Mature individuals know how to entertain ideas without accepting them.
On this forum I enjoy learning about the history and doctrinal rebuttal of the JWs, many interesting experiences, and generally the give and take in a (virtual) community.
Why I belong to JWD
by Jez 36 Replies latest jw friends
My JW SIL doesn't approve of me being on this site.
Your JW SIL should grow up and learn to keep her nose out of your personal business. She needs to learn that it is not her place to try to control you. Your freedom of speech, worship, expression, association is not subject to her approval.
If 20 years as a JW has taught me anything, it's to have a zero tolerence policy toward those who seek to control or police my association and sources of information.
She has compared it to a black person having a friend that is a member of a anti-black community.
I think that analogy is off-base. Its more like we are all ex-addicts of a cultish religion. We aren't JWs any longer (most of us), we can choose to not be, to leave it. If you are black you cannot choose your race. I for one don't come on here to slam JWs although there have been specific times when I did vent and probably will continue to do so. If her analogy were true it would be a site full of sour grapes and bigots. I don't believe that for a minute.
No, its more JWA, Jehovah's Witness Anonymous:
Hi, My name is Sherry and I'm a recovering Jehovah's Witness.
Exactly! Here to recover! This site has helped me tremendously. I no longer dread going to the store and bumping into a jdub like I did before. I was really getting tired of it, now I don't care ............
Thank you JWD
Greendawn: Mature individuals know how to entertain ideas without accepting them.
That is a very profound statement and I will never forget it.
FinallyFree: Your freedom of speech, worship, expression, association is not subject to her approval.
She would say that she is not trying to control me, that I can do what I want, but that it comes with consequences and "it is my choice." Yes, but it is a choice made with unreasonable consequences. Seeking information, finding oneself, trying to find answers, support, not being a JW, having a laugh, meeting new people, should not mean that I lose out on a deep relationship with anyone, especially someone I love so much. These are healthy things I am doing, for ME.
Sherry: I think that analogy is off-base. Its more like we are all ex-addicts of a cultish religion. We aren't JWs any longer (most of us), we can choose to not be, to leave it. If you are black you cannot choose your race. I for one don't come on here to slam JWs although there have been specific times when I did vent and probably will continue to do so. If her analogy were true it would be a site full of sour grapes and bigots. I don't believe that for a minute. No, its more JWA, Jehovah's Witness Anonymous.
I agree. Great comment. Thanks.
I'm here for the advice and support from people who are in or who have been in my situation. I've made awesome friends and people that I talk to regularly on here. And I am on here daily to here whats new with everyone and hope that I can try to make someone feel better if they are going through something rough.
Steve Lowry
I like to frequent this site from time to time (it is the only JW related site I go to) because I feel a kind of kindred spirit with those who have left the Watchtower Society. I have experienced few stronger bonds with people, other than that of other former JW’s. Having been a JW and trying to relate that experience to someone else who has never been a JW can be almost an impossible task. But, I can talk to a former JW for the first time and immediately be able to relate to that person’s experiences.
I find there are so many smart people on this forum that is why I am here. One can learn more here than forty years a JW. as I was. I know more about their religion now then most active JW's do.