by stillAwitness 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillAwitness

    no its not sf

  • avishai

    Why does God do that? I mean, you think its true he won't give you more than you can bear?

    Why do people go insane? Why do people kill themselves? BECAUSE THEY HAD MORE THAN THEY COULD BEAR!!!

    This whole "God won't give you more than you can bear is a nice little fairytale for healthy, sane people.

    Go to a group home for extremely developmentally disabled kids, and find the ones that have the compulsion to chew through their own arms. Etc., etc. Then tell me God did'nt geve them "more than they could bear."

    I'm sorry you are depressed, but "God" let's HORRIBLE things happen, and probably far more horrible thant have happened to you. Just figure out that being kind to others is the closest to "God" that you can get.

  • sf

    Okay then, go here [ the photo shows up here ], it WILL cheer you up:



  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Here's a few books that helped me:
    Toxic Faith by Arterburn & Felton
    The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck
    Oh, and I'm currently reading a lovely book called "The Velveteen Principles" based on the children's story, "The Velveteen Rabbit." It's a great book using the philosophy from the kid's story on what it means to be real. Velveteen Principles is by Toni Raiten-D'Antonio.
    Hugs to you,
    tall penguin

  • prophecor

    The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck

    ...................................this was the begining of my recovery in progress

  • Spectre

    Stilla, I have found reading books by Joseph Campbell helpful. He did extensive research on mythology and it helped me to move forward by seeing where we have been as a people. I'll go home tonight and make a list of the best ones to check out.

  • Leuese

    To All:

    These words are directly from JAH the ALMIGHTY

    I bear witness to all that the war between the spirit entities in the heavens is coming to its end. I bear the wrath of all anger as a witness and a chosen one of the Almighty as witness that JAH is here. Thereafter JAH the ALMIGHTY will turn His attention to the nations. Everything written must take place in the heavens as the first creation of JAH in learning, discipline, and wisdom. The Great Tribulation effects those in War by the hand of the wild beast or the nations united against those in the Holy Land, or the "holy ones" as written in the bible.

    Have no Fear as your deliverance in near. JAH is making restoration as written, amen.

    The Faithful Slave

  • daystar


    You noise to signal ratio is a little high. Could you clean it up some?

  • AuntieJane

    Still, you are going through some tough awakenings. Life sucks sometimes. But then there is sunshine. Can I suggest something that works for me when I'm down...before you give up on God? Find a dark, comforting room, light a candle and meditate. Even go online and find a soothing scripture/prayer to read over...just a thank you to God for all you have, ask him to give you the strength you need to find your way. Block other thoughts, sounds, etc. out of your head.

    Just take some deep breaths and take your time alone, and do it again the next day and the next. You've already gotten lots of other good ideas here.

    Hope this helps and you don't think I'm too much of a crazy ol' auntie,


  • sandy

    I understand that... living my life and all but i mean is this all there is? I mean I go to school, find a job, married kids and then die? Is it heaven? Hell? Some Paradise? Maybe I'll be reincarnated? I dunno. I mean, I don't know.

    I'm just so petrified of death. It honestly keeps me awake at night. Is there something wrong with me? Could it be a real phobia or something?
    Stillawitness, I really do feel for you because I know these thoughts can be terrifying. I go through these type of anxiety attacks every now and then. I know exactly how it feels to be afraid of the future and even negative about it. As J-dubs we learned there is nothing else out there for us except Jehovah and his paradise. Once we start to doubt that after years and years of knowing nothing else it scares us. These are feelings most of us go through. You have to start living life. Find the beauty and happiness around you. Though it may not seem like it at times the world is full of more beauty than the J-dubs ever allowed us to believe. Maybe there are some social clubs at school you can get involved in. In my opinion you need the be around people who have a healthy outlook on life, non-religious people or at least people that are not fanatical about their religion. Keep yourself as busy as possible with things non related to the religion. I believe you will get through this if you keep telling yourself you are okay and do things to really make yourself better. I hope that knowing we care about you, even though we don't know you, helps you and comforts you to some extent. Maybe you can look for an ex-jw meetup group in your area, if you are comfortable with that. There are so many great, healthy ex-Jdubs out there who can provide you with the support you need. I wish you the best and feel free to pm me here any time. Sandy

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