For those of us who still believe in God...

by MrMoe 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    I am almost willing to bet aguest is in sales for a living...

    Lordy, NO, Mr. M... I couldn't sell water to desert dwellers. Actually, I just recently went back to work, part-time... because, well, my kids are grown... and sitting here posting to you all just doesn't take up enough of my time - LOL! I got 'bored', so I took a job as the Director of Operations for a non-profit organization in my city.

    Shelby in sales... sure. Right.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • gladiamout

    Wow Naeblis, Why are ya being so mean to Aguest? Are ya havin' a bad night maybe you need a good back rub or something? You seem so uptight you need to relax and take it easy those lil " " are really no big deal are they? I'll send relaxing thoughts to you :op Always ready to help my fellow man,woman,person.*s*

  • SlayerLayer

    May you all have cheese!

    Naeb, you're funny dude. This is fun.

    My cheese remains still...

    SL---A slave of chedder

  • MrMoe

    aguest- please don't be offended, I'm in sales. :)

  • AGuest

    I wasn't offended, dear one... I was 'tickled'. Me? 'Sell' something? I promise you, a man could be lost in the desert, almost dead from thirst, and I couldn't GIVE him a glass of water. Why? Because I would most probably tell him what's IN the water. He'd most likely... what was it Naeblis said?... 'pass'.

    Peace to you, dear Mr. Moe... and may JAH bless!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Naeblis

    So you..."couldn't sell water to desert dwellers" yet you're going to convince us God is talking to you?? ROFL. Shelby you're too much :)
    And I'm not having a bad day, I'm having a great day :) If shelby can tell us god whispers in her ear i can tell her she's nuts. Aint the internet grand?

  • AGuest

    I am not trying to 'convince' you of anything, Naeb. You and every else here are 'free will' agents. I simply relate what I am told... as I am told to. Whether YOU 'hear'... or 'refrain'... is not my concern. I can't 'save' you; I can only point you to the One that can. If, therefore, you 'wish' it... cool. If not... cool.

    My peace remains.

    A slave of Christ,


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    I haven't read every post in this thread but I don't think the Bible really speaks about a flood in Noah's day that covered the whole earth.

    The account in Genesis was probably written by Noah and was a eye witness account as it apeared to Noah eyes.

    Hey for that matter did Noah even know the world was a spere?

  • circe


    I very much respect your right to believe what you want to about the Bible or God. Before you get too wrapped up in trying to defend your belief in the Bible with science, you might want to read a little from those who have opposing views when it comes to things such as the flood. Try

    I'm not saying you have to believe in evolution. I'm not saying that you have to give up faith in the Bible. But there are alternatives (logical ones) to a literalist interpretation of the Bible.

    Have you ever read the thought that the flood may have be a local (but very catastrophic) event? Try here:

    One of the most quoted books on the subject can be purchased through amazon. The reviews are good and can be read here:

    By the way, I do believe in God.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Thank for the web site adresses.

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