Is Change Possible for Homosexuals?

by nicolaou 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • anewme

    Thats a pretty old quote Nicolau. Why dont you try going back even a little further and see what Jesus said about homosexuality. Or quote the Mosaic Law. Or quote the Quran.

    Physicians and psychiatrists, psychologists and scientists are still studying this sector of humanity and the jury is still out on what is behind this preference.

    All of us giving our .02 on this subject might have to make a retraction at some point.

    The WBTS is not the only org to hold onto old views concerning this group.

  • Undecided

    How the hell could I know, I've never been homosexual.

    Ken P.

  • dorayakii
    Since a person chooses to be homosexual...

    Yes, at the age of 10 i sat down and said to myself "Riiight... sooo... gay or straight? Let's see now, so, being straight is common, and being gay is less common and viewed as abnormal. People already think i'm a bit strange for not celebrating birthdays or christmas and knocking on their doors on saturday mornings...... so, what are the choices again? homo or hetero?... Hmmm, tough choice, tough decision......... I know, lets increase the abnormality and the pain and bullying in my life and choose to be gay. What a brilliant idea!!"

    Homosexuality is the product of very complicated conditioning over an extended period of time . . . [Homosexuals] deliberately go through a brainwashing experience—‘I’m gay and I’m proud. I’m beautiful.’ This is reverse therapy."

    Yes, quite right. From the age of 10-11, i underwent an intense and extended conditioning period, that made me believe homosexuality was the best way of life. I then made the decision to be gay in the manner above. I deliberately and wantonly decided to develop a crush on another 11 year old boy in my class... Not once at any congregation meeting did any talk ever deal with the subject of "men who lie with men" not inheriting the kingdom. Never once did i feel like the whole congregation was looking at me when that scripture was mentionned. At the age of 12/13, never did i imagine myself as one of those who would be destroyed by fireballs from heaven, on page 178 of the Live Forever book. Not once did i ever feel that i might not make it through Armageddon alive to see my dead mother brought back to life in the future paradise. Not once did i feel, that once she was resurrected, she would feel a deep sence of shame at the child of whom she was once so proud. At 14/15, there was no painful sence of shame, no excruciating guilt, no suicidal feelings, no opening of my heart out to Jehovah in prayer asking him to forgive me, asking him, begging him to change me. At the age of 16/17 there was no crying myself to sleep night after night imploring Jehovah to just change this one thing in my life even if all the other tests and trials would befall me... Oh, no no no, of course not. My whole life i've been deliberately brainwashing myself that "I’m gay, I’m proud, I’m beautiful... I’m gay, I’m proud, I’m beautiful."......

  • hillbilly

    If you hand the cashier more tender than the purchase price they will get "change"...........

    <leaves in a huff>


  • Leolaia

    dorayakii....That was very heartfelt and so very well put! I feel like giving you a biiiiig hug!!

  • nicolaou

    Yep, what Leolaia said. Hat's off to you dorayakii. Is that you in your avatar?

  • jstalin
    Since a person chooses to be homosexual

    The ignorance is stunning. I can only argue from experience - it wasn't a choice for me.

  • dorayakii

    Thanks for the hugs Leolaia and nicolaou alt

    It just drives me crazy when people don't understand that many people realise they are gay from quite an early age. In the majority of cases it is not an adult realisation, and true sexual orientation never involves a conscious choice.

    Many realise at an age where they are not capable of recognising the full implications and future ramifications of their feelings, at an age where they are still innocent and free of the guilt and shame that society (or The Society) puts, as a heavy burden on their little shoulders. Then these ridiculous people have the audacity to turn around and say that its a choice. How ignorant, as jstalin rightly said.

    (Yes, it really is me in the avatar )

  • joelbear

    I well remember choice class in the 5th grade when vaginal and anal intercourse were described to me. Oh my, receptive anal intercouse seemed especially delightful. What other choice could I have made.

  • mrsjones5

    My youngest son, who is 2, is really attracted to men. I watched him on Thanksgiving when he would let the men in the house pick him up (and I think he was on the verge of kissing one of them and I have seen him act this way before) and I watched my mil watching my son, who would not let her pick him up or even touch him. And I could see the wheels turning in my mil's head. I thought to myself "What if one of my kids is gay?" How will I protected him or her? I couldn't love them any less and would never ever disown them if they came out to me. And I would never ever try to change them.


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