I Think I Need Therapy To Keep My Mouth Shut! ARRRRRG!

by PoliticallyNeutered2 22 Replies latest members private

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    Disclaimer: I don't claim to be an expert. The stuff in this email could be false. If you use it, use it at your own risk. Also, since about 7/05, I've earnestly tried to keep my large-scale internet presence politically/religiously neutral. Stepping on big toes with such new and powerful technology seems highly incautious in my case.

    "Do I Need Therapy??"


    I don't know if you need therapy; but, I think I do.

    I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut around that JW at work.

    I don't bother him; but, I talk to myself while I'm working the machine. I try to stay out of politics/religion and stepping on big toes, especially online. Of course, I also try to do that while working; but, when I'm sleep deprived, working 3rd shift, and scared half to death of the JW who keeps pointing at me and such while reading the insight book and new world translation, I tend to babble at the machine. I'm scared about running my mouth. I think that I need therapy to get over this. Last night was the second time I started babbling about history and politics while running a machine. I didn't say anything too dangerous; but, I shouldn't talk about historical polititcs at all at work. Even to myself in front of loud machinery.


  • PoliticallyNeutered2


    Please, someone let me know if they read this. I don't want to be talking to myself again. :)

  • AuldSoul

    I don't think therapy will help you remain a JW. JWs know that, which is why they discourage therapy except as a last resort.

    Therapy doesn't help you to do a certain thing you want to do, it helps you become more comfortable and less anxious about being yourself. I believe therapy would have the opposite effect from the one you desire, however I highly recommend therapy in your case. You seem extremely anxious about the prospect of being yourself.

    If you can't be comfortable "in your own skin," then your entire waking life will be consumed with stress. This will make your sleep-deprived state a more constant one which will, in turn, drag your general health into the gutter.


  • jwfacts

    Talk all you like, it will go over his head. Anyway, they cant d/f you for talking politics, just dont expect to get that next promotion to Br MS or Br Elder

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    From AuldSoul:

    "I don't think therapy will help you remain a JW. JWs know that, which is why they discourage therapy except as a last resort."

    Thanks for the very quick reply. I'm not a JW though. I couldn't expect anyone to know that in such a quick reply time, so I thank you again. :)

    I haven't been a JW for almost 8 years. I resigned from my MS position after I stopped being a JW in late february almost 8 years ago.

    Keeping my mouth shut has nothing to do with trying to stay a JW. It is about caution and professionalism.

    Thanks again for the very fast response, though. :)

  • Scully
    I need to learn how to keep my mouth shut around that JW at work.

    I don't bother him; but, I talk to myself while I'm working the machine. I try to stay out of politics/religion and stepping on big toes, especially online. Of course, I also try to do that while working; but, when I'm sleep deprived, working 3rd shift, and scared half to death of the JW who keeps pointing at me and such while reading the insight book and new world translation, I tend to babble at the machine.

    Imagine him wearing only his tightie whiteys while reading his insight book and NWT. Imagine him up in the platform in only his jockey shorts and socks, giving a talk like he's the Circuit Overseer, and not having a clue that he's half naked and making a complete @$$ of himself. That should be good for a laugh.

    I'm thinking that this guy must be a total coward too, if he's taunting you like that from a distance. He must realize that what he is doing is inappropriate, otherwise he wouldn't go to that kind of trouble to ensure that you would know exactly what he's doing, without anyone else catching on to the game. That's a kind of bullying. In the workplace it's a form of harassment.

    Reading the publications on the job is stealing from your employer, isn't it? Or is he being paid to do religious research? Maybe I'd go to HIS boss and complain about religious harassment and that this guy's behaviour is negatively impacting on your morale on the job.

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    I'm thinking that this guy must be a total coward too, if he's taunting you like that from a distance. He must realize that what he is doing is inappropriate, otherwise he wouldn't go to that kind of trouble to ensure that you would know exactly what he's doing, without anyone else catching on to the game. That's a kind of bullying. In the workplace it's a form of harassment.

    Thanks for the thoughtful and quick reply! From my end, his reading JW literature on the job and pointing at me and such looks like a big distraction; but, I'm pretty sure he might just frame it as religious persecution on my part. That's a very good idea, though.

    Reading the publications on the job is stealing from your employer, isn't it? Or is he being paid to do religious research? Maybe I'd go to HIS boss and complain about religious harassment and that this guy's behaviour is negatively impacting on your morale on the job.

    Maybe I really should. I should think about that. Thanks! :)

  • rebel8

    This is what I do. I always wear something with a pocket. Once I get irritated enough. I put my hand in the pocket and stick up my middle finger, all the while keeping a scary vacant smile on my face.

    Or you could try the humorous approach. Get a lipstick pencil and write 666 on your forehead when the JW is the only one around. Keep a disposable makeup remover towelette in your pocket and wipe it off when he leaves. If he tells anyone, they will come back to look and your forehead will be blank. They will think he's crazy.

    Do the same with some fake blood from Halloween. Drip some off the corners of your mouth.

    Babble about Beelzebub, blood sausage, and Baal, of course when only the JW can hear you. Act normal when everyone else is around.

    Sing, "All Along the Watchtower", followed by "Stairway to Heaven".

    Wear a t-shirt with a big pentagram on it.

    It would be really cool if you could get some green eye inserts just like Michael Jackson had in Thriller. See now who needs therapy?

  • sass_my_frass

    Geez hon, sounds like you're operating at triple normal human speed at the moment, can you take a vacation, some sick leave, basically de-stress yourself in some way? you sound completely wired.

  • jeeprube

    Why are you so concerned with being quiet about politics? As a citizen, you have the duty, right, and honor to talk about politics! That is what makes this country great, the ongoing political debate. Are you worried about offending others with your viewpoints? Don't be.

    I say speak your mind............

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