Sign Governors' petition to President Bush to lower gas prices!

by FlyingHighNow 99 Replies latest social current

  • FlyingHighNow
    But there is a bigger picture here.

    Uh yeah, and that would be oil company wallets. By the way, Bush and his former cabinet members, most of them are involved or were involved with major oil companies. How do you think the Bush family made its millions?

  • daniel-p

    "I am not embarrassed except by some posters' apathy and gullability over this issue."

    You might want to do some reading up on this - and I don't mean CNN. You might start out with Daniel Yergin's The Prize - or just even read his latest article published in the most recent issue of Foreign Affairs. He gives a very balanced overview of what this is all about and does not reduce the argument to typical bi-partisan politics.

  • daniel-p

    "How do you think the Bush family made its millions?"

    Hey, I'm not saying there isn't something wrong here - but higher gas prices are an inevitability. It's called scarcity - a simple economic concept. Whether that scarcity is imagined or real, the perception of scarcity will drive prices higher.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Bi-partisan? There are many republicans upset with Bush right now as well. And they have to buy gas, too.

  • ballistic

    OK FHN, playing for your side I can think of one way they could try to do this, but unfortunately it wouldn't work. They could break worldwide free trade agreements like the US did with US Steel when they were trying to keep the steel industry alive. It pissed off loads of countries, and could only keep it up for so long.

    Could they do that with oil? no. Because oil from different parts of the world is completely different consistencies \ composition. The gas you put in your car is a mixture of about 40% US oil and 60% Other \ Arabian oil. The mixture is controlled in the refraction and processing of the oil. So that is why the US exports and imports oil at the same time. So it would not even be a simple process without redesigning engines to break trade agreements and go it alone.

  • daniel-p

    "Bi-partisan? There are many republicans upset with Bush right now as well. And they have to buy gas, too."

    bi·par·ti·san (b-pärt-zn, -sn)

    Of, consisting of, or supported by members of two parties, especially two major political parties: a bipartisan resolution.

  • ballistic

    I don't support anyone, I'm from England where most our fuel cost is tax which probably goes toward our healthcare or something like that. I'm just trying to state the facts because I do know a little about global markets and oil.

  • ObservingTexan

    This is nothing but a political stunt on the part of the Governor. Same thing goes for all parties complaining about high gas prices. Pure politics considering the crude oil market is a free market.

  • FlyingHighNow
    "Bi-partisan? There are many republicans upset with Bush right now as well. And they have to buy gas, too."

    bi·par·ti·san (b-pärt-zn, -sn)


    IP: IfkxW1ArX1wNZDio

    Please check my second comment on this thread where I state that this is NOT a bi partisan issue. I know the definition of the term.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    This is nothing but a political stunt on the part of the Governor. Same thing goes for all parties complaining about high gas prices. Pure politics considering the crude oil market is a free market.

    Although I agree that this governer's tactics are pure politics I would hardly say that the crude oil market is a "free market". Ever heard of OPEC?

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