Confession me reply to your message RE Richie

by Beep,Beep 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf
    Try to keep in mind who you are dealing with here....we are seasoned survivors of your watchtower corporation and we know every single bullshit tactic and 'trick' that a JW can

    possibly pull out of their hats.

    Absolutely. The Mother Watchtower Asskissers need to realize this before sticking their feet into this forum.


  • scrubmaster

    Beep Beep -- Less we forget Rahab lied to save the Israelite spies -- and thats right the Gibeonites lied to save themselves --- what is your resposne to this?

  • RichieRich

    Say what you want Beep Beep,

    I've still got the damn book!!!!

  • Dismembered


  • seven006

    I do not agree with your reading of "policy". I base this on personal experience on a couple of fronts.”

    Well damn! Personal experience? Really? On a couple of whole fronts? You must be right then. Your personal experience is so well accepted on this board. Just like your 1975 bullshit. You never heard it or saw it so you must be the ultimate authority on it and all the rest of us are just apostate liars. Damn, are we lucky to have you here or what? You have cleared up all the confusion we all had about the same issues because we all must have had all our heads up our asses at the time.

    “1. I have yet to come across a single VERIFIABLE of a cover up. Yes I have read all sorts of claims but not one verifiable.”

    Again, you being all knowing and all seeing and we are all nothing but a bunch of lying apostates, you must to be right. You must be the guy that the watchtower corporate leader run every thing by to get your opinion on. Is that what you are going to community college for? Being the new god of the watchtower cult collective conscience?

    “2. Personal involvement. I have had a close relative molested by that child's father. The child was taken to the doctor who confirmed that the molestation had occurred. The medical evidence thus became the "second witness". The man was disfellowshipped BEFORE he ever reached the courthouse.No one from the kingdom hall attempted to interfer in any way. The local body of elders supported the mother the entire time. Now before someone yells "new light" this occurred more than twenty years ago.”

    Nice story. Did that come from the same roomer mill that all the JW elders pull from or did you make that one up special for all of us? Maybe it would have been more convincing if you said the child had been taken to the doctors by their preschool teacher or something like that. I never heard of a child being taken to a doctor for molestation evidence without it first being brought before the elders for their usual cover up and threats to the child or it’s mother to keep their mouth shut. Now THAT I have personal experience in. I’m sure all those who have told their stories on Silent lambs are lying. After all you have “personal involvement!

    “I have just reviewed the scan on this page from the misappropriated book. I see nothing there that would change my mind.”

    I can completely understand that. Some minds are just so deeply brainwashed there isn’t enough there to leave any room for changing. Again, you must be right because…well… you’re you and your opinion is so highly respected by…well, at least it’s respected by you.

    “One note plainly has (Very Rare) at the end.”

    And you can say it is (very rare) because you have read the hand written notes on every single elders secret cover up rule book?

    “If the marginal notes ACTUALLY said what you all want them to then maybe there could be some justification.”

    Ya think so? What we all want them to? Damn us all! We are so blinded to our own specific agendas. Good thing you’re not.

    “Addessing the issue of Germany in WWII, knowing what we do now it's easy to say "I'd lie". Since the average German citizen was not aware of Hitler's intent to kill the Jews, not even most business men. Under those circumstances I would have said "Yes". Of course this is an unfair comparison due to the time that has passed.”

    “About stealing, maybe I'm a victim of my upbringing”

    Ya think?

    “but I do not believe it is acceptable to steal even to feed your family. There are other, legal ways to do so. I don't accept that there is no other way.”

    Well, there ya go being right again. The legal system provides for everyone equally and fairly. That’s why the National Guard was Jonnie on the spot handing out free government food to all the potential looters in New Orleans. My son was one of those guys and his first orders when he landed after his five hour flight on an air force troop carrier was to hand out free food so that people wouldn’t steal anything so they could feed their families. George Bush is like that. He’s my hero.

    I agree. A few thousand smart bombs can correct injustice also. But they were looking for WMD’s weren’t they? They were there, honest. A law-abiding ruler of the free world said so. He woulden’t lie anymore than the leaders of the watchtower would because…well…they just wouldn’t. After all, they are both doing it in gods name and stuff.

    You are so right again! You are just so amazing when it comes to your thinking abilities. All circumstances are exactly the same. I’m sure glad we have you to guide us in the ways of justice and truth. I mean, you have been so honest about your participation on this board and telling us exactly what your agenda is here. I swear, some people talk as if their stupidity is a virtue.

    My eyesight is back and my fingers are working again so I have read all your previous posts on this board. And from my personal experience as a cop and dealing with liars and defense attorneys, who help them manipulate a lie and be deceitful I can honestly say, from that experience, you are completely full of shit. But that’s just me. I could be wrong. After all, I’m an apostate. Don’t we all lie?

    Why don’t you tell us all who you really are? Or is that a secret? Did you turn Richie in? Is that kind of thing what you are really here for? Just asking.

    Have a nice day Beep,


  • luna2

    Damn, that was sweet. Go, Dave!

  • Beep,Beep

    Excuse me. I started a new thread rather than be accused of "hijacking" someone else's.

    You are, of course entitled to your opinion. Have a WONDERFUL day.

  • hamsterbait



    Did this mean legal ways to steal like the WT does. Legal ways to steal to feed your family. (DUH) YOU ain't nevah been desprut honey.

    Look in the Mosaic Law - not even the God of Moses was so merciless as to condemn the man who stole to feed his family. (not like the WT, who will condemn innocent children who have had both their innocence and sexuality stolen.)

    H (for "hating " class) B

  • Beep,Beep

    Damn! I made a typo. Quick, get your guns and shoot me.

    Of course it SHOULD read Confession, MY reply to your message RE: Richie

  • KW13

    beep ", your welcome to your opinion about richie and this book and even free to share them but i think for a 17 year old lad, he could be doing worse things than steal from a cult that is ran from contributions. he isn't a bad person and he obtained what many will never see. personally i don't think he should of took it but in that same situation i would of took it. Not because i am thief but because of what this lying ORG means and stands for.

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