what do you think about.................................

by defd 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    I understand where you're coming from, Derrick. You have a god you want to please, he doesn't exactly make his views on grooming obvious, so you need to research it in order to know how to please him. Really, you'll spend a few hours on it at most, and you'll have peace of mind for the rest of your life. It sounds like a good deal.

    IF and I say IF God said

    Here's the problem. How will you determine what God "said"?

    For instance, on a perhaps better documented topic, what has God said about birthdays that has led you to stop celebrating them?


  • undercover
    I would do research to see what the bible has to say about it. Also what the FDS has to say about it. Not out of guilt. Out of concern whether or not I am doing what is right in Jehovahs eyes.

    If you can't find anything in the Bible about it, shouldn't that be enough? Why do you need the opinion of anyone else? If it was wrong in Jehovah's eyes, don't you think he would have made absolutely sure that it was mentioned in the Bible? If it's such a big deal, why wait 6000 supposed years before making an issue out of it? Why now? Why through the FDS?

    It has nothing to do with your faithfulness to Jehovah. It has everything to do with the WTS control over you.

  • defd

    Carla he does see what the heart is. My point is IF we do something we know we shouldnt just because we want to God does not approve of that no matter what it is.

  • daystar

    Beards, schmeards.

    It would go much better for their image if their constituents were:

    1. Educated
    2. Well-balanced
    3. Truly compassionate

    It does the entire organization very much harm to constantly focus on outer appearance rather than on developing a healthy, well-balanced flock.

  • undercover
    IF we do something we know we shouldnt just because we want to God does not approve of that no matter what it is.

    How do you know what that "something" is if God himself doesn't let you know what issue is? Like I said before, if God doesn't deem it necessary enough to put it into his Word, then it must not be enough to worry about. And if anyone else trys to make you bend to their will without Biblical support, they are controlling you. Not because God said so, not because your salvation depends on it, but because they need you to further their work, their mission.

  • defd

    I understand where you're coming from, Derrick. You have a god you want to please, he doesn't exactly make his views on grooming obvious, so you need to research it in order to know how to please him. Really, you'll spend a few hours on it at most, and you'll have peace of mind for the rest of your life. It sounds like a good deal.

    IF and I say IF God said

    Here's the problem. How will you determine what God "said"?

    For instance, on a perhaps better documented topic, what has God said about birthdays that has led you to stop celebrating them?

    Dave I guess this would be a different topic for discussion, but I DO believe that the FDS is Jehovahs way of directing us today. So what I would do Is research the WT library, look up the scriptures and the reasoning and I would pray to God and then I would make my decision. Birthdays, I do not use the old birthdays in the bible reasoning. I have researched them and know WHERE the customs of cakes and candles and making wishes and the other things come from. That is what guides me in that area. I do ACKNOWLEDGE my kids birthdays. I teach them that birthdays are not taboo. It is just some of the rituals and customs that are done on that day that makes it wrong. D.

  • AlmostAtheist
    I do ACKNOWLEDGE my kids birthdays. I teach them that birthdays are not taboo. It is just some of the rituals and customs that are done on that day that makes it wrong.

    Damn, DefD! I'm totally not blowing smoke at you on this, you impress me more every time I sound out something about your thinking.

    You are unwittingly still letting the Watchtower tell you which things of pagan origin to pick on (they've left calendars, wedding rings, and make up alone for the moment), but you're still forcing them to define their rules to you. For instance, they've said "Birthday cakes have pagan origins and are therefore inappropriate for Christians". You've researched it and seen that they are indeed pagan in origin, so you've agreed that it should be rejected. But there's nothing pagan about saying, "Congratulations Derrick Jr, you're 7 years old today!" so you do it.

    But you're right, this isn't the right thread for such a discussion. Keep thinking, my friend. Keep thinking...


  • undercover

    At the risk of hijacking the thread (but you brought it up on your own thread, so is it hijacking? I dunno)

    Birthdays, I do not use the old birthdays in the bible reasoning. I have researched them and know WHERE the customs of cakes and candles and making wishes and the other things come from. That is what guides me in that area. I do ACKNOWLEDGE my kids birthdays. I teach them that birthdays are not taboo. It is just some of the rituals and customs that are done on that day that makes it wrong.

    Do you acknowledge to the rest of the congregation, without shame or embarrasement, that you observe birthdays? What do you think the reaction would be from the elders if they knew you were "observing" birthdays?

    Don't get me wrong, I applaud the fact that you researched the subject and made your own decision. But unfortunately in the JW congregation, you aren't always allowed to make those kinds of decisions without repurcussions.

  • carla


    I still don't get it. I guess it comes down to if one believes the fds is really who they say they are and if you believe it. And if you really believe God is telling them to tell all the rank & file they must not wear beards today. So we come back once again to why are they the fds? And is it Biblical to hold up a governing body as high as jw's hold up the gb in Brooklyn. Should mere men be putting such a heavy yoke upon God's people without these certain 'rules' even being in the Bible.Do all these 'rules' take away from the real message of God? How you treat each other? To be looked down upon because of facial hair and have certain 'pirveleges' taken away is just no where in the Bible, except for laws and rules of the Pharisees. How can you not see this? I'm not trying to be mean, I am truly asking.

  • undercover
    but I DO believe that the FDS is Jehovahs way of directing us today.

    Here's a cunundrum:

    If you believe the FDS is the way Jehovah is directing things today and the FDS has declared birthday celebrations and observations as unclean and not acceptable, how is it that you can go against what the FDS has declared? Remember, the FDS is directed by Jehovah. In essence by having a different opinion on birthdays than the FDS you are grieving the Holy Spirit, wouldn't you agree?

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