2,000 US and 25,000 civilians now dead in Iraq

by Simon 159 Replies latest social current

  • minimus

    You don't have to be Kreskin to figure this one out. Being a historian might help, though.

  • 144001
    Ah, yes, the old chestnut. Anything uncomfortable, however true, is labelled "anti American" so that it can be ignored. That's the way to never learn and repeat the same mistakes, never have any accountability for people in public office.
    How is this thread "ill-timed", "poorly thought out" or ;"bear baiting"? When would you have us discuss the fact that 2,000 U.S. soldiers are dead? When the number hits 3,000?

    Exaclty. I wonder if people would be willing to put a figure on the number of deaths (military and civilian) that they consider "not worth it". At what stage does it get classified as a huge mistake? I think some people will never admit that it was wrong or dumb no matter how many die and how false the claimed threat has been shown to be and how much worse things have been made


    During the Vietnam War, the rednecks here in the States came up with their mantra, "America, Love it or Leave it," to respond to the anti-war sentiment that became commonplace here. Now, fast forward to today's times, and any objection to King Bush and his oil war is deemed "anti-American." The folks behind these efforts to stifle free expression are the most "anti-American" folks in existence, because any person who has even a minimal understanding of the origin of our country would recognize that our country was founded upon dissent. Dissent, rather than being "anti_American," is both a founding principle and the life blood of this country. The fascists who seek to eliminate dissent here pose a far greater threat to our country than the "terrorists" Bush is spending our future economic prosperity and the lives of thousands of our young men and women to eradicate.

    Certain posters in this thread reflect an unfortunate but common attitude here in the States which is that Bush can do no wrong. I believe these individuals could be shown a video of Bush raping a child and then dismembering him, and they'd find a way to dismiss it as "liberal propaganda," lies, or whatever. These folks are so rooted in their support for the worst president of my lifetime that nothing anyone says will change their minds. It's a waste of breath.

  • metatron

    Several other things to consider:

    What effect would a prosperous India have on Islam? Keep in mind that Muslims may see them as the lowest of the low,

    idolaters who don't even come up to the level of monotheistic Jews and Christians. Yet, their economy may explode like China

    ( or even surpass China, in coming years). Sorry about that, Allah.

    Is a 'crazy' George Bush actually a strong factor for world peace? Suppose you are an Islamic leader with a nuke or other

    weapon of mass destruction. You might plan to attack a US city - except ....... is George Bush crazy enough to vaporize

    Mecca and Medina .... and more? This subject has been brought up in discreet conversations - that greatly upset Muslim

    leaders. Has this stayed the hands of terrorists if they hold such extreme weapons? ( Rep. Tancredo had to apologize

    for a remark about this)

    Are the Palestinians a spent force? Some commentators have suggested that, while they have mastered suicide bombing,

    that doesn't enable them to set up industry, an honest police force, or sanitation - and many of them know it! Upon entering

    Gaza, they destroyed the former Israeli greenhouses that could have provided them with a huge number of jobs and income.

    They destroyed synagogues - instead of converting the buildings to something valuable. The government can't control crime

    or corruption and their mighty ( sarcasm) Qassim rockets are pathetically ineffective against Israel. The concrete barrier

    strategy is working - and depriving them from jobs - because they refuse to give up terror attacks. Like Rhodesia, they may

    find out that they oppress themselves far better than their enemies ever could!

    Is Iraq affecting jihadist thinking? Web sites and other contacts suggest that some extremists are upset by the image

    of wanton killing - and attacks on mosques and religious authorities splashed all over the world's media. It's getting ugly,

    even for them. Even if Iraq falls apart, the West may benefit as Muslims kill each other - leaving the US unscathed.

    This is not the jihad they hoped for.....

    Is this the greatest opportunity for alternative energy - ever? The Saudis managed to sink alternative schemes by holding

    down the price of oil across decades ( they're not stupid and some of them take the long view). but...... they may not be able

    to do this anymore with Asian demand keeping the price above $60 a barrel.

    Is Europe FINALLY waking up to the Islamic threat? Have they let the demographics about birth rates ( theirs and the

    Islamic immigrants) sink in? More people attend mosque services in England than go to the Church of England.

    Even the hypertolerant Dutch seem aroused these days. Can there be hope for Europe's future? ( read The West's Last

    Chance and be scared!)


  • Simon

    The only comment I included in my topic was "What a waste "

    Of course, the totally-discredited-but-too-dumb-to-back-down-chearleaders-of-the-war cannot but try and defend bush and co. Of course, what they did and the claimed reasons and rewards cannot be defended and so they attack the people who posts and voice any criticism of the action.

    I'm not surprised. They are not the brightest people in the world. As evidence there is the fact that they believed and supported Bush and still do! A sure sign of feeble-mindedness IMO.

    PS. Any still--a-Bush-supporter's want to buy London bridge?

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    PS. Any still--a-Bush-supporter's want to buy London bridge?

    No thanks. We can walk across that now in Arizona.

  • sf

    why was Iraq so special?

    The Trillion dollar question.



  • Celia
    the worst president of my lifetime

    A m e n . . . . .

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    What people are failing to recongise is that Bush is not making the decisions. Bush is there on show for people to believe that there is one man who makes the decisions. Likewise with Blair. The reason you cannot put so much as a sheet of paper between Bush and Blair or any other AngloAmerican tag team is that they are both answering to the same masters. The war in Iraq is just another stepping stone for the fascist world state.

  • Ticker

    I fail to see how any of this thread is anti american, if anything its pro american as it shows we care how the United States is being governed. We are merely discussing the political blunders and mishaps of the united states president Bush. Which in my opinion, he is a pinhead that continuously makes an ass of himself. But by no means are we being demeaning to the nation as a whole, we are merely showing our disdain for the current leadership because it is effecting the whole world. I just don't understand how some can so vehemently stick up for his mismanagement and turn a blind eye to all his stupidity. That goes for the Bush administration as a whole because as Sam said its not just Bush but all his cronies.


  • alreadygone

    I say anyone who is a supporter of Bush and/or of this war, "get your ass to a recruiter and take my husband's place over there"!

    edited to add: Respect is earned not a given based on a job title. Bush lost my respect a looooong time ago. Come to think of it, he never had it.

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