Tell me something embarrasing about yourself

by doodle-v 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    And how do you cope living with cat

    I'm a big rat

    Your cat is probably ascared of the AfterShock

    This is what she looks like when I fart

  • serendipity

    Do you REALLY want to know?

    When I was around 6 my mother had to go on a low salt diet because of her blood pressure and stopped using salt when cooking our meals. I missed the salt, so I would eat boogers with dinner.

    I'm sure that qualifies as TMI - too much information.

  • doofdaddy

    Hey Seren

    That would have raised your mums blood pressure!!

    I have so many embarrassing habits... I'm not going to tell.

    One though,is talking too much after a coupla strong coffees. I catch myself wizzing along with the other person not getting a word in!!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I always put my right shoe on first. I have been known, even when a jw, to take my left shoe off again if i accidentally put it on first. stupid huh?

    I am also a bit embarassed about my name - I'm not in ANY doubt now about the wt. It's bs

  • liquidsky

    I'm afraid of craneflies. I won't go in the garage if I know theres one in there. And I'm scared to death to walk in our lawn in the summer because I know those buggers are hiding in there.

  • Leolaia

    I have a huge phobia of ....... hmmm, mebbe I shouldn't tell you or you'll scare me.

  • lostlantern

    My householder and I started laughing hysterically during our talk. Imagine the congregations stares as we had to leave the stage, I am only glad I didn't pee my panties.

  • doodle-v
    When I was around 6 my mother had to go on a low salt diet because of her blood pressure and stopped using salt when cooking our meals. I missed the salt, so I would eat boogers with dinner.

    LOL! wow.

    I HAVE to get the extra strength anti-persperant because if I don't, my armpits sweat really really bad even if it's not hot. ugh, I hate it.


  • Leolaia

    Hmmmm, okay I got one.....I caused both a fire and a flood in my apartment (on separate occasions). And both occurred when I was out of the house. Imagine coming home and seeing firefighers leaving your place after putting out the fire, or coming home with water gushing out your front door!

  • jgnat

    Weak bladder. I once had an "accident" just after a long drive and just before a job interview. I stopped at a gas station, threw out my nylons and underthings, and covered over the spot on my dress with my suit-jacket. I went to the job interview "commando". I got the job, too.

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