If JWs knock on Christmas Day...what will you say?

by diamondblue1974 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beachbender

    uhhh... Merry Christmas and a *buh-bye*!!!

  • lonelysheep

    I would offer them some Christmas cookies. Not just cookies, but "christmas" ones.

    Since Christmas is on a Sunday this year, no one will come by. They're only out on Saturdays around here.

  • Honesty

    I don't deserve to hear the Good News of delightful and correct words from the Watchtower worshippers because my address is marked on the Territory card as "DO NOT CALL ON - APOSTATE".

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Well, if the Dub is that Nubile Italian brother from Crumpet's thread, ''Bring me the mistletoe''.....

  • undercover

    If JWs came to my door now at Xmas, odds are that I would know them and that they probably intentionally came to see me. If however, a JW knocked on my door on Xmas, not knowing me or my past, I would take the oppurtunity to try to embarrass them a little. Even though I don't care about the religious aspects of Xmas, it is good ammo.

    "I know that you feel that you have to share your religion with everyone and that it's important to your salvation to do so, but for the majority of people in this country on this day, it is time to celebrate the birth of our savior. I know that the subject can be debated, but this is still a holy day for most of us and couldn't it be possible for you to respect us on our one holy day and leave us in peace to celebrate as we see fit?"

  • mrsjones5

    Would you like a candycane?

  • diamondblue1974

    All things being equal Danny thats quite charitable...is it a new approach or a 24 hour ceasefire

  • cruzanheart
    If JWs came to my door now at Xmas, odds are that I would know them and that they probably intentionally came to see me.

    Yes, that would be my situation as well. However, since it hasn't happened in the three years that we've been celebrating Christmas, I have no reason to believe it will happen this year.


  • Ellie

    Depends really, if its a witness I know ( a member of my family) I will ask them why they didn't come round sooner, why did they leave me alone in a new town with a baby while my partner was away for 4 months, why when they realised I was ill why didn't they atleast phone to ask if they could help.

    If its someone I don't know I will invite them in, sit them down next to the xmas tree, give them a mince pie and let them see what they are missing.

  • diamondblue1974
    why when they realised I was ill why didn't they atleast phone to ask if they could help.

    Well why should they?...you are no good to them ill....I mean how many books can you sell when you are pregnant and poorly?

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