Sign Governors' petition to President Bush to lower gas prices!

by FlyingHighNow 99 Replies latest social current

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, at first reporters and news anchors were buying the story. That is until everyone realized that the prediction that gas prices being up 25 cents per gallon over last summer's gas prices meant post Katrina, which was still summer time. Once word got out that they meant post Katrina, the spit hit did hit the fan. This is BIG on the news the past two days in Michigan. People aren't so quick to suck their thumbs while GW pats them on the head and tells them stories and tells them Pappa will take care of everything, while you all starve.

  • FlyingHighNow

    No one said the prez sets the gas prices. Pretty ridiculous comment you added there. Now go read the info and get your facts straight.

  • ballistic

    FHN, it is true that they are making record profits, but that is because the supply \ demand issues have created a high price. The same as the price of coffee or gold would for their respective industries. You have to look at recent developments in China and Asia as the real cause and not some conspiracy.

  • ballistic

    I didn't really explain that very well so I'll try again. Can you petition anyone for lower prices on a global market?

    Let's say I have an oil well in my back yard. That means I can sell you cheaper gas yes? no. I'm a capitalist, and the global market will pay me a higher price because there's not enough oil to meet demand.

    So unless you can petition China and Asia to stop developing, you are not going to achieve anything.

  • FlyingHighNow

    When several governors of states here are suspicious of the big oil companies, then that is big news, Ballistic. People need to stop being complacent and demand answers, not pat answers, but truthful answers.

  • daniel-p

    This is absurd. Gas NEEDS to be high - I hope it goes higher. It is extremely undervalued here in America - its environmental impact hasn't even begun to be counted into the price of burning it. It needs to be taxed much higher.

    "When several governors of states here are suspicious of the big oil companies, then that is big news, Ballistic"

    Those governors are doing this for political motives. No economic advisor in his/her right mind would advocate this, unless they were politically motivated. These governors are either completely uninformed about the nature of oil and the economy, or they are merely taking advantage of their consituents ignorance. My advice: don't embarrass yourself with this any longer.

  • ballistic

    I can't really add anything to what I just said FHN, but I'm afraid petitioning may just make you feel like you are doing something. Oil prices may come down a little in the short to medium term, but in the long term they are up unless production can significantly improve.

  • FlyingHighNow
    This is absurd. Gas NEEDS to be high - I hope it goes higher. It is extremely undervalued here in America - its environmental impact hasn't even begun to be counted into the price of burning it. It needs to be taxed much higher.

    Let me guess: you've got little understanding of economics and how high gas prices affect the entire economy. And I'm betting you make good enough money that a steep rise does not directly affect you either.

  • daniel-p

    "Let me guess: you've got little understanding of economics and how high gas prices affect the entire economy. And I'm betting you make good enough money that a steep rise does not directly affect you either."

    My wife and I are in college full time and yes, the higher gas prices do affect us directly. But there is a bigger picture here. I do realize how higher gas prices effect the entire economy, but it doesn't have to be to the longterm detriment. On the contrary, higher prices are exactly what will help the economy in the long run through substitution and innovation. As long, of course, we don't merely substitute the same product but from a different source. The substitution needs to be alternative fuels - namely, simply diversification. Thesse are merely growing pains.

  • FlyingHighNow
    My advice: don't embarrass yourself with this any longer.

    I think I will fall off my chair from my own laughter. Get real. I am not embarrassed except by some posters' apathy and gullability over this issue. We aren't JW's anymore. We have no excuse for being gullable.

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