Sect or cult?

by Cady 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cady

    Well a lot of ppl say that all religions start as cults. Also, there's the thought of what we'd say to someone we met today who claimed he saw visions of God and could walk on water etc. - he'd be viewed as delusional and promptly taken in for a psych eval, or else he'd become David Koresh, ey? :-)

  • inquirer

    They are a cult and a sect. But "cult" describes them better!

  • AuldSoul
    If the Wt leaders announced that 'A' had started, like Koresh did, the witness ilk would react in much the same way, IMHO. They would quit jobs, hide out with other JW's, and wait to die or survive. And whatever commands came from the GB, they would follow to the T. I can't find a true difference between that and the way the Davidians worshipped Koresh.

    They did announce that and that is what happened. Several times. Remember the call for more Colporteurs (1925)? Remember how some were selling houses and quitting jobs to finish out the remaining years in this old system as pioneers (1975)?


  • Tigerman

    In a land and a time not too far away, a Confidence was discovered. " What do we have here ?" cried one of the seers. " Why, can't you tell ? " cried another." It's a wonderful toy, for you and me, and all we have to do is massage it a bit and the world is ours, for you and me ! "

  • Cygnus

    I prefer not to label JWs as this or that, but rather say, JWs manifest cultlike characteristics, and are a sect based on the International Bible Students.

  • freedom96

    I believe the JW's to be a dangerous cult, but I don't believe that everyone would drink the "kool-aid" like in a Jim Jones type of deal.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    but I don't believe that everyone would drink the "kool-aid" like in a Jim Jones type of deal.

    fast death or slow death,

    religion or cult,

    of an old musty cave,

    comes god's cold breath.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    BTW Cady,

    very nice write-up!

    it's interesting that most religions start as cults with all ten points, and as they evolve, drop the more destructive ones. give the witnoids a few more years.


  • Cygnus

    I believe that if pressured properly, JWs would gulp down the proverbial Flavor-Aid. Look at the reaction from 9/11. If the world suffers a gigantic catastrophe, JWs would think "Armageddon" and their next thought would be to find the elders for directives received from God's channel in New Jersey.


    w91 9/15 pp. 17-18 "Help Me Out Where I Need Faith!" ***


    To ensure their salvation, Noah and his family needed to exercise faith. This meant following instructions and the leadings of God’s holy spirit. During the great tribulation, it will be just as imperative that we follow the leadings of the holy spirit and obey Jehovah’s instructions through his organization. Then we will have no reason to worry and ask: ‘How will our spiritual and material needs be satisfied? What provision will be made for older persons or for those requiring special medical care or treatment? How will Jehovah make it possible for us to survive into the new world?’ With strong faith, all of Jehovah’s loyal servants will leave everything in his capable hands.—Compare Matthew 6:25-33.


    Once the great tribulation has started, doubtless our faith in God will be greatly strengthened. After all, we will see that Jehovah is carrying out what he said he would do. We will be seeing his execution of judgment with our own eyes! But will we personally have enough faith to believe that while destroying the wicked, God will preserve his people?


    What if "preservation" means a new understanding that death and resurrection are paramount to "surviving" the tribulation?

  • stevenyc

    The cleverest thing this cult did was attain leader anonymity. And now deferred leader responsibility.

    They are a cult. Your life is controlled by elders -> controlled by overseers -> controlled by bethel -> controlled by the service corporation.

    Get any cult speech and change the leaders name for any of the anonymous JDub tags (FDS, the brothers, anointed, governing body) and you'll see the similarity.


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