Jan 1st WT: Reaching out, Higher Education and Providing for one's needs

by truthseeker 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • rmt1

    These are predators. Even people with first and second degrees, of sound mind and competent to represent themselves and their interests, fall on hard times financially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, ontologically. These predators lie in wait with the same manner of bait that nets those who are structurally at the disadvantage of not having developed critical thinking skills or the audacity to interrogate assumptions, promises, things too good to be true. In the GB's calculus, there are enough overeducated fools born every minute, who can be dragged in and exploited like the technology the GB is fond of adopting, so that they do not have to tolerate the offence of born-in or recent converts developing the courage to interrogate the narrative or deconstruct the fabrications.

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