I'm sorry but

by toer5777 183 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    toer, that's funny! One question at a time? You've given us over twenty! Start with my first response to your first statement and then go on.

  • toer5777


    I'm sorry if i offended you with what I stated about drug and sex it wasnt meant to be to you it was meant to be for another member which stated that he just only wanted drugs and sex.

  • mrsjones5

    well geez toer next time be more direct nice try but we know you meant it as a blanket statement

  • Legolas

    Toer...Are you Hibie?

  • toer5777

    toer, that's funny! One question at a time? You've given us over twenty! Start with my first response to your first statement and then go on. Non of the 20 questions have been answered, in regards to having a personal relisionship with Jesus. I beleive Jehovah is god and that Jesus gave his life for me. Gods son, so I direct my prayers to Jehovah not to Jesus Crist, Non of jesus disciples worshiped him

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    I'm sorry if i offended you with what I stated about drug and sex it wasnt meant to be to you it was meant to be for another member which stated that he just only wanted drugs and sex.

    That would be me!

  • mrsjones5

    *wags finger* naughty Darth

  • toer5777
    Re: I'm sorry but

    Post 609 of 618
    since 08-Jul-05

    31 y 2 m 19 d

    What other religion beleive in a paradise here in earth and is preaching and saying that all the bad things going on in the world such as death, drugs, war, rape, murders will come to an end.

    Wow! My sex and my drugs and my rock and roll are the only things that keep me here.
  • mrsjones5

    *wonders why toer feels a need to explain self*

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Dude, that's copy right infringement. You cant reproduce copies of my avitar. Oh, what a minute....that's not really my picture in the first place. Never mind!

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