For those of us who still believe in God...

by MrMoe 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem


    :What is the correct environment for the destructive types that he created?

    If you were the creator of such ones, how would you answer this question?

    I don't believe in a creator, so such a question is meaningless to me. But if I was a creator, then I would make sure my creations were happy in their environments. That would mean creating environments that would suit my creation so they could live harmoniously (for creations with the capacity for constructive and destructive behavior). That is not what we see on Earth today.

    :Why did god not only create constructive types of people?

    As you considered, or consider, or will consider having children, can you be sure to create only constructive ones? Why would you assume that God has such power? If you knew that there was a risk of having destructive offspring, as well as constructive offspring, would you forego having any children at all?

    I don't know that I would try to compare Creation and Procreation. As procreators we do not have control over the tendencies of our children, but an original creator should have had the ability to control the range of behaviors in his creation. He should have easily been able to create only "good" things - things with only the capacity to do good. If he were to create "destructive" things, then it would be his responsibility to create an environment for these destructive things. Anything else would be irresponsible. In fact this is what we see today.

    I gather that you do not believe in an omnipotent creator - maybe some type of alien creature who created us and our environment? Who then created the creator?

    :In an atheistic world view, there are no need for such questions.

    Is a world devoid of questions the goal?

    That is not what I said and you know it. I said "such" questions - questions pertaining to good and evil. Those questions have adequate answers in an atheistic world view. There are many many other worthy questions to persue. Thank you for dodging all of mine.


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

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