why celebrate christmass?

by Cordelia 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cordelia

    ok so its nearly christmass and i'm thinking of celebrating it for the first time, but i feel alittle wrong in doing so, i know all the witness reasoning of why its WRONG and just wondered what your reasons are as to why its RIGHT!

    I have a 3 year old little girl and would love to make it nice for her (tho my family would go mad!) im thinking of getting a baby tree (one that can easily be hidden!) I will be more open about it next year but i want to be sure it isnt wrong to do it?

    what you all think?

    was it weird at your first christmass?

  • diamondblue1974

    My first christmas was about 7 years ago; I remember it feeling really odd and have to admit I was a bit ashamed given that my ex wife had decorated the whole room like santa's bloody grotto!

    Personally I would just take little steps until you are comfortable with the whole thing


  • Gretchen956

    For many it is, yes. For me it wasn't, its such a secular holiday, I didn't associate celebrating it with the religious aspect, I viewed it more as a time of giving and celebration of family and tradition. I started out slow but it wasn't long before I went totally beserk overboard. Now I absolutely love it. Doesn't hurt that I'm a pagan, either, because the origins are right up my alley!!

    Depending on where your spiritual path takes you or whether you pursue spirituality at all, will color how you end up feeling about this and other holidays. Take it slow, keep your mind and heart open and do what feels right. If it bothers you to do something, don't. But keep in mind that its sometimes scary to take chances and experience new things, yet life is much richer for it if you do.

    Have a happy holiday either way!


  • Ellie

    Cordelia, my advice is to forget the religious implications and do it for your daughter, you could even put the tree up on Xmas Eve and take it down on boxing day if you are worried about what your family might say, but as a mother I know there is nothing better than your child's face on xmas morning.

  • rebel8

    My answer to your question would be, why should we avoid something today just because someone back in history celebrated it for the wrong reasons? I think that is a flaw in logic (taught to you by the JWs). For example, some people once wore wedding veils to keep demons away. If you wore a wedding veil, is that why you did it? Of course not. Were you wrong to do it? No. It is just a pretty piece of fabric; nothing more.

    A Christmas tree holds whatever meaning you place upon it. If you want to put one up because it looks pretty and it's fun, then do it for those reasons. etc.

  • luna2

    I put up a little tree this year for the first time in 19 years or so. I'm seeing how I feel about it. I don't believe Christmas has much to do with Jesus's birth so, for me, it's an exercise in nostalgia and an enjoyment of sparkly lights and pretty ornaments during a dreary time of year.

    I refuse to feel obligated to do any of this, though. If I feel like doing it, I will. If in coming years, it feels like a pain in the butt, I won't bother with it. Must say that I do like feeling completely free to do whatever I want to.

  • Champion

    I started out when my sons were very small doing just alittle something. Now after sheading the whole belief system of JW's I celebrate Christmas for all the wonderful things love has to offer. My younger son still believes in Santa Claus. All the magic and wonder that comes along with it is amazing. He volunteers with me to collect, wrap and spend time with less fortunate. He makes list of gifts he want's to buy all his loved ones including my JW father and brother. We watch old movies and especially "It's A Wonderful Life".We spend time together as a family cooking and inviting people over that we seldom see. There are so many leassons that you and your children can learn when you approach it like anything else in life, as a learning experience.

    I too had been brainwashed for so long about all the negatives, it takes time to let it go, but when it does it is wonderful.

  • bull01lay

    I felt a bit odd about the whole thing the first time I celebrated Christmas... but I enjoy it now.

    Reasons for doing it ???

    1) It's great fun, especially seeing your child's / loved one's face when they unwrap their gifts.

    2) I don't need any more reason than that.

    Remember, it's nothing shameful to have fun. Even christmas carols are fun - while i don't particualarly believe the sentiments, the family experience is overwhelming - especially if enjoyed at a Carol Concert... the choirs can be absolutely amazing !

    Does it make me a hypocrite to celebrate but not believe - I don't care ! I'm too busy having fun !


  • diamondblue1974
    Remember, it's nothing shameful to have fun. Even christmas carols are fun - while i don't particualarly believe the sentiments, the family experience is overwhelming - especially if enjoyed at a Carol Concert... the choirs can be absolutely amazing

    I have always wanted to go to a midnight mass (although im not catholic or anything like religious really) and listening to a full choir has to be amazing!


  • carla


    Can you offer a nonjw answer as to why you shouldn't? Anything scriptural? Anything scriptural that allows one man to view one day better than another and is there condemnation if you do? Do all days belong to the Lord?

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