did this ever happen to you?

by joanne_ 104 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tyrone

    so let it be written.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Where is my faith?

    Well interestingly I feel closer, more spiritual than I ever did as a JW. People have even commented on it. And that really surprised me.

    You should know by the way that if and when you decide to get baptized you will be vowing obedience to the WTB&TS not to Jehovah. They have placed themselves between you and God. The scriptures say clearly there is one mediator - Christ. The WTS teaches they have taken his place. In fact according to the WTS Christ didn't even die for you. He died for the 144,000 only. You get to slide in on their coattails.

    If I have to choose between the Bible and the WTS literature I will choose the Bible

  • Rabbit


    I understand some of the hurt that most of you talk about, ive felt the same things you have fett, the same hurt, but i make it a matter of prayer in leave in in Jehovah's hands that he will take care of the matter in HIS OWN DUE TIME and not my own. You know what the sad thing is about those who turn APOSTAT.... they can never return nor are the desired anylonger by Jehovah.

    I am one of those who have been hurt by certain beliefs & policies of the Watchtower. I was baptised 32 years ago and in my opinion, my entire family has suffered also. I am not disfellowshipped or disassociated, but, I do "forsake the gathering of ourselves together". If you really want to know how and why I cannot force myself to go to meetings -- please ask.

    But, please be nice. I have to let you know...when you come into ANY room and start YELLING at people you don't know...calling them dogs & pigs...it looks less than "christ-like."

    So-o, what is it that bothers you about 1914 ? What other things have bothered you ? Have you talked to the Elders about your concerns ? Did their answers satisfy you ?

    And... a very big question...what is your definition of "apostate?" Where is it you think "apostates" go ?



  • Descender

    Tyrone, do you realize how many potential future witnesses you are turning away from the religion by your harsh words and judgements? Just because people don't agree with what you believe doesn't necessarily mean they're wrong and fit for destruction. You're doing more damage than the so-called apostates here because you're coming across as a bit extreme. And you are ensuring that when I show your posts to some of my bored worldly workmates that the next time a witness comes to their door they will probably turn the witnesses away due in no small part to the way you are presenting yourself here.

  • vitty

    Fewwww !!!!!

  • vitty

    Tyrone, I bet you dont talk like this to ppl on field service do you, (fit for destruction) ?????????

  • Scully

    Tyrone, I understand that you have your own opinions and that's perfectly fine. But let's please keep to the topic that joanne_ started. Feel free to start your own topic if you have something to share.

    joanne_ writes:

    did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'

    Yes, that's happened to me. I have also (on three separate occasions (one was the COs visit), in two different congregations) gone to extra effort to attend the mid-week service arrangement, with a pre-school child in tow. I had to get up an hour-and-a-half earlier than normal to get ready, drive my husband to work, get myself and my child ready for service, have breakfast, get a service bag ready and a diaper bag ready, and put a stroller in the back of the vehicle. I told the elder leading the service arrangement that I would appreciate having someone to work with, and that I had room to take people along in the van. When the car groups were being arranged, not one person wanted to go with me, or have me go with them in their group. They wouldn't even give me Not-At-Homes™ to work on my own.

    The elder told me that the angels knew I had tried and so did Jehovah. I went home in tears because my own Brothers™ and Sisters™ had excluded me from Field Service™.

    I never bothered again. It still makes me violently angry to think about these incidents that happened more than a decade ago.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Sorry about hijacking the thread

    I have moved the discussion to:

    Tyrone one on one with Lady Lee

    ALL: Please make sure you read the intro to the first post

  • misspeaches


    Although those memories are in the past now it can still hurt when you recall the lack of love shown to you...

  • tyrone

    Dear Brothers


    Observing the dialog between my brother at home and the members of this forum, i must aggree with you that some wording have been harsh. And for that u have my appology, but when you take a closer look at the statements that have been made by tyrone he does not make them in anger or to stir up a perverbial pot, but rather his comments are made in shock and disbelief, that those who have aquainted themselves not only with the watchtower but e-watchman will take advantage of the dire situation that the WTBTS is in conserning Jehovah's judgement. Brothers i beseach you be carefull about your wordings against the WTBTS... against Gods people!! because those who rejoice in the punnishment that Gods people will recieve by means of his strong hand are also bringing a heavier judgement upon themselves. Remember brothers this is not eye for an eye nor is this retribution for this is a sevear loving correction that Jehovah will bring upon his people (WTBTS) Was it not Jehovah himslef that said "I do not take delight in the destruction of the wicked one but i wish all to repent ? So why should you delight in the extream sevearity to come? Yes turn the magnify glass upon yourselves, and i ask you what spirit is it that you bring to this site? Do u share Jehovah's sentiments that not only the WTBTS should attain to true repentance for whatever wrong they are accused of but also everyone who has transgressed against Jehovah (myself included)


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