Quotes update: Free to publicly comment on the action

by Quotes 60 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jst2laws

    Hey Quotes,

    Good to have it behind you. There must be a God after all, judging by the way this turned out. Only problem for the Watchtower, He was on your side. Now your work, that they tried to shut down, is going up all over and in places they can't reach. It is so embarrasing I think they bring reproach on Jehovah's name by claiming he supports them.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    {{{{ clears throat }}}}

    "didn't you know that you're my hero.... you're everything I want to be.....I can fly higher than an eagle....you are the wind beneath my wings"

    Thanks for the update..... thanks for fighting the good fight for those who couldn't.....


  • Quotes


    If these keys could type "blush" I would express how you are making me feel! :)

    ~Q (the artist formerly known as Quotes)

  • kgfreeperson

    Quotes--thanks for all you have done. You setting up a fund so we can help with the $500?

  • Quotes

    kg, thanks for the offer, but no. I will take this one for the team. However, free beer and pizza is encouraged if we ever meet!


  • kgfreeperson

    Duly noted!

  • candidlynuts

    oh boy! comment comment comment!!

    i hope you find a lot of venues in which to make your comments from.

    your site helped me a lot. mainly in showing how they changed the wordings from watchtowers to bound volumes to cd's.. funny how "the end was coming BEFORE THE END OF THE 20th CENTURY!" suddenly become " the end is coming SOON!"

    they are liars. and if it was " the truth" they 1. wouldnt lie 2. stand up and face their lies. 3. want every publication available to every person on earth

    you showed many people that they are not " the truth" with their very own words.

    now.. get your butt out there and tell everyone about your experience!

  • jgnat

    Quotes forgot to mention that pizza and beer are rare delicacies here in Canada, and are highly taxed to help pay for snow highways and our network of ski-doo retirement ranches. So bring lots of Canadian Tire money when you come up for a visit, and don't even TRY and smuggle in the pizza and beer. Canadian customs officers conduct full body searches wearing beaver mitts. Very itch.

    Quotes, you crack me up.... ~Q - formerly known as... LOL

    I must say the mirror sites are thriving and expanding what you started. You could almost say an EPIDEMIC of sites have sprung up.


  • gumby
    I must say the mirror sites are thriving and expanding what you started. You could almost say an EPIDEMIC of sites have sprung up.

    .." and the little one will become a mighty nation"..............


  • Margie
    One remaining question: What do you think: So far, it appears that the "DNS" (Domain Name Server) entry for watchtower.ca has not been updated, so if you try the quotes web site URL, you still get my old server (with no files on it). This is not my fault. I no longer have any control over Watchtower.ca. Watch Tower Canada now owns watchtower.ca, and as the owners it is up to them to decide which web server you see when you type the URL into your web browser.

    You should post a link to this thread on your server. That'll teach them not to change the DNS.

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