by SHUNNED FATHER 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • IW

    Hi Quotes,

    Do you know Ray Franz personally also? If so, could you get him to support Laurence's cause by posting on this thread to that effect? If you do I would eat my words and humbly apologize!


  • Quotes

    IW, I do not know Ray Franz personally (and that is entirely my loss). I don't know if he has ever heard of me or my little (now destroyed) WTS Quotes web site.

    Frankly, I don't know why Ray's endorsement would change your mind, but that is none of my business.

    As far as I know, Ray has never posted here. I wonder how much he uses the internet in general; I suspect he is more likely to spend his spare time reading a book (or writing one!) than surfing the web and posting on discussion forums.

    Furthermore, I don't know if Ray knows about the merits of Lawrence's case. Not sure what he could add to the conversation (although it would be WONDERFUL to see him here posting), unless all you are looking for is a Superstar Endorsement.


  • Poztate
    Do you know Ray Franz personally also? If so, could you get him to support Laurence's cause by posting on this thread to that effect? If you do I would eat my words and humbly apologize!


    You don't come across as the sort that could "humbly apologise" for anything. I think a review of your posting history would show that.

  • hubert

    IW, I am not a j.w., nor have I ever been one. I knew the W.T. was a cult, right from the start.

    Any "organization" that tells you your kids should die instead of receiving life saving blood, should ring a few bells in your head.

    And any organization that once believed that God lived on a star called Alcyone in the pleades cluster.....taught that the pyramids were God's "stone witness"......told their followers not to accept vacinations.....etc., etc., is certainly not the TRUE religion like they claim to be, and are not walking in Jesus' footsteps.

    Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread.


  • IW

    Hi Quotes,

    Furthermore, I don't know if Ray knows about the merits of Lawrence's case. Not sure what he could add to the conversation (although it would be WONDERFUL to see him here posting), unless all you are looking for is a Superstar Endorsement.

    No, Bro, I'm not looking for a "Superstar Endorsement," I can think for myself, thank you!

    I think you and others in the "know" here are aware of my point. I am not stupid and neither are you.

    What I seek is honesty. There are those among the exJW community whose only goal is to bring down the Watchtower no matter what it costs! But the Watchtower will not be brought down! The Catholic Church survives because she serves a purpose in the lives of millions, so too the Watchtower, she will survive. But there are those exJWs so obsessed that they will do whatever it takes to, in their deluded minds, bring her down. Not going to happen! In the mean while, innocent people used and abused by the Watchtower fall prey to those exJWs who love revenge much more than they love reason and common sense!

    If the Witnesses deserve truth so do the exJWs Bro! Bethany received her blood transfusions and but just like many other non-JW leukemia ridden children she died. Christ! They die! The Government did their best. Laurence taught his child not to accept blood, she believed him. The state did not believe him and she was tied down and received it! Please explain to me the problem you see here?


  • hubert
    Laurence taught his child not to accept blood, she believed him.




  • Poztate
    The Catholic Church survives because she serves a purpose in the lives of millions, so too the Watchtower, she will survive. But there are those exJWs so obsessed that they will do whatever it takes to, in their deluded minds, bring her down. Not going to happen!

    So you believe the WT serves a "purpose" in the lives of millions.I object to the purpose they serve and although not being "obsessed" about it will bring out the facts that will hopefully at least cripple her.

    BTW....Why did you start a new account here...You are not a newbe and posted as Island Woman for years?

  • candidlynuts

    i think many who donate may just be compassionate that there is a father who lost his daughter and want to help because the father thinks there are people at fault in her death. not just fired up because its WATCHTOWER.

    i doubt if any one individual is foolish enough to give more than they can afford to give. no ones risking their life savings on this lawsuit other than shunnedfather, that i know of .

  • just2sheep


    no apology necessary. it did appear, although not intended, to be that way. although i wish i could have sounded less critical i did want someone to notice the tone of some of the posts here. it really is counter productive. as far as your beef with iw or anyonelse on this you pointed out, and as i pointed out, some of us know each other, and have for many years. and some of us don't "know" anybody. i'm not trying to interject myself into anybody's personal feud and if i do i am sorry. i'm not going to follow up after this post because it really has gotten way off topic and if you read some of my posts i really hate topic hijacking. my apologies to shunned father for my part of this one.


  • Quotes

    IW, one word:


    She was on the mend and improving when they sent her off to a QUACK for a useless and dangerous "treatment".

    Let me repeat:


    There is, according to what Lawrence told me, sufficient evidence that the ARSENIC, not the Leukemia, killed her. Let me repeat that: the ARSENIC, not he Leukemia, killed her.

    For me, this case is not just about the stupid WTS and it's innocent victims, it is also about QUACK MEDICINE -- another pet peeve of mine.

    BTW, did I mention ARSENIC?


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