I am a Non JW, I have never been one and have fallen in love with a guy who is. I am a mother of five children. The girls are 20, 18 and 13. The boys are 16 and 10. My 18 year old Daughter has Primary Pulmonary Hypertension and is waiting a double lung transplant. Pulmonary Hypertension is an abnormally high blood pressure in the lungs. The small vessels that supply blood to the lungs constrict, making it harder for the blood to get to the lungs, thus causing the heart to work harder and enlarging. She is a walking Miracle. I love all my children equally. They are all different individuals as they should be. I am proud of them all, they have had a lot of adveristies to deal with in the last 4 years and some influnences I would rather they had not had to deal with. I truely belive the bible verse that talks about training up a child and they will not depart from it. I can say that I do still care for my children's fathers, because they are thier father, without them it would not have been possible to have them. That is as far as that love goes though. In my life I take one second at a time though I think being prepared for the next second is a good thing. Some people perceive this as being over protective or caucious, maybe if there were more people like that this world could be a little different.