Sign Governors' petition to President Bush to lower gas prices!

by FlyingHighNow 99 Replies latest social current

  • FlyingHighNow

    This is what I liked to see, republicans and democrats putting away their differences in order to combat a problem that will crush the US economy and affect the world economy. And that WILL happen if we don't all fight this time of unbridled corporate greed.

  • upside/down

    What's if you check CEO's by field and the percentage paid...Oil barrons are far from the highest paid by percentages...Pharmaceutical Exec's, Major Contracting Firms Exec's, Bankers, Semi-Conductor Company's Exec's, Insurance Exec's....etc...all are paid a higher percentage... I find it an XXJW holdover mindset...Whining that life's not fair...and the "New System" will be the ultimate Socialistic/Communitst "solution"....****sigh****

    I want to know how come we don't attack Louis Vitton, Versace and about GROSS profit!!!

    Note....NEVER trust any politicians when an election is up and coming...

    ****I gotta remember that XXJW's are just flexing their new found thinking muscles... it takes time to gain coordination****

    u/d(of the quichyerbichin class)

  • FlyingHighNow
    I want to know how come we don't attack Louis Vitton, Versace and about GROSS profit!!!

    Okay, there's a comparison for you. Compare fashion, which people buy by choice, to gasoline which we buy due to necessity.

  • upside/down

    What FunkyDerek said...


  • FlyingHighNow

    Here's something more: I hope the embedded page will show up. If it doesn't, here's the link:

  • roybatty
    No matter who was in charge of would have made record profit...that's the big league.

    Correctamundo!!!! It's not the AMOUNT that Raymond received its the WAY he received it. IMO is wasn't some new innovation or product, it was manipulation of the market and the American consumer. Naughty naughty Mr. Raymond.

    Oh yes it is... what you described is "gouging"... that is ILLEGAL and borderline immoral...although a true "capitalist" would say that supply and demand determine the value of anything...

    So a post-Katrina store owner in New Orleans starts selling a $1.00 bottle of water for $100.00, that's gouging but the oil companies doing the same thing with the price of gas is not? Ok, what did I miss here?????

    to increase their margins

    First of all... that is HIGHLY debateable... but again...SO WHAT!....Since when can't ANY business lower it's costs to increase it's bottom line? Heaven forbid they become even MORE profitable... it's all perspective...The little guy of course hates to be laid off... and the big guy is proud that he made billions and pleased his stock holders...

    No it's not debateable. You can read the memos from the OIL COMPANIES THEMSELVES. It's not a matter of costs cutting, it's instead purposely creating a shortage of a vital resource in order to gouge consumers. And it worked!

    Voted for Bush....twice!

    Wow...good for you ... you voted!

    Yup, shame on me the second around though. Oh well, he seemed so sincere.

    As far as increasing the MPG... no agrument from me there... I see it happening on the commercials of the automakers daily. Except it would perpetuate continued dependency on oil (and Exxon would still make profits for even longer)... which I thought was the problem to begin with...

    Funny how ethonal and other alternative fuels just can't seem to get any traction....

    You were making good progress till here... this is where your understanding of economics is flawed. THAT is EXACTLY how supply and demand work... The price we pay for ANYTHING isn't determined at the time that "anything" is made...

    Um...yeah, actually it is. Ask any producer of goods how they calculate the cost to produce a product. If you have me quote building you a porch today, I find out what lumber costs me at the moment, not what it may cost me next year. But according to your wacky reasoning I would give you a price based upon what lumber may cost a year from now though I'd be building you a porch this weekend. Just the same way oil companies re-price gas enroute to their gas staions or even worse, gas that's already there, but was produced months ago. It's price gouging plain and simple.

    I just wonder...what will happen when all the obscenely profitable companies like Microsoft, Exxon, General Mills, GE, ahemmm ...Halliburton**cough**... all go under (if that were possible)? Will anyone feel sorry for all the 100's of thousands of employees that lose their jobs... What will we ever do?

    Again, you're missing the point. Maybe I can hold your hand as you try and connect the dots. I have no problem with a company making as much profit as possible AS LONG AS ITS DONE FAIR AND SQUARE. You invented a better mouse trap, hey, charge whatever the market will bare. But what you're not allowed to do is release mice in your neighborhood and double the price of your mouse trap. There are rules against manipulating the market and big oil doesn't follow them. They have the best of both worlds. They have a monopoly, like your utility company, but don't have the shackles of any govermental oversight. Can you imagine your local gas or electric company being de-regulated, then deciding the close power plants in your area in order to, as you stated "cut costs", then forcing you to pay triple the price for heat or electric because they have to run their plants at full capacity. Seems in your world this would be just fine.

  • upside/down
    the oil companies doing the same thing with the price of gas is not? Ok, what did I miss here?????

    I'll tell you what you missed...the oil companies DO NOT set the price of oil.... the only increase in GAS as this point has been the rise in the market price of oil...and taxes...that's it... Didn't you read the breakdown on Oil Economics 101? Apparently not.

    it's not debateable

    You are incorrigible... The stretch you make from "cost cutting" to "deliberately creating a shortage" is truly worthy of an Awake Pulitzer.

    Oh well, he seemed so sincere.

    You voted for "W" based on how he "appeared".... I'm starting to see where you're coming from...

    Funny how ethonal and other alternative fuels just can't seem to get any traction....

    I've been saying that for 20 years!!! Agreed.

    It's price gouging plain and simple.

    Your ignorance and false analogy (you CAN'T compare apples to oranges) are laughable...and literally make your argument lose any and all credibility... you are FLAT OUT WRONG...not a company on planet Earth adheres to your rediculous myopic view of things...NOT ONE!

    As for your final comments... you again seem to be alluding strongly that life (and business) should be "fair" grow up Witnoid...LIFE AIN'T FAIR...and you and me are small potato's.... get used to it. In the meantime, hone your debating skills some...

    Of course... my Kingdom awaits me....I be a benevolent'll see......

    u/d(of the Pinky and the Brain class)

  • roybatty
    the oil companies doing the same thing with the price of gas is not? Ok, what did I miss here?????

    I'll tell you what you missed...the oil companies DO NOT set the price of oil.... the only increase in GAS as this point has been the rise in the market price of oil...and taxes...that's it... Didn't you read the breakdown on Oil Economics 101? Apparently not.

    You truly are a knuckle head. Yesterday oil hits $75.00 a barrel and later that afternoon the gas stations across the U.S. increase the price of gas. Price gouging? Duh.

    You are incorrigible... The stretch you make from "cost cutting" to "deliberately creating a shortage" is truly worthy of an Awake Pulitzer.

    Did you bother to do read any research on the internal memos from oil companies and the purpose of shuting down their refineries? Nah.

    You voted for "W" based on how he "appeared".... I'm starting to see where you're coming from...

    Yeah, he got me all scared with the war on terror but I felt much better now that he's helped India with their nuke program. Nice one Mr. President.

    I've been saying that for 20 years!!! Agreed.

    I'm sure big oil had nothing to do with these programs being underfunded....nah.

    It's price gouging plain and simple.

    Your ignorance and false analogy (you CAN'T compare apples to oranges) are laughable...and literally make your argument lose any and all credibility... you are FLAT OUT WRONG...not a company on planet Earth adheres to your rediculous myopic view of things...NOT ONE!

    Hmmm....let's see. As a manufacturing engineer I've worked with HON furniture, Federal Signal, Newell-Ruddermaid, Black & Decker (just to name a few). I work with their manufacturing and engineering department to calculate the cost to produce a product, so while you sit at you computer and make dumbass claims, I'm actually doing not saying. This idea of yours that companies re-price finished goods because a spike in raw material costs is insane. What do you think would happen if Rubbermaid re-priced a truck load of plastic office supply product enroute to Wal-Mart becase oil today hits $85.00 a barrel?? It wouldn't make sense. Now if Wal-Mart were to place an order TODAY for product due IN A MONTH, that's a differnt story.

    As for your final comments... you again seem to be alluding strongly that life (and business) should be "fair" grow up Witnoid...LIFE AIN'T FAIR...and you and me are small potato's.... get used to it. In the meantime, hone your debating skills some...

    Who said life is fair? You have this habit of assuming what other people think, a very Watchtower like trait. There are laws and rules in place to protect the American consumer, is it unfair to expect the SEC and FTC to enforce these rules? You seem like the type you just wants to sit back and say "oh well, I'm just a little guy and can't do anything about it." Hell with that.

    As far as my debating skill, well, I'll work on that as long as you work on your spelling. I'm not the world's best speller but, common, how does someone spell "ridiculous" - "r-E-d-i-c-o-u-s" -- twice!

    BTW, looks like even the puppets in Washington are standing up and taking note:

    I guess you have to be so good at debating because the facts just don't seem to be on your side......

  • upside/down
    the puppets in Washington

    The ONLY half way intelligent comment you've made...

    You my friend are a waste of skin...


  • roybatty
    You my friend are a waste of skin...

    Eh, perhaps. But be sure to let me know if you ever have a product you need produced. I'd LOVE to have a client who sees no problem with post-manufactured price increases.

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