JW hypocrisy

by rick1199 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DannyBloem

    I can say whatever I wont to.

    Yes you can see whatever you won't, but why not say it then.

    Are you a smart elder?

    No, I do not have any 'priveledges' anymore

    I meet a lot od JW in my life, also I travel, so I meet a lot of good people and they are NOT JW !

    I never said that non JW people are not good. There are a lot of good non JW people. There are also a lot of good JW people.

    So, please, we are not in GH now, I know the Truth about the truth !

    I do know the truth also, but what I do not know is what GH means....


  • coffee_black

    Ah, Danny you really need try a little harder to take the rose colored glasses off....

    Infant baptism? I was baptized at 8 years old. My friends in the congregation were baptized from age 10-12. A child of that age, whatever the level of understanding, is not mature enough to make a decision of that nature that will effect the rest of their lives. How old was Jesus when he was baptized? Ummmmmm.....30!

    Contributions? Be honest, Danny....they spend a lot of time talking about money....how to leave your estate to the organization... etc/ As far as the contribution box that is in the back of every Kingdom Hall... it is just as visible...people see you put money in... My ex would always put a check in (instead of cash) so he could take the tax deduction.

    About people being nicer outside the organization... You are told when you're inside that everyone outside is of the devil. That is definitely not true. Sure, there are many nice people in the organization....but their view of the world is warped. Some of the kindest warmest most generous people I have ever known were never jws.

    *** I'll add another.... condemning other religious organizations for the money they have, while sitting on top of a multi-billion dollar real estate empire, not to mention their income.

    (Not to hijack the thread...but in the thread about Watchtower control, I added quotes about not marrying or having children...didn't know if you saw them, since you wanted to see some references)


  • Gill

    You must not LIE ever, as lying originates with satan - EXCEPT to protect the WTBTS from any damaging law suits. That IS allowed.

  • Think

    If you don't know what Gh mean, ask your bosses. They are so smart, they may know ?


    When purchasing a new kingdom hall the first reason given for purchasing the hall was -

    The existing hall had no future because of a proposed road widening scheme (according to certain elders)

    this was approximately 15 years ago, new properties have since been built including a new Catholic Church.

    The road is still as before, nothing has changed, but they got their own way with the purchase of another hall.

    Next a feasibility test as to whether we could afford to purchase the new hall, answers to be written on bits of paper. Up to this point, very good, and in line with Luke 14 v 28. but now comes a whammy -

    This feasibility test was then changed to a VOW by elders from the platform.

    On the purchase of the new KH a show of hands was invited to purchase property,

    AFTER the count, the elders told us from the platform again, that they had already exchanged contracts.


    KT (thankfully an EX JW)

  • DannyBloem

    If you don't know what Gh mean, ask your bosses. They are so smart, they may know ?

    who are my bosses? Well maybe some other posters can help. Only thing I can come up with if Gehenna?

    Hi Coffee,

    Ah, Danny you really need try a little harder to take the rose colored glasses off....

    I have to disagree, but then if I was waering them, I would disagree also, so that does not say much....

    Infant baptism? ; ; ; I was baptized at 8 years old. My friends in the congregation were baptized from age 10-12. ; A child of that age, whatever the level of understanding, is not mature enough to make a decision of that nature that will effect the rest of their lives. How old was Jesus when he was baptized? Ummmmmm.....30!

    8* years, that is so young. The youngest I have ever seen here was a girl of 11. But she really made up her mind about it and was mature, so the elders did hestitate and adviced her to wait, she did not want to but allowed her wishes. I was baptized whrn I wa 17.
    I agree that 8 is much to young.

    Contributions? ; Be honest, Danny....they spend a lot of time talking about money....how to leave your estate to the organization... etc/ ; ; As far as the contribution box that is in the back of every Kingdom Hall... it is just as visible...people see you put money in... My ex would always put a check in (instead of cash) so he could take the tax deduction. ;

    well, every month we had the talk about the financial status, and once in a while the different forms of contributions were mentioned. Like every month about I guess. This was mostly a part of 10 to 15 minutes on the midweek meeting. (And some 'hint's at convetions etc).
    I have to say there is not that much pressure of donating.
    but of course they do like money and 'need' it, and ask for it.

    (Not to hijack the thread...but in the thread about Watchtower control, I added quotes about not marrying or having children...didn't know if you saw them, since you wanted to see some references)

    yes I saw it and thank you for it. I wanted to use them, as I am compiling some information.


  • DaCheech
    I found it difficult to balance between doing my duty to love others and to go house to house to save them. Yet at the same time, trying to have the desire to see the end of this wicked system of things, which meant everyone would die.

    After I left I realized I didn't need to be bribed by a paradise earth to live a decent lifestyle and be a good person. The most loving people I ever met were people I met after leaving the witnesses.

    We are preaching to save people, but at the same time people would be saved if they did not know about the truth and died in ignorance.

  • DaCheech

    We cannot speak to Witnesses that are df'd or on reproof.... but we are allowed to talk to the most hanus of worldly people as long as they have never attended a meeting

  • Raphael

    The J'w's dont have the monopoly on hypocrisy and neither do Christians or other faith groups - you'll find it at almost every level of society and it seems to affect believers and unbelievers alike..

    Some of the worst offenders in my experience are unbelievers - who denounce everyone and everything , then suggest they are the more honest, more sincere and live more upright moral lives than folk who believe , then in the next breath lie and cheat just like the rest of em...

    The more oustpoken people are on an issue - the more suspect I am of their motives and their agenda...

  • blondie

    Passing the plate:

    The reminds of what a new elder told me about the first elders' meeting he attended at a circuit assembly.

    An envelope for donations to the CO was put up front after the meeting and brothers went up and put cash into it. While you couldn't tell the exact amount, you could tell who had put something in the envelope and who had not. Not exactly confidential and certainly put pressure on all the brothers to put something in it. BTW, the CO was there watching all this.

    Baptism of young JWs, I have seen as young as 6 and the WTS has been pushing parents to "encourage" their children to take their stand early reminding them that when Armageddon comes their child may not come under the "family merit" protection clause.

    BTW, if a child is not old enough to choose to get married, drive, or drive alcoholic beverages, or decide whether they will go to the meetings, they are too young to choose a life-time decision such as baptism that puts them in a position to be shunned by all family and friends if they make a mistake.

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