Did you hear about the congregation where.........

by enlightenedcynic 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    I have seen this in one of the congregations in Texas I once visited. I don't think they did it for very long. Also, I don't remember the sister wearing a head covering of any kind.

  • sass_my_frass

    A friend who served a three year disfellowshipping for an incident of 'sexual misconduct with a minor' (I can only hope that the kid wasn't discouraged from telling the police but, you know...) told me that he'll never get privileges again. He is sad that he'll never have privileges again. I told him to pretend that he's a sister, and that he never had any in the first place. He said that's not the point; people always 'wonder' about him. You know those people who are such a part of your life and your history that you can't bear not having them around any more, but you know that if you did you'd want to throw yourself into a brick wall every time you talk? He's one of those.

    Just in case anybody is curious, yes I ached for years over talking to the kid about it, trying to talk him into seeing a counsellor or a cop, but it seemed that he did pretty okay. Well there was that period of juvenile delinquency, but he's gotten it together now. And it's not like he'd listen to me now anyway.

  • stillajwexelder

    Welcome to the board- weird - not heard of this before - using sisters -whatever next

  • misspeaches


    So they are using the lowly women of the congregation to shame the men.

    Read - See you are scum. You are hopeless. To show you how hopeless you are we will even let women do your job. How do you like that? Are you ashamed? BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

    The fact that these same 'shamed' people are allowed to pray, read what not shows that its a slap on the hand and nothing more.

  • skyman

    It happens all the time here in the city I live in. Makes my dad mad because he is told he is the HEAD and then at the hall mom's his head he just laugh it off as another exsample of head in the ass syndrome which runs rabid here.

  • blondie

    I have visited some small, isolated congregations where sisters handled literature, magazines, territory, and accounts because there were no qualified brothers or only 1elder and he could not handle everything. The sister wore a nice stylish hat, no kleenex or napkin.

    I have attended similar congregations where a sister "moderated" a book study as well.

    Being baptized is not enough; the brother has to be able to read and do math as well as be in good standing. I can remember being in a book study that had 2 brothers including the conductor. One was on restrictions and the other could not read anything at all. So the conductor had to do both prayers but he assigned a sister to read the paragraphs (it doesn't have to rotate).

    In developed countries today, such small, isolated congregations are few and far between, but they still exist. Before the WTS will let sisters do MS duties, it will make the elders do those duties.


  • theinfamousone

    theres nothing wrong with it... but it is weird that the DUBS are allowing it... they have so many un-exemplary ppl doing tihngs, and theyre all retarded... so, i dont see why this congregation would do it differently.... maybe someones having a crisis of conscience... (the PO)..

    the infamous one

  • ocsrf
    Do you suspect it's a tactic to shame the men?

    Yes of course this is the primary reason. Another thing they do to older brothers is remove them from something they have been doing and give it to a teenager and the excuse is because they want to give such responsibilities to ones who are reaching out. Shaming non performing brothers is a key to the whole arrangement. I would gladly trade places with the sisters than have to deal with this nonsense.

    Best way to deal with this is to take a "I don't care attitude" and pay them back by not contributing to the box and when they need help cleaning the toilets...oh well I have to get home.


  • enlightenedcynic


    The KH is located in good ole Brooklyn, NY.


  • jwfacts

    Welcome enlightenedcynic,

    When i was a kid in the 80's we had a sister doing the congregation audit because all the brothers were so useless at it.
    Reminds me of another thread at the moment about the part at the elders school saying how much better WTBTS education is than Uni. I ended up doing the audit in a different congregation and the brother on accounts had no idea how to fill out the sheet and the first audit report I did contained two pages just of the errors in the report.

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