and every one of you.

    Maybe at the next apostafest, I should start collecting your autographs.


  • AudeSapere
    Oroborus21 wrote: The brother of the singer James Ingram was the guest speaker at our hall one Sunday.

    You are talking about Phil Ingram. I went to pioneer school in 1985 with him and his wife (forget her name).

    I have been in congregations with George Benson, Rebbie Brown (aka Rebbie Jackson), Paul Sorvino's wife (now ex-wife; I don't believe she was ever baptized) and Larry Ingram's mother-in-law. Also low-key local radio DJ Paul Freeman and Michael Jackson attended my parents former congregation.

    There were a few others, but I can't remember who right now.

    Swan - You comments remind me of a WT comment my mother made many years ago. While on vacation she attended a hall out of state. Someone said something about how wonderful (yadda, yadda, yadda) to have people like Michael Jackson take a stand for Jehovah ... blah, blah, blah.

    Mother makes her comment "I happen to attend the same congregation as Michael Jackson and <someone else famous>. Some may think that is noteworthy but I'm not so impressed. In the same congregation are two people who are paralized. One is parapeligic and the other is quadrapelegic. THOSE people impress me. What those two do to just get to a meeting is truly inspiring."

    I paraphrased her comment, but your sentiment reminded me of that. While I don't agree with my mom on many things anymore, I think I still agree on that statement.


  • sass_my_frass

    Aaaw bless your heart Tammy!

    Far out what a lot of nobodies! It's not like we can boast about studying with Tom Cruise. Wouldn't that be cool though - having our cult exposed through a starlet's birth pangs.

  • Stephanus
    These guys showed up for the Theocratic Ministry School one Thursday evening:
    surprised they are not looked at as having some stantic symbolism everything else fun for children seems to be from what i am reading.

    You haven't been here long, BH, so I'll get you up to date on this. You're absolutely right - that's the running joke on this board. Smurfs were effectively banned from the JW viewpoint, due to supposed demonic undertones. There's also some urban legends about them and Kingdom Halls, but I won't spoil your fun - there are some great old threads to search through...

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