Why are so many JWs hicks?

by kristyann 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • kristyann

    If someone wanted a "white collar" job with a "white collar" company "behind a desk," they could probably do well in school and work hard and get scholarships or take out loans... just like my boyfriend did. He grew up in an area where there "weren't a lot of opportunities" (with a terrible family and no family support) and he didn't wait for any opportunities to come to his door... he worked hard and did it himself. Companies don't go searching for people in remote areas, but people from remote areas can certainly go searching for good companies. Being proactive always helps.

    Didn't I just say that I'm grateful to people who do jobs that involve physical labor? It sure isn't my strong point, so I'm glad that someone can do it well! Why are you getting so defensive about having a physical job?

    Also, I'm not from a city... I think that people are assuming that I am.

    Is it really worth it to get so worked up about some offhand comments that someone you don't even know made on a forum over the INTERNET? I wouldn't worry about it so much. There's probably plenty of more important things for you to worry about than a stranger's offhand comment, right? I hope so.

    Alright, everyone, going to bed for now! But I'll probably see some of you around relatively soon (even though my participation on here in a little sporadic).

  • calico


    2 entries found for hick.
    To select an entry, click on it.
    Main Entry: 1 hick
    Pronunciation: 'hik
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Hick, nickname for Richard
    : an unsophisticated provincial person
    - hick·ish / 'hi-kish / adjective

    According to Websters----doesn't say uneducated!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    duplicate post

  • John Doe
    John Doe


  • Odrade

    "I sure am grateful to the colored folk who picked this cotton and made these fine clothes. I could NEVER do a job like that, it's good we've got the colored folk to do it for us." Sorry, you are sounding more and more classist as you continue on this way.
    Why do you seem to think that a "white collar" is indicative of intelligence? And as far as people who "could probably do well in school and work hard and get scholarships or take out loans... just like my boyfriend did...snip....and he didn't wait for any opportunities to come to his door... he worked hard and did it himself....snip... but people from remote areas can certainly go searching for good companies. Being proactive always helps." Hmmm, well, maybe there are people, "hicks" if you wish, who put themselves through school for an AG degree, then go back home to the families they love and work in the family lumber yard, or chicken farm... but since they are dirty at the end of the day, well, that's probably a better indicator of intelligence than the possibility that they could sweep the floor with your academic record...
    Oh, but now I am making assumptions about YOU. OH my!

  • calico

    Is it really worth it to get so worked up about some offhand comments that someone you don't even know made on a forum over the INTERNET? I wouldn't worry about it so much. There's probably plenty of more important things for you to worry about than a stranger's offhand comment, right? I hope so.

    Why did you bother asking the question in the first place? You can't stereotype people and expect no response! When I got married and moved to a city, the witnesses at the new congregation treated me like I was stupid becaused I had come from a rural area--what love!

  • MellySummer

    what exactlys the big deal? i lived in west virginia for almost 16 years in a real 'hick' area - well i guess thats pretty much the entire state haha- and a lot of the stereotypes about the people there, inc. my own family, are true. its no big deal, it's actually sorta funny. lots of red man chewing tobacco, lots of spitting, trucks with gun racks, and a lot of menial labor. christyanns comments just stated that that involves the typical behavior of people in those areas. who really cares? why would you compare those comments to comments about black people? as far as i can tell she didn't say anything about black people. it does seem a little fishy that she said some people in rural areas are not very well educated, and you started comparing that to saying things about black people. what in the world are you even talking about? how did saying something about hicks have anything to do with blacks? it's funny thatd you even come up with that one. sounds like some people might be a little racist.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I grew up in Suburban Utah....Whaddaya expect?

  • calico

    Welcome MellySummer!

  • MellySummer

    actually come to think of it thats pretty dumb. anytime anyone says some kind of an insult to someone they compare it with making fun of black people. well if you're not racist yourself, what makes a person even think to compare it to black people? that makes nooooo sense. she said something about people in rural areas having menial labor jobs, working with their hands, which is true - btw, i am a proud coal miner's daughter so i can attest to this fact! - and she never said it meant they were dumb or anything. perhaps not very well educated but she didn't say dumb. and then you go and compare that to calling black people colored folk and having slaves picking cotton for you. what would even make you think that if you weren't racist yourself? i hope i didnt stumble onto a place where the exjws are as racist as the active current jws. i hope i can feel more welcome here than in a kingdom hall. its like you try to make it sound like you're defending black people - but what would make you even compare her comments to someone making comments about black people in the first place? get a grip

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