Quotes update: Free to publicly comment on the action

by Quotes 60 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Quotes

    For the newbies, this post is a follow up on my situation regarding the Watch Tower's law suit against my due to my Watch Tower Quotes web site. For the background on the story so far, see these threads:

    Now, the update:

    This afternoon, I finally received notice from my lawyer(s) that I am free to talk about Watch Tower's law suit against me:

    We recently received word from Bereskin & Parr [the law firm hired by Watch Tower] that the Notice of Discontinuance had been filed with the Court on January 19, 2006. As such, you are now free to publicly comment on the action (and have been permitted to do so since January 19th). Unfortunately, despite our repeated follow-ups with Bereskin & Parr, they did not confirm the date of filing of the discontinuance with us until late last Friday. We will be sending you our account for services rendered shortly. The total value for fees, disbursements, and GST is $2,823.74. In accordance with the agreement between yourself and our firm, however, we will be reducing the total amount to $500.00, and will be closing our file once the account is rendered.
    [Note: I included the dollar amounts only to give people an idea of the costs involved. Now you can see what it might have cost -- if my lawyer had charged the full amount she could have -- for a "quick and simple" resolution, within 4 months, with little more than routine law firm paperwork. Can you imagine what the costs would have been if I decided to fight this, over the next several years?] Let me say this clearly for the record: my legal counsel did a great job and have mercifully chosen to reduce their expenses. I can't begin to express how thankful I am for this. In the hopes of sending them some business, or at least increasing their Google ranking, let me add this: in my opinion, J ohnston Wassenaar LLP is the best IP law firm in Canada. My wife and I are working on ways we can thank them (dinner? bottles of wine?), although I fear we will never be able to fully express our thanks. So, I am now free to comment (to the press, or whomever) on "the action". The Drew Marshall show has been asking me to make another appearance, and now I can -- and will. I will be contacting Drew ASAP and also contacting the other journalists I've spoken with over the past months. I will let you know if/when I'll be on the air or in print again. One remaining question: What do you think: So far, it appears that the "DNS" (Domain Name Server) entry for watchtower.ca has not been updated, so if you try the quotes web site URL, you still get my old server (with no files on it). This is not my fault. I no longer have any control over Watchtower.ca. Watch Tower Canada now owns watchtower.ca, and as the owners it is up to them to decide which web server you see when you type the URL into your web browser. They have been in control of watchtower.ca for about four weeks now. They could have made the DNS changes on the first day, and the change would have propagated through the internet by the second or third day. Obviously, they have not. Why have they not updated the DNS entry? Let me assume it is not simply gross incompetence (of the sort that left the domain available for me to register in November 2000 in the first place ). But what is their plan? Is this the internet equivalent of leaving my body impaled on a pike by the city gates? ~Quotes, of the "Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last" class
  • Quotes

    Just wanted to add:

    Before I gave up the site, my montly unique visitors was about 10,000 to 15,000 per month.

    After the law suit, it climbed to about 50,000 unique visitors per month.

    At least I went out with a bang. And the Witness(tm)! Think of the Fine Witness(tm) to all those people!!!


  • jeanniebeanz

    I wonder if they even realize yet how shutting you down has been the Internet equivalent to having the gun go off in their pants while they were trying to draw?

    Thanks for putting up the fight for as long as you did. I loved your site. It was especially appreciated for it's organization by subject. Sooooo cool.


  • Rig Boy
    Rig Boy

    press on brother...the Watchtower is down on its back....Keep kicking!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Quotes I am so glad this is over for you.

    You have gone far and above what most people would do. And in the end the situation is now even worse for the WTS than if they had left you alone. I'm sure by now the WTS has seen a proliferation of Quotes websites all around the world.

    You put a lot into the site, a lot of yourself in time and effort. Now others will carry the ball. You definitely deserve a breal. Come to think of it you deserve that bottle of wine. Never, ever consider this a loss. You were are a part of the roots that are spreading out far and wide.

    Are they impaling you? Not in my mind Sir. If anything the the empty box speaks louder for you than for them. They have had the time and opportunity to make the needed changes. The fact that they have chosen to leave it "as is" is just one more nail in their coffin.

  • gumby

    Hooray for you buddy! 500 bucks is nothing when tangling with a multi million dollar cult.

    As you say, they can win by default to most any protesters who wish to fight them since their funds enable them.

    Maybe we all can send your Lawyer a long threaded thank you by the many of us????


  • Kenneson

    The Watchtower Society opened Pandora's box by shutting you down. With the numerous mirror sites springing up all over the place, I doubt that they will be able to keep up, to shut them all down. Isn't the Internet wonderful?

  • reexaminer

    Five hundred bucks huh? I can handle that!

    Thanks for 'taking one for the team' Quotes! You've left some big shoes to be filled!



    [email protected]

  • Funchback

    We appreciate everything you have done (and will do)!

  • Poztate
    At least I went out with a bang. And the Witness(tm)! Think of the Fine Witness(tm) to all those people!!!


    I am glad they are no longer able to gag you.I hope you manage to get your story of this injustice out load and clear.

    50,000 hits in the last month WOW A lot of extra people who learned the truth about the truth.

    The Quotes site will never die.It is being reproduced around the world and will continue to give the WT lawyers headaches for years.

    All the best to you...POZ....

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