For those of us who still believe in God...

by MrMoe 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    Seems to me the biggest problem people have with God is the term omnipetance---God can do anything. Both believers and non-believers put God in a paradoxial box by insisting He/She must have this attribute. Many athiests point to the fact that an omnipetant God would solve all of our problems but doesn't; therefore they wouldn't worship him even if He/She existed. Believers make excuses for this "inaction"; giving God the human qualities of anger,retribution and willfull infliction of pain upon us all; part of his omnipetant "justice". Even the bible says God can't lie, therefore God can't be omnipetant.

    I believe the Creator has a purpose that we are not yet in a position to comprehend; kinda like an unborn child trying to understand what's happening as he is being born. This life is short, and forever is a long time.

    On the other hand, would you really God to control every aspect of your life, with no danger or challenges? Would you want to ride a roller coaster w/o being scared? Think about it.


  • MrMoe

    I believe in the "bible" God for several reasons and agree with what Logical has to say, although the world is not neccessarily in harmony right now, it still runs in a flow that shows one life form effects another and so on. One of my biggest points affirming my beleif in the bible being, again, the "earth being a circle and hanging upon nothing." The other is being a very accurate history book, such as past empires or the flood.

    I also beleive in Jesus, as Rmans were not originally Christian, and began to beleive in "Christianity" around Jesus death, hence Roman Catholics.

    I also strongly believe in a spirit realm, as I have personal encounters (no,not voices in my head thanks) that would lead me to believe the spirit realm is bad and some is good (ESP, tarot cards, Ouija boards, spirit mediums etc...)

    Anyhow, what I am looking for here is personal viewpoints as to why you feel the bible is accurate. And I again stress, please respect my beliefs, as I respect yours, regardless if you do not beleive in a God or believe in a God other than the "bible" God.

  • AGuest

    Hello dearest Mr. M.... and may you have peace!

    My 'belief' in my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, whom many know as 'God', 'Yahweh', 'Jehovah', 'Lord'... and even His Son, 'Jesus'... is based on my faith. My faith is not blind, as it IS the 'assured expection of things hoped for... the EVIDENT DEMONSTRATION OF REALITIES... though not 'beheld'. What I mean by that is that I KNOW my Father, and am KNOWN by my Father... not because I have come to know Him with my physical senses (physical sight, tough, taste, sound and smell)... but with my SPIRIT... and its 'senses'.

    My 'evident demonstration' is that I have seen Him (all but His face)... as I have seen my Lord, His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH (and yes, I have seen the face of that One, and it is as described, so most are gonna be in a for quite a shock). I was taken before the Most Holy One of Israel, by my Lord... who 'opened the way' for me.
    I have related it to some here... and elsewhere.

    My faith... or as some would say, 'belief'... is not 'blind'. It is very real and based on very real evidence.

    With regards to the Bible, I have no 'belief' or 'faith' in it, other than it is a book that CONTAINS 'scripture' and other writings, and in particular the Law... and is a 'tutor leading to Christ'. I only rely on what is written in the Bible to the extent my Lord directs me to share it with others. Personally, I simply listen to HIM and what HE says is 'truth'; however, some have yet to 'see' him or come to 'know' him and thus still NEED the Law written on 'stone tablets'... and with delible ink.

    It is my sincere hope, however, that ALL will come to have ears to hear... and finally get the SENSE of my Lord's words, as recorded at John 5:39, 40:

    "You are searching the scriptures because you THINK
    that by means of THEM you will have everlasting life.
    And these are the very ones that bear witness about ME;
    and yet, you do not want to come to ME... that you may
    have life."

    Indeed, my Lord was recorded to have said:

    "Come to ME... all you who are toiling and loaded
    down, and I will refresh you."

    I took his advice in BOTH cases... and the rest, is, as they say, 'history'.

    I bid you peace, and I am...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • BugEye

    I did believe in God and the Bible for some time after I left the Borg, but since then after examining some things I arrived at the same conclusion as another thinking person did, that is:

    "If god exists then he/she is a sadistic bastard"

    I wouldnt allow my kids to go through what "god" allows his children to go through. And if we are his imperfect "image" and dont have the love that he does, then that makes no sense at all.


  • Naeblis

    Your use of capitals and putting exclamation points around every third word is very irritating to read.
    'M' 'a' 'y' 'you' "have" PEACE!

  • AGuest

    Sorry, Naeblis... didn't mean to offend. It's just my 'style' and so, you would most probably... as my daughter would say... WANT to 'get over it'.



  • Naeblis

    They let you breed?

  • bboyneko
    Why do human crave food that are bad for them? Harmony?

    I think there's a screw up there of the natural order. Humans were meant to want the foods that are good for them, but our brains get in the way of our instincts and we are able to put aside our natural inclinations to survive and make decisions that are unhealthy for us

    Think about this one...what is 'bad' for us? Fatty foods? Sugary foods? Everything bad can be categorized in those two things, like fried and salty. Things things are not bas in themselves, just in large quantities. Even too much water can kill you.

    In the past, we had to survive in the brutal world. An important aspect of foods is to keep us alive, duh. It provides nurtients and energy. The most immidietly important aspect is energy. Sugars provide instant energy, although not very effective since it is temporary. Fats are good because they provide energy we can store and can provide insulation against cold.

    We crave fat because we needed it in the past, anything with fat in it tastes good. Non-fatty meat, dosent taste nearly as good as a very fatty steak. Sugary foods are also still craved by us. look at fruits like pineapples. It makes sense that trees and plants and bushes that evolved fruit that was sugary would survive and thrive. Animals like humans and bats love the sweet fruit, eat it, and disperse the seed in our dung and help the plant reproduce. If the fruit tastes bitter we wont go near it.

    Today, we dont need as much fat, food is easily available. However we tend to eat too much of fatty and sugary foods because it still tastes 'good.' We still crave it. We also crave nutritious foods like salads and fruits. But vegetables are neither fatty nor sweet so we dont like them as much as the other two, fats and sugars provide more instant energy than the long term benefits of vegetables.

    Salts are also essential to replenish the salt loss that we incurr in sweating and other day to day activities. Our craving for 'bad' foods is really our survival instinct.

    The fact that our bodies crumble under too much fat and salt, with heart disease problems being commonplace, goes to show that our bodies never evolved under high fat diets, fat wasnt easy to come by at the quantities now available.

    The same goes for 'bad' smells. We are revolted by rotting flesh, its unhealthy and harbors bacteria and harmful gases. Its pretty sick nasty stuff. Eating rotting flesh will make us violently sick. However, to animals like flies, this smell is 'good.' They love the stuff! They use carcasses to reproduce by laying eggs in the putrifying flesh so that when they hatch they eat the dead flesh. The hatched maggots will not eat living flesh, only dead tissue.

    Many of our 'good' and 'bad' responces are a result of evolution. We have hairless bodies because we evolved the ability to sweat heavily. This is more effecient method of colling down an overheated body. As a result we lost most of our fur except on areas important to help in infection, such as eyebrows, eyeleashes, nose hair, ear hair, etc. Our head hair is great for regulating body temperature. A shaven head leaks out body heat at an astonishingly rapid rate.

    Our 'goosebumps' are a residual effect of the time when we had a ton of fur, and raising the hairs would actually warm us. Goosebumps now with our hairless bodies dont do anything. But its still there, just as the remains of our tails when we were once arboreal animals and needed it for balance.

    We can thank tree limbs for our opposable thumbs. The opposable thumb made grasping branches easier.


  • Zep
    My faith... or as some would say, 'belief'... is not 'blind'. It is very real and based on very real evidence.

    What evidence????????????????

    The only thing you have proved to me is that you are quite possibly delusional.

  • MrMoe

    Now now kids, play nice!

    Been doing some research, seems there is proof of Sodom and Gomorah, as the Dead Sea is loaded with sulpher, and surrounding small ancient cities are crusted with sulfer, even gold coins found crumble to ashes containg heavy amounts of sulfer-- and there are satelite images reflecting there may be very large hidden cities under the Dead Sea. I have a copy of a map from the 1600's time period that show bits of 4 cities (including Sodom and Gomorah) still peaking above the waters of the Dead Sea.

    Anyhow, Mount Ararat shows at times a dark mass that has been speculated to be the ark.

    Another viewpoint is -- dinosaurs may have been destroyed in the flood since the water may have helped the to fossilize? This is speculation on my part. Any viewpoints? I would post the pic of the map, but I can't figure out how to put it in here!

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