Jan 1st WT: Reaching out, Higher Education and Providing for one's needs

by truthseeker 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • HiddenQuestioner

    First, let me announce that this is my first posting to this site. I finally got the courage to comment. I have been watching this site for a while now and this subject is the one that will “bring me out of the closet.” – for I am compelled to comment. Second, though I know many JWs would disagree with me, I do not consider myself apostate nor do I consider looking at and even commenting on this site makes you an apostate. I consider myself a “loyal” JW with a free mind. Throughout my 30+ years as a JW I have managed to lead a balance life. However, I must admit, at times it has been a challenge. (For instance, I attribute my divorce to an ex-JW, that I loved very much, and its resulting years of bitterness, to the conflicts that existed over our religion.) That stated, I must also admit that I do not share the views of many of those disillusioned individuals who use this site to rant, BUT you are entitled to rant.

    Rant I must though on the Oct 1 “education” article. My wish in making this posting is that SOMEONE in Brooklyn is watching this discussion on education and will realize the uproar that was destined to happen by publishing such enslaving concepts. I was at the meeting last Sunday and my comments are as follows:

    1. Throughout our Sunday discussion, the conductor and commenters continually referred to seniors in high school and collage age young adults as children. How delusional can you get? Putting school age adults in the context of children, not only demeaned these adults, but also allowed older individuals (particularly parents) to think that they are entitled to have some form of authority over the actions and decisions of these young adults. These people are NOT CHIDREN and have to be respected as such. Thank you my parents for allowing me to be a young adult when I was a young adult!

    2. No where in our discussion was there any recognition given to what the young adult might want to do with his/her life. It seemed it was all about what the parents, congregation and, in particular, what the Organization wants the person to do with their lives. This form of enslavement does not and NEVER will work. The attributes, desires and interests of the expanding mind of the young adult must not only be acknowledge it must be appreciated and the youth’s healthy BENIFICIAL desires must be encouraged. The said, the option of full time service or other theocratic endeavors can and should be one of the many options. But, if ones heart is not in it that same person should not be treated as less of a person for choosing a way of life that includes BOTH worship of his/her god AND a rewarding productive life working in a satisfying career that enriches the life of all those that come in contact with that happy person.

    There, my rant is over and I feel better now.

  • HiddenQuestioner

    Whoops, my mistake. I posted my Oct 1st WT posting in the wrong forum. I meant to put my mesaage in the forum on the Oct 1st WT forum. I told you this was my first time. I will repost where my message belonged. Sorry about that

  • LDH
    Putting school age adults in the context of children, not only demeaned these adults, but also allowed older individuals (particularly parents) to think that they are entitled to have some form of authority over the actions and decisions of these young adults. These people are NOT CHIDREN and have to be respected as such.

    I couldn't agree more.


    I remarked to my sister last night, this is a religion of child-haters. Once you start to get old enough to ask questions, you are squashed like a bug on a windshield. The bOrg demands full compliance.


  • jeanniebeanz
    He might come to expect special treatment in the congregation.

    ...like being treated like a human being, maybe? lol Any thinking person scares these idiots to death.


  • daniel-p

    First, welcome, (((((((((HiddenQuestioner))))))))

    Second, someone said above "THEREFORE, why can't they just trust their members to be balanced, to make the right decision for THEM, why can't they just trust that through prayer and meditation, they can find the answer as to whether or not they should go to university or college, THEMSELVES???"

    This is the PRIMARY reason I came out and spoke up about how I felt about the education issue. The Governing Body are leading the R&F as if they were all little children.

    The R&F are "sheep" because of their percieved obedience and Christ-like spirit, NOT because of their inability to live their lives rationally and think for themselves. Of course, this is the inevitability after a lifetime of not "trusting in yourself."

  • TopHat


    Someone should show this article in the KHs on the day the January 1st Watchtower is opened for study.

  • stillajwexelder

    Welcome to the board HiddenQuestioner

  • stillajwexelder

    Because the GB do not live in the real world where necessities must be provided by oneself they cannot comprehend how difficult it is.

    EXACTLY -They have all their meals cooked for them in Crooklyn; They have their rooms cleaned and tidied; They have their laundry done for them; They can have vacations at the exp[ense of the brothers - all the contributions will pay for their airfare to some country to give a talk etc. I could go on and on. They do not live in the real world and are sealed off from the realities of life

  • Elsewhere

    I can't help but suspect all of these recent articles are related to the passive aggressive behavior of JWs who are just tired of the entire "do more, do more, do more" message.

    JWs are tired and many are trying to "fade"... there are many examples of people right here on this site who are trying to "fade". One of the most common excuses these faders use to get out of going to meetings and field service is "I'm too busy at work" or “I need to study for school / college”.

    I suspect that the WTS is misinterpreting this excuse for being a literal excuse and not a symptom of fading.

    Or perhaps even more insidiously, the WTS does know that this being used by faders and is about to perform a purge based on this litmus test… if the person is not willing to give up the job or education that is supposedly resulting in missed meetings, the person will be marked as “spiritually week” and socially ostracized in an informal manner.

  • jeanniebeanz
    if the person is not willing to give up the job or education that is supposedly resulting in missed meetings, the person will be marked as “spiritually week” and socially ostracized in an informal manner.

    This has already been happening. In Willits, CA I watched it happen to the young people who tried to just go to the community college and one sister who accepted a promotion that required she work some evenings. Can't imagine how evil a true university education would have been viewed.

    Crazies...where do they think the donations will come from if they keep their sheeple broke for all eternity...


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