What do you _really_ think?

by daystar 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    Quite often we maintain a polite silence about others when we'd really like to tell them to shut the hell up, that they're pompous, or ignorant, or simply a pain in the ass. "God, I can't stand reading any of his posts."

    Or, perhaps we really would like to say something really nice about someone, perhaps even a bit personal. But we're too shy to do so. Or afraid what others might think.

    I want you to pull no punches. None of you have met me (that I know of) in real life. You only know me from here. I will not hold any grudges. I swear. Let me have it.

    Tell me. What do you really think about me? Do you have any constructive criticisms?

  • dezpbem

    You seem cool to me. I haven't noticed anything bad about you.

    I'm in the game. I'd like to join you in the "let me have it" dept. Hehe, This should be a fun thread

  • arrowstar

    I just beginning to get an idea of your online persona. I have to say I like what I see so far. You appear to be a straight-shooter with a bit of a glint in your eye.

    I'd have a beer with you. Don't know yet if I'd do tequila shots with you or not...


  • damselfly

    Interesting, I don't think I would be quite that brave!

    I think you are very introspective, perhaps too much at times. I think that you have not met any of the others in Texas yet because even though you are intrigued, you enjoy your anonmitity (sp?) on the board and are unsure of reactions on both sides.. Be brave and go party already!

    <------- so you don't get mad haha!


  • mrsjones5

    Youre cool daystar. The ones that put me off...I'm using self control.

  • daystar


    I really haven't seen enough of your posts yet. The general feeling I've gotten has been positive though.

  • damselfly

    I forgot to say that I really enjoy your posts and have since the beginning, you're one of the posters that I always try to read.


  • AlmostAtheist

    You seem to make small references to the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", but I've never seen you out and out praise the holy name of Douglas Adams. Since I consider that blasphemous conduct, I'm afraid I'll need to shun you.

    Except for saying the above.

    And that.

    (You seem plenty cool to me, I would also have a beer with you. And tequila. And anything else ya got!)


  • lola28

    Daystar you seem like a cool guy, and I'm in what do you guys think about me?


  • arrowstar

    Now, as for Dez....any man who'll salsa dance with a strange woman is alright in my book.

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