I Think I Need Therapy To Keep My Mouth Shut! ARRRRRG!

by PoliticallyNeutered2 22 Replies latest members private

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    from rebel8:

    This is what I do. I always wear something with a pocket. Once I get irritated enough. I put my hand in the pocket and stick up my middle finger, all the while keeping a scary vacant smile on my face.

    Hehe. Thanks for the suggestions. :)

    That might indeed provide with another outlet for my emotions besides talking to myself. :) Maybe I'll try it. :)

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    from sass_my_frass:

    Geez hon, sounds like you're operating at triple normal human speed at the moment, can you take a vacation, some sick leave, basically de-stress yourself in some way? you sound completely wired.

    Thanks. :) I got some sleep this afternoon. My weekend has started. Oddly, they gave me the night off the night before this crazy day. They said that they had run out of work for many of us to do, and cut back many of our hours for the night. Hmmmm.... Thanks again. :)

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    Disclaimer: I don't claim to be an expert. The stuff in this email could be false. If you use it, use it at your own risk. Also, since about 7/05, I've earnestly tried to keep my large-scale internet presence politically/religiously neutral. Stepping on big toes with such new and powerful technology seems highly incautious in my case.

    From jeeprub:

    Why are you so concerned with being quiet about politics? As a citizen, you have the duty, right, and honor to talk about politics! That is what makes this country great, the ongoing political debate. Are you worried about offending others with your viewpoints? Don't be.

    I say speak your mind............

    Thanks for the reply. I basically can't comment on freedom of speech in the U.S.; because it would violate my disclaimer. That's a highly political topic. Thanks for trying to encourage me though. :)
  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    Thanks for the quick reply, jwfacts. I felt as if I really needed a quick reply at the time. :)

  • whyamihere

    Like I always say:

    If you don't have anything nice to say.....sit by me.

    I never keep my mouth shut....its therapy in itself!


  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    I never keep my mouth shut....its therapy in itself! Brooke

    Hehe. :) Thanks. :)

    This does remind me of a bright side to the situation: If I keep my job and such, I babbled less this time then I did last time; and, I think that I will be able to keep my mouth shut entirely next time. At least I hope so. :) Isn't practice good therapy or something?

    Thanks again. :)

  • avishai

    I've HAD Jw's point and stare, and I walk right up to them and ask, "Can I help you?"

    And when they stutter and say , uhh, no, I generally say well, use that finger for something other than pointing, OK?

  • PoliticallyNeutered2

    From avishai:

    I've HAD Jw's point and stare, and I walk right up to them and ask, "Can I help you?"

    And when they stutter and say , uhh, no, I generally say well, use that finger for something other than pointing, OK?

    Thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone in the first part of that experience. It helps, I think. :)

  • SPAZnik

    Blow him a kiss and run your tongue over your teeth.

  • rebel8

    PS: From http://www.workplacefairness.org/index.php?page=religion&agree=yes#top

    What do I do if a coworker is making me uncomfortable by talking about religious matters? Your coworker has the legal right to discuss your own religious beliefs with you or other employees if he or she wishes to do so. However, your coworker cannot persist to the point of being hostile, intimidating, or offensive. Otherwise, you can claim that you have been subjected to a hostile work environment on the basis of religion, and may have a valid legal claim against your employer if the employer does not make your coworker stop. When confronted by a coworker who wants to discuss religious matters, the first step is to let that person know that the discussion is making you uncomfortable and you do not want to continue discussing religion. That may resolve the problem, as your coworker might not have understood your objections or discomfort with the subject. If the problem continues, however, you may need to notify your supervisor or your company's human resources department. Your company should have a policy for dealing with harassment complaints, including complaints of religious harassment, and once your employer is aware of the problem, it must take steps to address it.

    It also goes on to say that the employer has the right to limit discussions of religion in the work area during work time, just as he/she has the right to limit pursuit of personal matters while he/she is being paid to work. (highlighter stuck on again)

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